Monday, January 15, 2018

How To Avoid The Friend Zone?

Are you afraid about being just a friend to the girl you like? Wondering how to avoid the friend zone? Just understand these pointers and use these tips. You’ll never fall into the friend zone with any girl ever.

Here are few things to understand and to apply if you want to avoid falling into the friend zone.

The friend zone is a tricky place to fall in.

You may be trying hard to get close to a girl, close enough to tell her that you like her, but one fine day she turns around and tells you that you are such a great friend, or worse, you’re just like a brother to her.

Guys find themselves falling into the friend zone almost all the time.

It’s frustrating and demeaning, as well as inevitable, also.

You may get really close to a girl with all the hopes of getting into her pants, but somewhere along the way, you may have taken a few detours that led you right into the friend zone.

What Is A Friend Zone?

A friend zone is a happy place for a girl. It’s a place where she and a guy can sit together and talk about anything and get real friendly with each other.

For a guy, a friend zone is the worst place to be in, especially when he likes the girl who behaves like a friend.

In a friend zone, the two involved friends of the opposite sex are just friends and nothing more. They project no sexual interest towards each other and behave in a completely platonic manner.

But can any guy ever be friends with a girl he finds sexually attractive? The answer is, of course not. He can try to be a friend with the hope of getting an occasional cuddle or a warm boob pressing hug now and then, but he’s always going to be just a friend while she dates every other guy in the yearbook.

How Do Guys Fall Into The Friend Zone?

A guy falls into a friend zone for very obvious reasons. He behaves like a friend. And he never lets the girl know that he has more than friendly intentions on his mind.

And soon enough, the girl loses all realization of the fact that this guy has a package down there. And he just becomes another sexless thing she hangs out with all the time as a platonic friend.

So why do some guys end up as friends instead of boyfriends or sex buddies? Here are the reasons.

@1# They Become Too Close.

Getting too close to a girl on platonic grounds will never help you. You may assume that it’s the easiest way to get a girl to know you better. She’ll definitely get to know you better, but only as a friend.

@2# Lack of Sexual Chemistry.

If a guy likes a girl, he has to make it subtly obvious that he is sexually interested in her. If a guy behaves like a pushover and a doormat, no girl will feel even a tingle of sexual chemistry.

@3# The Girl is Not Attracted.

This sucks, but this is the most common scenario. The guy’s probably creepy, annoying or just not good enough to be her boyfriend.

@4# The Guy Thinks She Is Too Good.

At times, a guy may genuinely believe that the girl he likes is way too good for him. And instead of hitting on her, he secretly lusts for her, but gives up on pursuing her. Could you ever live with yourself by just being the friend of a sexy girl who dates every other guy except you?

@5# He Plays The True Friend.

It works in the movies. The girl has a best friend who’s always there for her. She goes ahead and dates every single guy in the world, and finally, at the end of the movie she sees her true love in the form of her best friend. How touching! And that’s why they call it the movies. In real life, you can’t become a girl’s boyfriend just by behaving like a best friend.

How To Avoid Falling Into The Friend Zone?

It is really easy to avoid falling into the friend zone. All you need to do is drop a few hints now and then to let her know that you’re really into her. One can use these easy tips to get the message across and get her to desire you.

@1# Be a friend without behaving like her other friends.

Don’t talk nonsense for hours or spend time talking about her problems in life. Talk about places she visits, movies she’s watched, and her plans for the weekend. Talk date talk and she’ll sense the chemistry in the air

@2# Talk to her when she is alone. 

If her other friends are around, talk to her if you must or just avoid her. You can’t really hit on a girl when she’s surrounded by a group of friends.

But when you find her alone, make sure you turn on your charm and impress her. If you find her alone start chatting with her. She will get the hint that you like spending time with her alone. Make it obvious that you like spending time with her in whatever way possible, but don’t ask her out or tell her you like her just yet.

@3# Compliment her when she deserves it.

Never lose an opportunity to compliment her. If she looks good, tell her she looks hot. If you see a hint of cleavage and she catches you staring, just laugh, apologize and tell you couldn’t resist it. Add a few funny sexual remarks and you’ll never get into the friend zone.

@4# Touch her and treat her like your girlfriend.

Do it respectfully. Clasp her hand while crossing the street and open doors for her when it’s just the both of you. Make her feel like a queen, and she will love the attention. But when her friends are around, don’t give her any preferential treatment. Let her realize that you are special to her only when it’s just the two of you.

@5# Make her feel special and exclusive. 

Gift her something small and personal, but tell her to keep it a secret. When you create secrets, you build sexual chemistry and suspense, which leads to romance.

@6# Ask her out and change the topic.

When you’re talking to her for a while, ask her out for lunch or coffee. See how she responds. But within a second, change the topic. Don’t wait for her to answer. It’ll seem like a joke, but it will still make her wonder if you really do want to date her. Don’t make things awkward by waiting a while before saying something else. Keep it simple, keep it funny and yet reveal all the thoughts in your mind, and change the topic immediately.

By understanding the above pointers and applying the given tricks, one can obviously avoid falling into the friend zone with a girl. If fact, he will be able to create a secret desire inside her.