Friday, June 15, 2018

How To Compliment A Girl?

A compliment shows that you have noticed how nice a woman she really is. So, it’s important to know how to compliment a girl when you are trying to make a lasting impression.  

There are many ways to compliment a girl and they are always going to sound nice.

How To Compliment A Girl?

One of the first things you should know about complimenting a girl is to be sincere. Be genuine when you compliment a girl, and if she does see the sincerity in your eyes, she will be more flattered and will appreciate your compliment.

If you are just playing out rehearsed compliments, she would only feel uncomfortable and annoyed when she realizes you are just trying to compliment her to get your way into her pants.

To compliment a girl, you need to understand the different ways you can do it, while flattering her at the same time.

1@ Compliment a girl for her beautiful looks

This is time tested and perfect all year round. You obviously know your date looks beautiful, or you wouldn’t be with her. So when you meet her at the date, compliment her on how beautiful or cute or gorgeous or pretty she looks.

2@ Stare at her often

Stare at her often when you are on a date with her. It’s one of the best compliments a guy can ever give a girl. This does come naturally when you’re smitten by a beautiful girl who is out on a date with you, but remember this as one of those quiet compliments.

If you can’t help staring at a girl and getting lost in her eyes or her beauty, it just shows how happy you are to be with her. You can also tell her how happy she makes you feel. That is another great compliment for a girl.

3@ Compliment her with words

One of the best ways in knowing how to compliment a girl is to do it with words. Not the spoken ones, the written ones.

Love stories and poems have been written by men to profess their love for their sweetheart. It would be really flattering if you could write a poem, but your girlfriend would definitely settle for something you are capable of doing, and that’s sending a sweet text after the date or picking a beautiful card to profess your feelings for her.

4@ Compliment for her skills

Most men assume girls don’t like to be complimented for anything other than their appearance, but that is just not true. As a matter of fact, women are so accustomed to being complimented only for their good looks that it doesn’t soften their heart as much as a character compliment could.

So the next time you are out with your woman and she shows off one of her great skills, whatever it may be, compliment her if it awes you.

5@ Compliment her femininity

Compliment her feminine side like kindness, her caring nature, the way she smiles and makes time stand still, the cute thing she does with her hair, or the way she fans herself when she is feeling hot and the blushing awkward faces she makes when you compliment her.

Knowing how to compliment a girl for her femininity is such a beautiful way to acknowledge her beauty and her sweet ways without really talking about her physical attributes.

6@ Compliment a girl with your chivalry

Men have always been acknowledged as the protectors. When you are out on a date, make your date feel special and well taken care of. Pull her seat back for her, assist her whenever she needs assistance and pay attention to her every whim and fancy. Being chivalrous and ensuring that the girl with you is having a perfect time is one of the best ways to silently compliment the girl you are with.

And you can rest assured on this, if you are chivalrous and warm during the date, she will feel warm and fuzzy all throughout the date too.

Things to know before you compliment a girl:

a) If you’re ever confused about complimenting a girl, some of the best aspects to compliment a girl are her eyes, hair, lips, her fragrance and her voice. It’s safe, and yet, very personal. It’s hard for any girl to forget a compliment that involves these aspects.

b) Don’t ever compliment her girlie parts during the first date or two. You can always use those sexy lines once you have grown closer and she trusts you better.

c) The best compliments are the spontaneous ones. To understand how to compliment a girl sincerely, you always need to remember this pointer.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

How To Charm A Girl?

Every guy wants to know how to charm a girl into liking him. But many fail in their pursuit because they don’t know “the necessary five things” in order to charm a girl. Find out what those five things are, and how to use them to your advantage.

You may have seen some guy chatting with a girl, and the girl laughing in delight and calling him a charmer.

Being complimented as a charmer by a girl is one of the best compliments any guy can ever get from a girl. It’s not about your looks, it’s not about your physique or your geek quotient.

It’s purely your wit and how amazing you are at charming a girl.

How To Charm A Girl?

So what exactly is charming a girl? Charming a girl is not about flirting with her or touching her in places.

You would know you are charming a girl when you make her feel so happy that she could kiss you right there.

In this article, you will find the five really important things you need to know to charm your way into a girl’s heart. You can exchange a lot of looks and share an intense eye contact with a girl, but you can’t charm her with that.

To charm a girl, you need to create an impression beyond looks and your swagger.

Charming a girl starts with a conversation and it pretty much ends there. It is all about how you communicate with her and make her feel happy and glad. Use these five tips and you will get there even before you know it.

5 Important Things To Charm A Girl:

Step 1@ Talk About What She Likes

You may think this is unnecessary. Most guys do. Most guys wonder why they have to talk only about something a girl likes. Why can’t girls talk about what a guy likes too?

Of course, girls can. Girls do take an active interest in trying to get to know what guys like to talk about too. But at times, especially when you are trying to make an impression, it’s always better to be aware of what is going on in a girl’s mind. Now talking about what a girl likes doesn’t really mean couture, diamonds or cosmetics. The bridge between girls and guys has narrowed down a lot these days. It’s really easy to have an interesting conversation without breaking into a sweat. Stay away from tech reviews, calculations and sports and you should be fine.

Step 2@ Flatter Her

When you talk to a girl, it’s easy to get her talking back to you. But that is not enough. If you want to know how to charm a girl, you need to make her feel comfortable, and let her know you are interested in her.

Friends don’t charm each other. So if you are going to talk to her like a friend, she may think you are a great guy. But she won’t think you are a charming guy. To be seen as a charming guy in a girl’s eyes, she needs to see you as a dating potential. And to do that, you need to flatter her.

Don’t go saying yawn inspiring things like ‘you look beautiful’, ‘you are so pretty’, or something along those lines. It’s too boring and so not genuine. Instead, be vaguely specific when you compliment her. She’s got a new hairdo? Say something like “You look really cute today. Is that a new hairstyle?” Cute is a nice word to use because men hardly ever use that word. So when you do use it, she knows how much you mean it.

By flattering her, you can do three things with one line. You can warm her up and make her smile. You can make her realize that you find her pretty. And thirdly, you can let her know that you find her attractive. All of which you need to do to make her look at you as a dating potential.

Step 3@ Be Funny

Now that you have got her all smiling with a good flow of flattery and great conversations, it’s time to get into her personal space. All of us have personal spaces and we feel very uncomfortable when someone steps into it unless we are comfortable with them. To make her feel comfortable, you have got to make her have a good time with you. To make her feel comfortable, here are two pointers. Don’t tell her any jokes. Be happy when you talk to her.

Firstly, telling jokes straight out of a book is stupid. Instead, tell her about a funny real or made-up incident she can relate too.

And be happy when you talk to her if you want to charm her. When you are happy, the whole world smiles with you. If you are smiling and feeling happy, she will smile back and be happy too. But if you are nervous, you will definitely make her feel uncomfortable.

Step 4@ Flirt With Her

Guys flirt with girls all the time, but sometimes, a girl can think a flirty guy is creepy. So don’t overdo your flirting skills and gross her out. One of the best ways to start flirting is by being casual. Ask her what she does on weekends or after work, ask her about her favorite hangouts and restaurants, and just about anything that can be remotely personal. She will know you are hitting on her because no one really asks all these questions otherwise.

And out of the blue, ask this question.

“Hey, this is personal, but do you have a boyfriend? If you do, my heart’s just going to shatter into a million pieces right now.” This is something corny, but it always works its magic.

She will laugh, but this line gets your intentions across straight, and she will know you are interested in her. But don’t make things awkward by pausing after she answers the question. Go on talking about something else like that question meant nothing to you. Your intentions will be made clear, and at the very same time, you wouldn’t make her feel uncomfortable around you.

Step 5@ Touch Her

This is a dangerous ground, but something you need to learn. Touching her at the right time completes the five pointers you need to know about how to charm a girl. If you get this right, you have obviously made a great impression.

Now touching a girl is like playing with fire. Too quick a touch and you don’t feel the warmth. Too long a linger, and you will burn. See how dangerous it can be.

You can send a tingle up her spine with a simple touch if you have warmed her up already. But remember this. Touch her only if there is a reason to touch her, like touching her ear lobe when you are complimenting her earrings, brushing her hair aside when there is a gust of wind, or placing your hand on her back while crossing the street.

A touch is very personal, so you really need to be careful and see how she reacts to your touches before you touch her again.

If you want to charm a girl and impress her, use these five steps the next time you meet a girl you like. And you will see how great an impression you can make in the very first conversation.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

15 Steps To Text A Girl You Like

It becomes easy to make a girl like you if you understand some tips on how to text a girl you like and text her the right way at the right time.

Ever wondered what you have to say to a girl to make her like you?

When it comes to impressing a girl, timing is everything. Unlike guys, girls rely a lot on emotions and feelings to fall for a guy.

Guys fall for a girl at first glance as long as they find her attractive. But for a girl to like a guy, her feelings definitely play a bigger role than her eyes.

Sometimes, it’s easier to text a girl and get her to fall for you rather than wooing her on dates and impressing her with gifts.

As long as you create the perfect balance of emotional connection and infatuation, you can make any girl like you back with just a few well timed texts over a few days.

How To Text A Girl You Like?

If you want to learn the right way to text a girl, just use the following tips on how to text a girl you like and you will see how easy it really can be. But remember to take your time and make your move only after watching her reciprocation.

1@ Night Time Is The Best Time. 

If the girl you like is comfortable with texting late into the night, you have already got the edge you need. Start by texting her late in the evening and look for ways to keep the conversation going when she slips into her bed. There is something so sexy and romantic about a quiet night. It will only work in your favor.

2@ The Right Time. 

Avoid texting her or calling her up when you know she is occupied or busy with her friends. She needs to feel excited to read your text, not get bugged because you are constantly interfering with her happy time.

3@ Pick A Time To Text. 

Don’t text a girl you like all day long. If you know her routine, text her only when you know she is free to text you back. Within a couple of days of texting her, you would see that she is warmer and indulges in longer text conversations at particular times of the day.

Once you figure the happy time to text this girl, text her every day during the same time. It will make her expect your texts and her anticipation for your texts everyday will make her like you more.

4@ The Very First Text. 

If you want to know how to text a girl for the first time, don’t think too much of it. Just keep it casual and simple. “Hey! Just thought to say hi!” -is simple and just one of several ways to initiate a first text with a girl you like.

There is never a wrong way to text a girl. It’s what you do after the first text that always matters.

5@ Start With A Short Text. 

If you have been texting each other back and forth for a few days, you really don’t need to look for reasons to text her again, nor do you need long elaborate introductions.

Start with a warm and simple line that feels good to read. It leaves the conversation open and you will be able to know if she is free to text back. “Hey, what are you doing?” or even just a smiley face should work perfectly to start a conversation and bring a smile on her face. If she’s busy, she will tell you or respond when she has the time. There is no way you can go wrong with that.

6@ Keep It Short And Simple. 

Try to keep the texts short if you want to keep the conversation going. Your focus is to get her to keep all her attention on you when she is texting. And to do that, you need to keep the beeping texts going back and forth as soon as you can. Long texts can leave her bored when she is waiting for you to respond. Or worse, she may occupy herself with the television or do something else that will leave her distracted while waiting for your text.

7@ Be Interested In Her Daily Life. 

Ask her about her day. Be interested in her life and let her know that you are always interested in knowing more about her while texting each other. It will help her open up.

8@ Give Her A Pet Name. 

Pet names are very personal and unique. If you want the relationship to take the next step, you need to create a personal bond between both of you. And the best way to do just that is by giving her a pet name. Personalize the relationship both of you share and it will bring both of you closer.

9@ Don’t Flirt All The Time. 

Even if she knows you like her already, avoid flirting with her on every single instance. It will just bore her if all you do is flirt with her. Text about everyday activities and let her see that you are interested in knowing more about her and her life.

10@ Flirt When You Get The Opportunity. 

Every now and then, you would find the perfect opportunity to flirt with her. Wait for that moment and use it to tease her or pull her leg, especially when she makes a compliment about herself or talks about how good she is at doing something. A good excuse to challenge and flirt with her will always work in your favor.

11@ Get Naughty Now And Then. 

But always be vague unless you already know what she wants to hear. You can play it safe or get naughty depending on the way she texts back.

12@ Use Emoticons. 

Unless the girl you are texting specifically says she hates emoticons, make sure you leave a few kisses and a smile when you are texting her goodbye. Even if she makes a big deal of it, you can always joke about it and say it was a goodbye kiss on her cheek.

13@ Get Dirty When Possible. 

Border on dirty texts with her now and then, and watch how she responds. If she texts you and asks you what you are doing, tell her that you were up to something naughty. Make her think of you in the nude or give her occasions to talk naughty. A good way to initiate a naughty conversation is by telling her that you just stepped out of the shower, or by telling her that you are trying out a few new clothes you picked up last week at the mall. 

 14@ Create Personal Memories. 

Always look for ways to create a bond between the both of you. Tell her about your favorite song, movie or place you like. Each time she comes across something you have talked about, give her a reason to think of you.

15@ Make Her Feel Warm. 

Compliment her appearance, her personality or say anything that makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside. But focus on these texts a few minutes before both of you say goodbye. If you want her to fall for you, she has to get sexually excited by you and then has to feel romantically attached to you. That’s the way love and infatuation works.

By flirting with her, you would be able to arouse her. And by talking about how special she is or by complimenting her for her personality at the end of your texting conversation, you can make her feel romantic. It’s the perfect balance to make a girl like you while texting her.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

25 Signals: A Girl Has A Crush On You

There are some solid signals which reveal that a girl has a crush on you. From time to time they give some signals either knowingly or unknowingly. Unless someone is able to interpret those signals, it becomes tough to make it sure that she has a crush for you.

These signals can be very confusing but it’s worth to know about them and to notice them. Here are some of the top signals one should notice to know about her crush.

 5 Signals To Know If A Girl Has A Crush On You:

 Signal 1@ She Enjoys Talking To You

If a girl makes herself available and is engaged with whatever you are saying or doing, you have got a good solid signal she has all eyes on you.

Think about it for a minute. If she didn’t like you, she would be nowhere to be found.

Signal 2@ She Is The First To Crack A Smile

If she is actually belly laughing instead of giggling, that is even better. And if you are both laughing together, that is just bonus.

When a girl makes a point of making sure you know she thinks you are funny, whether you are or not, that is just magical.

Signal 3@ She Is Shy Of Your Eyes

Sometimes you may notice that she gets a little sheepish when you are staring directly at her.

This isn’t about a lack of confidence. It’s about caring about what you think and not yet comfortable with your gaze. Give it a little time and who knows where it will lead.

Signal 4@ She Makes A Point Of Noticing You

This one comes in all different shapes and sizes but when a girl makes sure you know she is wary of your presence. This is an excellent sign she wants to know you better.

Signal 5@ She Licks Her Lips

This one is for you to ponder. When a girl is licking her lips, it has got to be all good.

Signal 6@ Your Smile Lights Her Up

This should be one of the first rock solid indicators you see shouting out to you and the world that she really likes you. It needs to be one of those real smiles that make her eyes crinkle.

Signal 7@ Flirting With Other Girls Is A No No

This is a tough one to read but if you notice her demeanor changing when you are around other potential candidates. This is a good sign. She might leave, slink off into a corner, or act busy with her friends.

If you can tell she doesn’t like you around other girls, the ball is in your court.

Signal 8@ She Loves The Touchy Feely Stuff

If she is making a clear point of touching your clothing; your shoulder, back or whatever, this is a clear cut signal she really likes you.

Signal 9@ Her Friends Are On The Bandwagon

Girls are very different than boys in this instance. When a girl has a crush on a guy, her friends are the first to know. The good news for you is they will give you hints she likes you.

Perhaps they will giggle when you walk by. Or they might start causally asking you questions. No worries. This is all good.

Signal 10@ She Lingers Around To Find You

If she lingers around to see you after everyone else has left or she randomly shows up where she knows you will be, that is an absolute indicator this girl has a crush on you.

Signal 11@ She Likes What You Like

This one may sound a little weird but it’s for all the right reasons.

When a girl is willing to step outside of her comfort zone to learn what you love and what has meaning to you, then you are on the right track thinking she has a major crush on you.

Signal 12@ She Lights Up Around You

This is something she really has no control over. But if she is blushing sheepishly when you are around, there’s no doubt she has a crush on you.

Further, if she loses her words around you or fidgets with nervousness, this girl is totally into you.

Signal 13@ She Twirls Her Hair

This is a simplistic unconscious sign that a girl really likes you. If she is twirling her hair in her fingers, it means she is thinking about you playing with her hair.

If she is smiling when she does it, you are one lucky guy.

Signal 14@ Infrequent Bumping Is Present

If she suddenly seems to bumping into you left, right and center, that is an excellent signal that she has a crush on you. If she didn’t want anything to do with you, then she would make herself scarce.

Signal 15@ She Halts Talking With Her Friends To Talk With You

This is absolutely amazing. When a girl shuts off her girl talk to give her undivided attention to you whenever you appear, that is just fantastic. No doubt she has a crush on you if this is the case.

Signal 16@ She Tells You That You Look Amazing

When a girl makes a point of letting you know when she notices you, is a great sign. It simply means that she has put effort into your look.

Signal 17@ Her Arms Are Not Crossed

While talking, if a girl’s arms are crossed, she is closed to any sort of connection. So, if her arms are relaxed by her side, she is telling you that she wants to get closer to you.

Signal 18@ Her Single Status Is Clear

She comes to you and makes it clear that she is single or even better yet, she asks you about your status.

Signal 19@ She Is Ready To Hang Out With you

This is a tough step for some girls. But if a girl suggests that you hang out or opens the door to that, then you have got a winner.

Signal 20@ She Talks About Future

If this girl is talking about anything in the future, it is another sweet signal she has a crush on you.

Read between the lines and figure this one out.

Signal 21@ She Ignores Her Phone When She Is With You

When a girl ignores her phone when you are around, knowingly or unknowingly she wants to say that she wants some undivided attention from you.

Signal 22@ She Is Trying To Make Room For You

Perhaps you think this is basic but if a girl is making space for you in any form, you be sure and take it as a signal that she is into you.

Experts say that if a woman is inviting you into her space she likes you.

Signal 23@ She Is Not Afraid To Use The Word ‘WE’

This is just a daring step. If a girl is willing to use the word ‘we’, you are on the right track. There is zero doubt she has a crush on you.

It takes time for a girl to get comfortable with another man. And if she is unconsciously using the term ‘we’, you can take that as a solidified signal she wants you badly. If she is talking about ‘we’ then she certainly is into you.

Signal 24@ Her Body Position Matters

When a girl is showing you with her body that she is into you, then you need to take it as it is. If a girl has a crush on you, a sincere one and she is not too nervous, she will show you with her body language she wants a little more.

If this girls is pushing away from you or has her arms and legs crossed, sadly she has no interest in you.

However, if she is leaning in toward you, wants your shoulder to lean on, or is openly touching any part of you, you have struck gold.

If this is the case there is zero doubt this girl has a crush on you.

Signal 25@ She Loves Showing Off Her Curves

If a girl is dressing nicely and trying to get your attention, it definitely means she has a keen interest in you.

Most women are very self-conscious of their bodies and when they are willing to put them on display for you, it really does mean something. Treat it with respect.

I hope talking about these 25 signals can be useful for you. They can help you judge if a girl has a crush on you.

Friday, May 25, 2018

10 Eye Contact Flirting Moves That Definitely Work

Have you ever wondered about how to make eye contact flirting moves to catch someone’s attention and make them interested in you? Here are some of the best eye contact flirting moves that definitely work.

Eye contact flirting is the easiest and safest way to get the message across and get a sign back in no time. It’s simple, instinctive and something that all of us indulge in.

Eye contact flirting is exciting, no matter where you are. It doesn’t matter if you like someone or not.

If someone stares at you now and then, it instantly catches your attention and rouses your interest.

You could stare at someone and exchange a few stolen glances. Or you could try to strike up a conversation.

Flirting by eye contact is safe, fun and an easy way to find out if someone is interested in knowing you better, without the pressure of making the first move.

The Happy Side of Eye Contact Flirting:

Let us face it, eye contact flirting is harmless. You could exchange a glance on the street or while having coffee at a restaurant.

As long as it’s mutual, it’s a fun and flirty experience that can bring a smile at the end of the day.

Who doesn’t love a few stolen glances now and then, even if you don’t intend to date that person?

The best part of eye contact flirting is the fact that it can help you gauge someone’s interest in you without even asking them out. And secondly, you can let someone know you are interested in them and warm them up to a first date without even saying ‘hello’.

10 Eye Contact Flirting Moves to Get Someone Interested:

What do you do when you see someone you like at a coffee shop or at a party? If you are not sure what to do, eye contact flirting may be the best thing in the world to help you get their attention and make an impression in no time.

By using these 10 subtle eye contact flirting moves, you will be able to get the right message across.

@1# Casually Stare Now And Then.

See someone you like? Casually stare at the person now and then. Soon enough, the one you like will notice you back.

@2# Exchange A Fleeting Glimpse.

Don’t be hasty or you will end up looking like an annoying stalker. When the person you like catches you staring and stares back at you with curiosity, lock eyes for a second and look away immediately.

@3# Repeat The Glances.

Look at the person you like again. Stare at him or her, but look away immediately as soon as they look back at you. Don’t linger and stare back for more than a second.

@4# Let Them Know What Is On Your Mind.

At first, the person you like may assume it’s a passing glance. But as they catch you sneaking a few glances now and then, they would understand that you are interested in them. Don’t stare for more than a second because you will kill the excitement. Instead, build the excitement.

@5# Build The Excitement.

Now that you have got the one you like looking back at you now and then to see if you are still staring, it’s time to build the excitement. Stop staring for a couple of minutes. Wait for them to stare at you now and then.

The person you like will wonder why you are not staring anymore and may start to stare at you more often, to check if you are still staring. By doing this, you are actually making the one you like as interested as you are in building the staring game.

@6# Reverse The Eye Contact Flirting.

Notice the one you like from the corner of your eye. Don’t stare directly, but keep an eye on the person you like. Wait for that person to look at you. And just as the one you like looks at you, stare back at that person. By doing that, you are now discreetly making it appear like they are the one interested in looking at you, and not the other way around.

@7# Stare For A Longer Duration.

You have been exchanging fleeting glances until now, but now that you have got the one you like excitedly waiting for you to stare back, lock eyes for more than a second before looking away.

@8# Smile And Blush.

Talk to your friends or appear busy, and stare for a second or two. And each time, look away smiling or blushing in an obvious manner. Don’t smile while staring just yet. Always smile only while looking away.

@9# Watch Their Response.

Is this person looking at you as often as you are looking at them? If they are, it’s working and you are on your way to a fun evening. If the one you like is not reciprocating your glances no matter what you do, they are not interested, so give up and move on. You can’t win all your eye contact flirting games.

@10# Smile While You Stare.

Now that you are certain that the one you like is equally interested in staring at you and exchanging stolen glances, it’s time to take the plunge. During one of your longer glances, look straight into their eyes and stretch a little smile. There is no turning back here. If the person smiles back, you have struck jackpot.

If the one you are staring at looks shocked or looks away hastily, they just need a little more time to warm up.

If the smile has worked in your favor, here is what you need to do. If you are the girl, give the guy an opportunity to talk to you. If you are the guy, what are you waiting for, make a move.

Eye Contact Flirting When You Are Talking:

If you already know the person and want them to know you like them, stare deeply into their eyes when you are having a conversation. Think about how much you like them, and your eyes will glaze over and let them know exactly what is on your mind. And don’t forget to smile, it sends the right message across.

Eye Contact Flirting For Flirty Stares:

If you are partying or just want someone to know you’re interested in some flirty fun, follow the same 10 steps as mentioned above, but instead of just staring for a few seconds into their eyes, stare into their eyes and look them up and down once with an appreciative smile. It lets them know you’re checking them out and find them attractive.

Eye contact flirting can be fun and extremely exciting if you indulge in it the right way. Overdo it or under do it and you may end up losing the connection.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

8 Simple Ways To Get A Girl Notice You

Have you ever thought about making a perfect impression on a girl without even talking to her? You can use these 8 tips and tricks to get a girl to notice you without talking to her.

If you have the time and the patience, there are some pretty easy ways to get any girl to notice you and make a great impression upon her.

Have you bumped into a girl you find attractive in a place you visit frequently? It may be at work, in the corridors of college or even in a café.

When you like a girl who frequents the same place as you, it’s not always the best idea to walk up to her and use a pick up line.

After all, both of you are going to bump in often, and if she turns you down, you will always feel like a loser when she walks past you the next time around.

But if it’s a one off opportunity you have to talk to a girl you like, use these tips to talk to her and impress her.

How to Get a Girl to Notice You?

If you like a girl who bumps into you now and then, it’s always better to get her to notice you first before you walk up to her and charm her.

By doing that, you would be playing it safer, she would be more familiar with you and your presence and with any luck and a few tricks, you could probably make her like you without even saying hello!

8 Simple Ways To Get A Girl Notice You:

Sometimes, the girl you like may never even notice you or realize you exist. Well, it can hurt your ego, but this does happen at times and you just have to get out of that slump.

If you want to get a girl to notice you and like you, you need to look for ways to catch her attention.

By properly using these tips and tricks, you will definitely be able to get her notice you and even like you even before you talk to her.

@1# Be The Center of Attention.

You walk into her often. But if you want her attention, you need to be the center of everyone’s attention. Be fun and have your friends around you, especially when the girl you like walks by. Groups of people always get more attention than a single you skulking in a corner.

You may assume that you would get lost in the group, but even when you are with your friends, your infectious attitude and fun persona can make you stand apart from the rest.

@2# Dress Properly.

Dress smart. When you dress like a million bucks in clothes that fit you and look great on you while accentuating your assets at the same time, you are bound to get the attention you want.

Don’t be afraid to look unique or different, just as long as what you wear looks good on you. But don’t dress up just to get attention. There is a thin line between looking good and looking for attention. It’s a good start to let the girl you like know that you are a guy who can groom himself and take care of himself.

@3# Make Eye Contact With Her Now And Then.

At first, getting her to notice you may take a while, especially if you have been the shy guy who avoids any kind of attention.

But whenever you get a window of opportunity, lock eyes with her just for a second. Stare at her for too long and she will think you are creepy. Exchange a brief glance for a second now and then. It will make her wonder if you have got something on your mind. But don’t ever overdo it, not at least for the first week or so.

@4# Be Bold.

The guys who are bold and ready to take chances are the guys who always have a lot of fun and create interesting memories all the time. And girls always love a guy who is bold enough to do something that many may consider embarrassing or awkward. Participate in something when she is around, be it karaoke or a friendly competition between friends. Get her attention while doing something that catches attention and she will definitely be in awe of you.

@5# Get To Know One of Her Friends.

If you don’t want to risk taking a chance on talking to her directly, it’s always safe to get friendly with one of her friends, be it a guy or a girl. Sometimes, this approach can be the safest and the best way to make an impression.

@6# Be Confident.

Confidence is everything when it comes to looking good and attracting a girl’s attention. It’s a trait that reveals a lot about you even if you are doing nothing at all. Be confident no matter where you are. Stand upright, walk with confidence and speak with confidence.

Ever thought twice to speak to some guy at your workplace because he looked so cool, confident and inhibiting? Be that guy.

@7# Hang Out in The Same Place.

If you occasionally bump into this girl at the same place now and then, be it in the office cafeteria or in the parking lot, make sure you spend a while in the same place with your own friends. The easiest way to make a girl notice you and feel comfortable around you is by being seen in her favorite hangouts.

@8# Bump Into Her Outside Work.

Once you have created enough opportunities to bump into her around your workplace, it’s time to talk to her. Use your common friends or her online activities and get to know when she is going to some new place, be it a party or somewhere else with her friends. Make sure you get there with your own friends or by yourself, making sure she has no idea that the whole thing was planned ahead.

When you see her at the same place and catch her eye, just look at her for a second and appear confused like you don’t know whether to say hi or not. And then, just smile at her or use a half smile laced with surprise. If she has seen you enough times already and is familiar with you, she will definitely notice you and smile back at you too.

Monday, May 21, 2018

10 Signs: Your Wife Is Not Satisfied

If your wife has turned into goddess of the frozen tundra, the problem may be emotional rather than physical. A recent study suggests that in any given month, nearly one quarter of women will report some sexual distress.

Here are some clues which suggest that she is not happy.

@1# She Pulls Away from Your Children.

She may resist caring for the kids because she’s hoping you might notice that her needs aren’t being met. What she’s doing is asking you to talk.

@2# The Credit Card Bill Goes Higher.

Some women resort to shop therapy to fulfill themselves. As a result the credit card bill goes higher.

@3# She Has Gained Weight.

Women will over compensate for the lack of sex and intimacy by eating more to feed their sexual hunger.

@4# She is Working or Drinking More.

It may be an attempt to disconnect from you.

@5# She Lets Snide Comments Slip Out in Conversations with Friends.

@6# You Catch Her Masturbating.

This simply means her sexual needs are not met

@7# She has Turned into a Vixen.

@8# She has Turned into a Cold Fish.

The only way to know what is up is to talk.

@9# She is Looking Hotter Lately.

She is sending the message that she is a sexual being, because she thinks you are missing it.

@10# She is More Critical of You.

It could mean you are not paying attention to her outside the bedroom. Satisfaction comes from being respected, loved, appreciated, and desired; emotionally and physically.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

4 Common Signs of Infidelity in Wives

You married her for better or for worse but you probably didn't imagine that ‘worse’ could mean infidelity. Women cheat almost as much as men do. Asking your wife outright if she is having an affair might be the best way to find out for sure but only, if she answers truthfully. In the meantime, changes in her behavior and appearance may indicate that she is being unfaithful.

4 Most Common Signs of Infidelity in Wives: 

Sign 1: She Withdraws Emotionally

Women usually cheat for emotional reasons. This is different from why many men cheat. A woman who is having an affair may pull back from her husband emotionally. She may no longer want to talk about her day, share her feelings or discuss her problems with you. If you try to ask her what is wrong, she may reply with a vague answer or simply say ‘nothing’. At first, some husbands may enjoy their less-talkative wives, but it could be a sign of infidelity. 

Sign 2: She Improves Her Appearance

Let us face it. As time goes by, a woman might let herself go a bit between the demands of work and child rearing. But a woman who is having an affair may suddenly start to pay attention to her appearance again. If your wife usually heads to the gym in her old sweats and a ponytail but suddenly starts wearing snazzy, matching athletic clothes and doing her hair before she works out, take notice. She could be trying to impress a guy at the gym or somewhere else. 

Sign 3: She Pulls Away Physically

Suddenly, your wife isn’t there as much as she used to be. She goes out for girl's night more often, stays late at work and makes plans to be away from home on the weekends. She may make excuses for not spending as much time with you and may even say that she needs ‘space’. She also makes excuses for not being intimate with you. All of these are red flags for infidelity. 

Sign 4: She Becomes Secretive

She used to leave her laptop open but now it’s always closed, and she has changed her email password, too. So has the password on her phone, and if a text comes in, she makes sure you don’t see it. She takes calls in the other room and is vague when you ask her who called, or even who she was with last night. You catch her lying about which friend she was with or why she had to work late. Secrets and lies are a sign that your wife could be cheating on you, especially if she has never been secretive in the past.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Why Do Married Women Cheat?

While married women have affairs in much lower numbers than men, make no mistake: married women do have extramarital relationships. And quite often, the reasons that some married women give when explaining their decision to cheat on their spouses and partners are very similar to the reasons that men give.

Statistics on affairs involving married people are not generally thought of as accurate, given the very nature of the subject and the reluctance of many people to give truthful information, even anonymously. But they do provide some level of reliable insight into the potential total of married individuals who cheat on their spouses.

According to the most recent statistics, 14 percent of married women have at least one affair during their marriage (as compared to approximately 22 percent of men). In addition, the same statistics show that younger people are more likely to have an affair than older married individuals and younger women are as likely to have an extramarital affair.

Just as their numbers are very similar to those of men, so are the reasons married women have affairs. Below are a few of the most common reasons why married women have affairs and cheat on their spouse:

@1# Level of Desire

While men and women are both having sex late into their lives, the numbers of men and the level of desire of men overall declines sharply when compared to that of women. This means there are probably a lot of sexually unfulfilled women out there. But rather than turn off their sexual desires to meet the demand of their husbands’ many women are opting for discreet sexual affairs to fulfill their needs. Rather than pressure their husbands, who are often indifferent to their requests, the women have turned to discreet adult dating sites to meet partners to help them meet the needs their husbands or partners can’t or won’t attempt to meet.

@2# Need to Feel Wanted

For many women, the longer their marriage has gone on, the less attractive they feel. Their husbands, who may have showered them with compliments and affection when they first married, may now treat them indifferently or, worse, criticize their appearance (weight, overall looks, etc.).

Many women begin to accept this assessment as fact and begin to believe, indeed, that they are unattractive and undesirable. But many others have discovered adult dating websites and with it, scores of men who find them attractive and sexually desirable. They have gone on to have discreet affairs with partners who remind them of how beautiful and sexually exciting they are, giving them a ‘second life’ as a sensual human being.

@3# Variety

Variety is the spice of life, it’s been said, and that variety includes sexual variety as well. When it comes to sex, women are no different from men in that they sometimes crave a bit of a change in their routine.

If their spouse or partner can give them that spice, that is great. But quite often, their partner is unwilling or unable to give them the type of variety they seek. It may be a situation where the sex has become routine and predictable, a situation where their partner is only concerned with their own needs and the woman is left unsatisfied. In these situations, a discreet affair may be the outlet the woman needs to find someone who is willing to participate in new adventures or who may even bring something new to her sex life.

@4# Boredom

It may seem like mundane reason to have an affair. After all, we all get bored with life sometime but the day-in, day-out routine of life is a major reason why some married women cheat on their husband or partner. The ritual of going to the office (if they work outside of the home), taking care of kids, paying bills, cooking dinner, washing dishes, cleaning the house, shopping, etc. can put anyone in a rut and a married woman is no different.

An affair can give a twist to that routine and take them, even momentarily, away from the boredom of everyday life. The discreet conversations, the flirty text messages, planning the rendezvous, finally getting together for a night or afternoon of passion, all of it can give her a renewed sense of vigor and help her make it through another week of the everyday routine.

@5# Incompatibility with Significant Other

Sometimes, the reason women have an affair is simple unhappiness with their marriage or spouse. It may not be a specific, legitimate reason, but simply these two people have grown apart, at least sexually. They may continue to live together for financial reasons, or may still actually like each other but just not in that way.

In those situations, an affair may be a way to fill in the missing piece of the puzzle, to enjoy that one aspect that is missing from their dominant relationship. Sometimes, the affair is discreet because while the partner accepts the idea that their wife or girlfriend still desires a sexual relationship, they would rather not know about it. Other times, it’s agreed that they can both see other people as a way to fulfill their desires. Every other aspect of their lives may function perfectly, but an affair with someone else is necessary.

@6# Just because They Can Do It

In less open times, women were taught not be sexual creatures. Sex for women was something that was done only as a means to procreate. Modern women have learned that expressing a healthy interest in sex doesn’t mean the end of the world or a scarlet letter. And because of this fact, married women are discovering the enjoyment of a discreet affair. And equally as significant, they are discovering that having an affair doesn’t have to mean displeasure with their marriage, their significant other or their life. Rather, an affair, they are finding, can enhance their life and give it a whole new dimension. In short, they do it because they can.