Sunday, April 1, 2018

30 Body Language Signs Which Show Cheating

There are some obvious signs of cheating and infidelity. These signs of infidelity can be sensed through knowing the top body language signs of lying.

The following are 30 body language movements which show you signs of lying. No more being oblivious to behavioral signs of infidelity, here is how you can help yourself to learn the truth.

Body Language Signs Which Show Lies And Cheating:

@1# Limited physical movements and face expression. This is due to the fact that lying is stressful and a cheater would try to maintain control of the situation making sure you accept the lie.

@2# Tighter lips.

@3# Forehead tightens; often you can see wrinkles between the eyebrows.

@4# The cheater takes less space literally. Shoulder may be pulled back or elbows are pulled back to the side of body.

@5# Speaking in monotonous tone, leaving out lots of pronouns in sentences.

@6# Trailing off end of sentences, hesitation in the tone of voice.

@7# Talking a little faster than normal and the voice pitch is higher than normal.

@8# Answering questions a little slower than normal, especially if followed by excessive eye movements.

@9# Often a cheater will touch his face especially nose, mouth and chin area subconsciously. Earlobes and behind the ear are also areas to watch out for.

@10# Pale face and hands or extremely red face and hands.

@11# Breathing more heavily. You can even hear it at times.

@12# Avoiding eye contact, squinting or even closing eyes while talking to you.

@13# Increased heart rate. This is not easy to detect.

@14# Palms are not revealed. It’s in a closed position.

@15# Emotional gesture is longer than usual and it suddenly stops or changes.

@16# The expression of the lower part of face does not match the eyes.

@17# Emotional expression does not match words being said.

@18# Avoiding certain subjects by using humor or sarcasm.

@19# Placing objects between you and the cheater or standing far from you.

@20# Standing a little too close to you to imitate closeness.

@21# He may turn his body away when being asked something he is not comfortable to answer.

@22# He gets defensive rather than offensive.

@23# He will also be very happy if you change the subject rather than getting confused why you brought up the previous subject in the first place.

@24# His sentences are complex and seem to be perfect to convince you of his lies.

@25# He uses longer sentences to take time so that he can lie on the spot better.

@26# His answers are not direct.

@27# He is uncomfortable with silence as he is wondering whether or not he’s about to get caught lying.

@28# The cheater will make meaningless comments and statements to distract your attention.

@29# His words and facial expressions don’t seem synchronized.

@30# The cheater will use more words and reasons to explain actions he does that show signs of infidelity.