Thursday, March 8, 2018

30 Added Signs Which Shows She Likes You

Here are 30 more signs to look for in a girl if she likes you: 

1. She Looks Back and Glances at You Repeatedly Every Minute or So. 

2. She Turns Her Body Towards You. 

3. She Holds Eye Contact for Longer Periods of Time When She Speaks With You. 

4. She Asks You for Your Name. 

5. She Asks You a Lot of Questions. 

6. She Stands Nearby. 

7. She Asks You for a Light or the Time or in Any Way Initiates a Conversation. 

8. She Plays with Her Hair While Talking to You. 

9. She Compliments You. 

10. She Punches Your Arm While Laughing. 

11. She Laughs at Your Jokes, Even When They Aren’t Funny. 

12. If It Comes Up That You Like Something, She Mentions That She Likes It Too. 

13. She Re-initiates Conversations When You Stop Talking. 

14. She Asks if You Have a Girlfriend. 

15. She Mentions Your Girlfriend Without Knowing If You Actually Have One. 

16. She turns Playful and Tries to Challenge You. 

17. She Touches You. 

18. When She Says or Does Something, She Looks at You to See Your Reaction. 

19. She Tries to Build Rapport. 

20. She Introduces You to Friends. 

21. Her Friends Go (to the Bathroom or Bar or Dancing) But She Stays. 

22. While You are Talking to Her Group, She Is Particularly Talkative to Get Your Attention. 

23. She Calls You a Player or a Heart-breaker. 

24. She Invents Reasons to Be Near You, Interact with You, or Be Alone with You. 

25. She Avoids Mentioning Her Boyfriend. 

26. On Her Way Out, She Re-approaches You to Tell You That She is Leaving. 

27. On Your Way Out, She Asks You Where You Are Going. 

28. She Doesn’t Flinch or Pull Back if You Happen to Get Too Close. 

29. If You Move, She Follows You or Waits for You. 

30. She Doesn’t Resist When Things Get Sexual.