Loneliness can lead people into strange bonds and unknown alleys of life. It makes them so desperate that they knowingly walk into frivolous affairs for a night, called “one-night stands”, to feel loved for a single night. If you’re an adult and choose to opt for a ‘no strings attached’ relationship, it is perfectly fine. But do remember that this comes with some responsibilities you must shoulder.
Here are 5 essential precautions that you must observe for your very own safety.
#1# Take appropriate protection.
You don’t want to be punished forever for one fun-filled night, so be alert and take precautions. Make this a rule to never ever jump into the act without taking proper protection. Pills don’t work always so insist on the guy wearing a condom. If the guy refuses on wearing a condom, get out of there fast. It’s not worth the fun at all.
#2# Be sure of what you want and inform your partner about the same.
Before you get into something, ensure that you have the capability to get in and out of such bonds. Talk to your ‘partner in fun’ openly and let him know about your short-term intentions in time. Also keep your heart in check so that you don’t start getting emotionally involved or all hell will break loose. After all, you don’t want to keep dreaming about someone who desired you only for a night. At the same time you don’t want to be haunted and followed by someone for months for the act of a night. So ensure that you and your partner are on the same page.
#3# Keep friends out of it.
When you are not going to see him again then what’s the point in telling friends about him or introducing him to them? He is not going to become a part of your life so don’t make him a part of your social circle either. Don’t go to such a place for dinner with him where you are likely to run into friends. Order in food if you can. If you stay with roommates and you are shacking up at your place, ensure that your roommate is away and is unlikely to catch you with him. Though she won’t have a right to comment on your involvements, why let her in on your secrets that will leave her uncomfortable. Similarly, don’t meet his friends. Simply because it’s a small world and if you run into his friends while at work or when you are with a prospective love interest, you don’t want them to question you about your one-night guy.
#4# No photographs please.
It’s not a bond for even a few weeks, forget a lifetime, so why create memories. Memories of someone you don’t intend meeting again makes no sense and will create only heart ache and will give birth to unanswerable questions. So don’t take any photographs and don’t allow the guy to click any either. He’s in it for ‘no strings attached’ fun as well, then why should he need to create memories.
#5# Avoid personal conversations and exchange of personal information.
Just like you don’t need to create memories, you don’t need to create routes for staying in touch either. If you run into each other again, it’s destiny. But don’t exchange phone numbers or addresses or your personal blog details on your own because it might create hope in his heart or yours for a little more. If he insists on your contact information, give wrong details and get out of there.
The rules of this game are simple. Once you have gotten into a one-night stand, you must stick to your decision of keeping it as a one-night stand, unless you both talk it out to take it further mutually. In that case, it no longer remains a one-night stand and becomes a beginning to a new love story. But for one-night stands, ‘take precautions, have fun, get-in and get-out and don’t look back’ is the funda.
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