Wednesday, May 9, 2018

15 Signs: A Girl Is Flirting With You

The art of flirting is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Women are known all over the world as innovators of subtlety, so it’s up to the man to remain keenly aware of every gesture, every word and every glance she throws your way.

Here are 15 most identifiable signs that a woman is flirting with you. This means when these behaviors are not exhibited, you can reasonably deduce that she is not interested.

Sign 1: Sexy Eye Contact

It all starts with the eyes, doesn’t it? If you notice her ogling you from head to toe, that’s a sure sign that she’s is interested in you.

Sign 2: Smile

The smile is one of the universal signs that you are feeling positive towards someone. Provided it is genuine, then the man should be able to deduce that his presence is appreciated.

Sign 3: Initiates Conversation

If a girl initiates the conversation, this is a major sign that she is into you. Typically, most women usually wait for the guy to come over to her. So this is a really good sign for the man if she has taken the first step.

Sign 4: Playful Touches

Personal space is mostly about 18 inches, but if a woman gets into your area code, or even finds excuses to playfully touch you, you can always guarantee that she is interested.

Sign 5: Sexual Innuendos

Once the conversation starts going strong, and she begins to lob those R-rated jokes your way, it’s a healthy indicator that she wants to know how ‘with it’ you really are.

Sign 6: Stepping Into Private Space

A woman who stays inside a ‘safe distance’ from you is probably nervous, especially if she is not particularly touchy-feely. But if she happens to do any lingering touches where she doesn’t quickly remove her hand, then realize she is trying to get your vibe.

Sign 7: Hair Twirling

The unconscious habit of a woman playing with her hair means that she is curious or open to a man’s advances. Men normally keep watch if she begins wrapping her fingers around her hair and know to keep the conversation flowing.

Sign 8: Laughing At Your Jokes

A big part of flirting involves humor and the reactions shared between two interested people. A man is able to judge if she is really trying to bust up your funny bone. If you’re a woman who’s unable to have good comedic timing, don’t worry, a good guy will be able to offer you an opportunity to laugh in full.

Sign 9: Lively Banter

Women are great listeners and interject comments to keep the conversation lively. If she is interested, a man will notice that she will expostulate endlessly about anything that you too find fascinating.

Sign 10: Lack of Inhibition

If you’re lucky to strike a great conversation with a woman and the chat is as if you’ve been friends for years, it’s because she is comfortable with you. That comfort is a genuine flirt maneuver that only works if both parties are game.

Sign 11: Flared Nostrils

Similar to eyes in the manner that they are expressive, a woman’s flared nostrils convince that she is interested in knowing the scent of your cologne, but doesn’t want to make it obvious. This is one of the most overlooked signs of body language that a keen man can only appreciate after being equally interested in a woman.

Sign 12: Touching or Caring Erogenous Zones

When a woman intentionally breaks the contact barrier during any point of a conversation, it is a sure sign that she’s interested. Whether it is as obvious as touching your knee while making a point, or as slight as brushing her cheek against yours to tell you a secret, she means a lot. Her touching of such erogenous zones mean that she is on her way of showing you that she is in synchronization with you.

Sign 13: Extra Primping

Whether a woman strokes your hair, tilts her hip, or licks her lips, it is all done with the intention of calling attention to her attractiveness.

Sign 14: She Faces You

When a woman is focusing her energy or body towards yours, she is giving you the signal that she is open to your advances. A man should be receptive to how a woman positions her feet to acknowledge whether or not she wants to kick it with him.

Sign 15: Well Placed Double Entendres

A man is able to pick up on a woman who is flirting with him especially if it involves subtle double meaning that holds an erotic undercurrent. Even an unremarkable phrase like, “You can look, but don’t touch,” can be alluring when said by a beautiful woman and a man will play tit-for-tat however she likes.