Sunday, May 13, 2018

How To Influence With Touch?

Several research studies have found that touching is influential and persuasive. In other words, when you touch other people, they are more likely to agree to your request.

Touch is certainly persuasive and influential. People who are touched end up being more agreeable, in better moods, and see requests in a more pleasant light. Touching others makes them want to help, agree, or do as you ask.

How to Influence with Touch?

By proper touching, you can influence and persuade your lover. If you want your date or mate to do something for you, touch them before you ask. Here are some examples:

(a) Touch the hand or upper arm of a potential date as you tell them about a great place you would like them to go with you for dinner.

(b) Touch a lover’s shoulder or back as you ask them to buy you a drink, dinner, or a present.

(c) Give your mate a quick snuggle and a kiss before you ask them to take the trash out or tackle those dirty dishes.

(d) Rub a partner's back before making a gesture to get more intimate.

In any case, find an excuse to touch and increase your chances of hearing a ‘yes’. Touch while you suggest that second date. Touch when you offer them a drink back at your place. Touch when you want them to make dinner tonight. Touch them at proper time and place and get what you want.


Touching is influential and persuasive. If you don't touch a date, lover, or mate, then they might not be as attentive or agreeable as you would like. So, make sure to rub your lover the right way. Find excuses, opportunities, and ways to touch as often as possible. Get comfortable with touch and increase your ability to persuade your lover.