Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How To Avoid Money Tiffs?

Considering that love exists and you do want togetherness with this guy, it makes sense to hold the money devil by its horns and tame it so that it doesn’t come between the two of you. Get a grip right now on the situation by using a bit of humility, common senses, patience and tact. Here’s how…

• Understand that you have chosen to live with and love this guy. Whatever be his financial situation, he is desirable to you and should remain so. After all, it does not take financial positions and situations to take a turn.

• Make your parents understand this as well. Don’t allow them to bring up the money talk and the disparity in your incomes in front of him. This will instill inferiority complex in your man and might make him feel that he is being subjugated to humility. Avoid such discussions with friends also. Besides, it is your personal arena, do not make your income disparity open to public analysis.

• Do not over insist on footing the bill at a restaurant or while on a shopping expedition with your man. If he wishes to pay, let him. And never ever pass comments such as, “Its ok honey let me pay. Anyway I earn much more so I can afford this.” By doing this, you will be trampling all over his self-respect.

• Do not keep drumming in the fact in that you earn more and you are doing better.

• Do not keep discussing his career moves with him with an air of authority just because you are financially more sound. This will make him feel that you are in the driving seat and he is being babied. Most men will detest the feeling.

• Do not make major buying decisions or financial decisions like a picking up a fridge or a home theater etc without his knowledge or his consultation.

• Avoid giving him an overtly expensive gift without his knowledge. He might take this an offense and start comparing his purchasing capacity with yours.

• If you are living in or are married, then it makes sense to have a joint account. Deposit equal amounts in this account and use this money for all joint expenditures. This will take care of most of the strife.

Remember that money can’t buy you love. Also remember that money has the power to break the strongest of bonds. Ensure that you don’t fall pray to its power-play. Relish togetherness!