Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Body Language of A Girl

The art of knowing how to read a girl’s body language is a necessary skill to learn if you want to pick up women and know the signs that a girl likes you.

Knowing what her body language is telling you can have a huge impact on your success. It can all be summed up into one simple question: How can you tell when a girl likes you?

Just read her body language, that’s it!

Here I am trying to interpret and discuss the body language of women. After having a good understanding of the body language of women, you will be able to interpret if she is into you and if yes, how much.

The key points to understand here are:

(1) Basic knowledge of body language.

(2) How to read body language.

(3) Signs that a girl is interested in you.

(4) Signs that a girl is loosing interest.

(5) Body language tricks you can use.

Understanding how a girl’s body language works is the first step. Her body language signs can be a powerful tool to read her non-verbal signals.

##FIRST STEP## Understanding Body Language

Did you know that most of the communication that goes on between two people is non-verbal?

It’s true. Most men don’t even know it, and even more of us don’t notice even the most basic nonverbal signals that girls send out. But regardless of how oblivious you may be, body language still affects your life in a major way on a daily basis.

During a typical conversation, the body language of the individuals talking can tell you everything you need to know about their interaction even if you can’t hear what they are saying.

That makes it very powerful when harnessed by someone who has mastered the art of reading body language.

@1# Subconscious Body Language Signals

People are constantly using their bodies to send signals to each other on a subconscious level. So body language is something that you can always rely on to assist you when it comes to attracting girls.

It is a tool that will always be there at your disposal regardless of any girl that you are gaming.

This is because the vast majority of body language signals are done automatically, like breathing, below the normal level of conscious thought, so all women are basically forced to give off these signals that you can pick up on.

Even if they didn’t intend to send information through their body language, they can’t help it unless they make a conscious effort to resist their natural behavior.

That is extremely rare since it requires the girl to have in-depth knowledge of controlling her own body language.

The trick to using body language for seduction purposes is to gain the ability to purposely pick up on and identify the signals that girls send out subconsciously. So, one should use a girl’s body language signals to gather information that you can use.

The most basic example of this would be to read a girl’s body language to determine whether or not she is into you, and then altering your game accordingly until her body language changes to a more positive nature.

You can also use body language to collect much more valuable and targeted information.

@2# Reading a Girl’s Body Language Signs

Just like traffic signs work to give you information that you use to alter your driving behavior, body language signs can tell you things that you need to know to alter your gaming.

If you notice a girl point her shoulders away from you, that tells you that she has just lost some interest and you must change your strategy or risk getting rejected.

That is the basic process behind body language, you must first recognize the signals and identify what they mean, then use the information that they conveyed to you in a way that works to your benefit.

What you can accomplish through this will shock you.

This is a very simple system, but it takes time to master. However, once you become proficient at reading body language it will become second nature to you and you’ll have no problem using it.

This is a skill that will last a lifetime and can be applied to many other aspects of life as well.

@3# How to Know What a Girl is Thinking

These body language signals show exactly what people are actually feeling at the time, and they are our body’s way of subconsciously saying the things that we are thinking but would never say aloud.

Have you ever wanted to read another person’s mind?

Well, reading body language is the only skill known to man that can actually tell you exactly how others are feeling, and in your case, how a particular girl feels about you.

Not exactly mind reading, but it is a closest thing to it that actually works out in the real world.

Everything else is nothing more than science fiction.

Now that you understand how a girl’s body language works, the next step is to learn how to read these signals so you can ‘translate’ them, which brings us to the fine art of reading body language.

##SECOND STEP## Reading Body Language

Reading a girl’s body language is a vast subject. The level of skill you can achieve is only limited by how much you learn about the subject.

However, it is only necessary for you to have a basic understanding of a girl’s body language in order to be far ahead of your competition.

The average man is completely naive when it comes to body language, which results in most of them missing out on many opportunities with girls simply because they can’t/don’t interpret the nonverbal signals that girls are sending to them.

Once you become proficient at reading body language, you too will see the true extent of how blind you have been for most of your life.

The way you interact with people socially will be forever changed for the better.

@1# Social Interaction and Body Language

Have you ever met someone who just seemed a little bit more “socially attuned” than most people are?

Like they somehow just always knew the right direction to take the conversations and could stay in control of everything when dealing with other people?

Surely you’ve known at least one person like that.

Chances are, that person was either schooled in the art of reading body language or had the innate ability to do so.

When you learn how to read body language, you too will seem to have heightened senses on a social level. Having exceptional skill at reading body language can provide a huge boost to your overall social life!

So far, I have been referring to body language cues as either “signs” or “signals”, which allowed me to use some analogies that helped to get my point across and explain how body language works.

However, from now on I will be referring to a girl’s body language cues as “gestures” as that term is much more fitting with what they actually are.

When you think of them as gestures rather than signs, your mind thinks about them as being movements.

The term gesture refers to something dynamic while the term sign implies something static. You want to keep your mind ready to pick up on the changes in a girl’s body language, so you’ll always be looking for movements.

@2# Body Language Signs and Gestures

Body language consists of two basic types of gestures: open gestures and closed gestures.

Open gestures are displayed when the girl is interested in or attracted to the person presented to her, while closed gestures are displayed when she is not.

Even though a girl may initially display open gestures to a man because she may find him visually appealing, she may change her mind after he speaks to her and her body language will change accordingly to reflect her new state of mind by displaying closed gestures.

This works both ways as well; if a girl displays closed gestures to you at first, you can try gaming her in various ways until you see an open gesture.

As soon as you see one open gesture, from that point on you know exactly what type of game she responds to, and can continue to do it.

This is a prime example of how body language can make all of the difference when dealing with girls. It is the easiest way to determine what works on a particular girl and what does not.

Becoming a master of body language is to gain the ability to recognize all of the most common open and closed gestures and then interpret them so you can use that information to your advantage.

Granted, you must first understand the fact that many things can affect a girl’s body language, not just you.

For example, if a girl is having a bad day, she may display closed gestures while she is actually attracted to you.

In cases like this you may need to warm the girl up a little bit before you can see her true signals.

Also keep in mind that many shy people automatically put up a barrier between you and them by displaying closed gestures, it is simply in their nature and is a defense mechanism.

The ability to break down those barriers by changing a girl’s closed gestures into open gestures is what separates experts from the rest.

@3# Learn Body Language Step by Step

However, every journey begins with a single step, and before you can master the art of body language you will first need to know some of the most basic open and closed gestures so you can identify them when they are displayed by girls.

As I mentioned earlier, body language is a very deep subject, it has been a major social aspect throughout all eras of human history.

It’s only recently that we have gained the knowledge to properly pick up on it on a conscious level and then use it to achieve our own goals.

By now you should have a general understanding of how a girl’s body language works and how to read it. You should also know that you have the ability to affect and change another person’s body language from negative to positive (or vice versa) by simply reading their current gestures and changing your behavior accordingly to get desired results.

It’s time to move onward and learn what these gestures are so you can identify and use them successfully during your encounters with girls.