Seducing women is a hard process if you don't know what you're doing. This article gives great information on 4 ways to master the art of seduction.
If you're like me, then you one of your desired outcomes from dating women is to end up in your bedroom.
Now in order to make things more intimate, you have to know how to seduce a woman. But how can you do this without looking like a fool.
Well, there is actually a pretty simple process for mastering the art of seduction. In this article, I'll show you 4 simple ways you can transform yourself into a guy who seduces women with confidence and ease
Let's get started...
@1#- Focus On Improving Yourself
Knowing how to seduce women doesn't come naturally for many men.
In fact, it takes lots of practice. So how do you get practice?
It's simple- get out there and start meeting women!
The more women you meet, the more you can work on improving your seduction techniques. Use every interaction with a woman to practice your skills and techniques training. In essence, you're learning how to master seduction by increasing your opportunities.
Now if you feel have limited time, then start prioritizing things in your life.
For instance, you might want to get rid of the non-essential things in your life like playing video games or watching TV.
Think of it this way...
Would you rather watch a show about life or actually go out and live it?
@2#- Plan Everything
Like a general in the army, you have to formulate your plan of attack.
Unlike other guys, who have fail with women, you'll achieve great success by creating a plan of action to seduce more women.
What you want to do is plan out the seduction process from the moment you talk to the woman to the moment that you have sex.
The most important aspect to this process is to know your 'escalation points'. In essence, an escalation point is the action that'll help advance to the next step in the seduction process.
So if you want to seduce a woman, you have to plan out the following:
* Where you go on the date
* How to seduce her in the conversation
* How to transition from talking to kissing her
* How to get her back to her place
* The way to initiate foreplay
* How to transition from foreplay to sex
@3#- Have Patience
One mistake guys make is to rush things and put too much pressure on women. Usually doing this can have disastrous results!
In order to become a master seducer you have to learn how to take your time and have patience. This means focusing on creating the right mood, talking to her in a seductive manner and properly doing foreplay.
Typically taking your time and enjoying the experience will increase your likelihood for seducing a woman.
@4#- Learn To Deal With Rejection
I want to be honest here...
There WILL be times where you'll be rejected by women!
But instead of being frustrated and annoyed, you should learn how to deal with it in a positive and upbeat manner.
Just remember there will be moments when some women aren't in the mood for sex or won't feel it's time to make things intimate.
When this happens, just move on and don't act weird. Furthermore don't get angry and take it out on her.
My rule of thumb is when you act like you don't care about having sex you'll end up having more of it!
But if you follow my advice on how to seduce a woman and time things right, you'll probably eliminate most chances of rejection.
Bottom line- if you sit down, plan out your seduction process and practice the steps in this article, you'll become a master at seduction!
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