Sunday, November 5, 2017

13 Ways To Emotionally Connect With A Woman

It’s all about the dubious concept that we men are so terribly afraid of. It’s about emotions and yes, it’s also about your emotions.

It might come as a surprise to you, but triggering deep emotional connections in women is not possible when you are an emotionless rock who thinks that tears are the lubrication of your weak soul.

In order to make this work, you need a good relationship with your own emotions.

13 Ways To Emotionally Connect With A Woman:

Attraction and connection are no separate constructs. They are interlinked. Connection is a partial aspect of the attraction formula.

A strong emotional connection (in combination with sexual attraction) is what attracts a woman to you.

#1# Skip Superficial Small Talk

You can trigger positive emotions in a woman within seconds, not hours. How? You can do it by being different and by not doing what everyone else does.

Everyone else tortures women with meaningless small talk.

You: “Hey, I know that this is a bit weird, but I had to come over and talk to you. You have such an adventurous energy that I just can’t resist.”

She: “Thank you. Yes, I am a very adventurous person.”

You: “Oh, that’s cool. What’s the most adventurous thing you have done so far?”

Boom, you are in!

That’s how easy it is to find out more about her and to connect with her in the process.

Just imagine if she would say “Thank you. Yes, I am a very adventurous person” and you would reply “so, what do you study?”

#2# Connect With Yourself And The World

Now that I bashed small talk it’s time to get philosophical.

Avoiding small talk is fine but what if you are discussing deep and intimate topics with a voice that sounds like a whiny dog who is begging for attention?

Neediness doesn’t only kill attraction, it also kills connection.

You might be able to masquerade your neediness with fake self-esteem for the first couple of minutes, but you won’t be able to play this game forever. Remember, you might want to make her your girlfriend and she will eventually unmask you.

That’s why it is so important to connect with yourself.

Have you eliminated your neediness by connecting with yourself and the world?

Well, if it’s the case; then you are ready to give value.

#3# Be Real And Give Value

Connecting with a woman on an emotional level is about giving value, not about taking value. That’s something that the vast majority of pick up artists still have to learn.

It’s not about “gaming her” and it’s also not about “being the prize”.

Your goal should be to give women as much value as you possibly can.

And no, I am not talking about material value. That only works with gold diggers and has absolutely zero to do with real connection. I am talking about giving value through your personality, your life experience, your behavior and your words.

I know that this is a terribly abstract concept that might need a couple of examples for further understanding. Here they are:

· You can give value by making a woman feel good through an honest compliment.

· You can give value by telling her an entertaining story.

· You can give value by being a genuine guy who treats her like a gentleman.

· You can give value by sharing your dreams and vision with her.

· You can give value by inviting her to take part in your life.

There are many ways you can give value to a woman that have absolutely everything with a real connection.

#4# Look Into Her Eyes

I know how hard it is. You are staring at two perfectly shaped balloons that couldn’t be more enticing. You are wondering what it would feel like to hold them, caress them and kiss them.

Her eyes! Don’t you see them? Up there!

It’s time to shift your focus.

For now the goal is to create an emotional connection and her eyes are way better to reach this goal.

The eyes are the mirror to the soul.

Look into the mirror and allow her to feel a connection. Look into her eyes while you think “You are mine”. She will feel your energy and she’ll want to be yours.

#5# Connect With Your True Opinion

It’s so enticing to tell her exactly what she wants to hear. It is so easy to just say “yes and amen” to every statement she makes and to every question she asks. Just remember that the easiest path is not always the best.

“I really love Miley Cyrus. She is a role model for all women and the lyrics of her songs are so deep!”

You are so right! She is my favorite singer!

This is ludicrous and extremely dangerous.

Hiding your opinion and lying in order to be liked is the fastest way to force her to lose respect for you. It’s the fastest way to an awkward smile, closed legs and unanswered calls.

Learning how to emotionally connect with a woman requires learning how to share your true opinion. A real connection is only possibly if you are 100% honest.

#6# Mirror Her Actions

Mirroring is a very powerful psychological technique that has the power to create an emotional connection fast and easy. When you mirror people, you imitate them. You talk like them, you stand like them, you walk like them and you behave like them.

Let her touch her mirror.

This can be pretty awkward when you exaggerate it, but it’s highly effective when you allow mirroring to flow naturally into your interaction. In fact, we all do it on a subconscious level whenever we interact with people. Mirroring can lead to deep rapport and it makes connecting with another human being fairly easy.

It gives the other person the feeling that you get them and that you are just like them.

When it comes to learning how to emotionally connect with a woman you take this skill that already exists in your sub-consciousness and use it as a conscious seduction skill. Sounds pretty tricky, but it’s actually very easy.

Here are a few examples of what you can do on a date:

· Does she use very positive words, such as amazing, incredible or awesome? Mirror her by using the same positive words and expressions.

· Does she sit there with an open body language? Mirror her by displaying an open body language.

· Does she gesticulate a lot while she is talking? Do the same.

Mirroring is a powerful technique to emotionally connect with any girl you want. Use it.

#7# Share Your Stories With Her

Storytelling can be a way of giving value, at least when the stories are entertaining, inspiring or otherwise educating. They should be true.

You are a Global Seducer. Adventure is in your DNA.

There must be something you can tell the women you are meeting and dating. You must have experienced some crazy adventures of your own.

Every man who wants to learn how to emotionally connect with a woman should have an interesting lifestyle that leads to some crazy stories.

Women love stories. Stories have the power to release Oxytocin, the female lust hormone. Oxytocin is also called the bonding hormone. This is how powerful good stories really are.

#8# Confidently Joke About Yourself

Women love confident men and one obvious sign of confidence is the ability to joke about yourself. It shows that you are stronger than your own ego. It shows that you are confident with your flaws. This is authentic and very attractive.

When you joke about yourself she automatically assumes that you are confident in your own skin. This makes her like you even more. It becomes easier for her to open up to a man who is okay with his flaws than to one who is so insecure that he tries to hide them. This openness compared with humor allows her to feel a strong emotional connection.

#9# Connect Through Her Values

There’s one thing you should always ask yourself when you sit next to a woman who you want to seduce.

“What are her values?”

Values are the principles of behavior and judgement that we all live by. Everyone has different values. While girl #1 might value having fun and entertainment more than anything else, girl #2 might value family the most. It should be obvious which one of those girls is relationship material.

Finding out her values allows you to figure out how fast you can escalate and in which direction she wants your relationship to go.

As a little bonus it also allows you to connect with her on a very deep level. Humans like to be around other humans who have the same beliefs.

Find out her core values and see if your values are compatible.

Are they compatible? Talk about your values and show her that you are perfect for each other.

Are they not compatible? Decide if you want to pursue her anyway or move on to a girl with compatible values.

#10# Use What She Gives You

Sometimes you don’t even have to ask for her values. If you have the patience maintain a little silence and to listen to her, she’ll tell you everything from her values to her life. Women love to talk

Let her do the talking and filter out the important cues that can help you to seduce her. A woman who is interested in you will always give you hints and tips on how to seduce her and on how to connect with her.

She is your greatest ally. Treat her accordingly.

Listen closely and pay full attention. Behind every word is a potential hint. Something she likes. Something she doesn’t like. Gather it all and use it to connect with her.

#11# Show Your Vulnerable Side

At the beginning, I told you that we are going to talk about your emotions.

It’s time to dig for your vulnerabilities. You know that they are somewhere. Keep on digging.

I know you have them. Every man has them. Most men are just too afraid to show them.

But you are smarter than most men. You know that women don’t really want the indestructible alpha guy without feelings. Yes, they want a leader, but they want a leader who is emotionally strong enough to not burry his emotions under a protective coat of fake strength.

You are really strong. You are emotionally strong. You are man enough to allow emotions and to show them. Of course, you don’t do it in a needy way. You do it in a sincere and authentic way.

You say: “I think that a lot of single men would love to share their life with an amazing woman. I am not different. I believe that this is natural.”

#12# Share Your Fears

Your fears are one aspect of your vulnerable side and there is nothing wrong with sharing them. Not every woman will understand your fears, but the ones who do will feel even more connected to you.

And the ones who don’t? There’s no connection to be lost.

#13# Share Your Vision

There is one thing that’s even more important than sharing your fears and that’s sharing your vision. Women are sick of men without dreams, aspirations and vision. There is a reason why it’s easier for a poor entrepreneur like me to attract amazing women than for a well-off accountant who hates his job and his life.

I have a vision. He doesn’t. My energy is filled with passion and determination. His energy is filled with frustration and doubt. Sorry, but when it comes to emotionally connecting with women, a green bank account can’t compensate for a red energy.

Seduction is a holistic concept and your vision is one part of this concept. When a woman feels this energy, it is impossible for her to not feel a strong connection to you.