Friday, May 11, 2018

How To Turn Her ON Without Making Her Realize It?

A point that often gets missed when people sit down to try and categorize attraction is that: “attraction always happens first; the reasons for the attraction get attached later.” We literally feel attracted to those whom we are in synchronization with. We initially experience this being in synchronization as a feeling, not as a thought. We can certainly come up with reasons as to why we may be attracted to someone once we do start thinking about it but that doesn’t detract from the fact that we felt the attraction first.

If you realize that all initial attraction happens below the threshold of consciousness (i.e. it is subliminal) then you are forearmed with knowledge that will allow you to see if a woman is attracted to you before she is even consciously realizing it. She will initially communicate her attraction via non-verbal channels. The master seducer is always tuned into these channels and uses the signals he receives here as his cues to action.

In fact, when it comes to gauging how any particular seduction is going the master seducer will place much more stock in how a woman moves when she is near him and the way in which she speaks to him, than he will in the actual content of her conversation. This is not to say that he is not interested in what she is saying but it that he knows where he should concentrate his attention in terms of ascertaining her current level of interest.

So, that is one side of the equation: pay attention to the non-verbal signals that a female gives in order to work out her current level of interest. The other side of the equation is to give off your own non-verbal signals to indicate your intent to her.

There are 3 methods that will allow you to achieve this aim. Each of which will do the trick without her being conscious about it. Let us discuss each in turn.

@1# Body Language

Some simple starting components of the body language would be following:

(a) Move into her personal space.

You don’t want to be doing this until she has given you some initial sign of interest but once she has done so you be sure to start subliminally warming her up by getting inside her personal space. The safest way to start is by touching one of her personal extensions such as her cell phone or handbag and seeing how she reacts. If there is no adverse reaction on her part then the coast is clear to move physically closer.

(b) Create a dissonant dynamic.

Fancy term but all it means is to physically move in close and then pull away. It’s the not being constantly one thing or the other (i.e near or far) that creates the dissonance and makes you as the seducer harder to categorize and therefore more intriguing .

@2# Tone of Voice

Regardless of the content of your conversation it is your tone of voice that will convey what you are really thinking. Use your tone of voice as a tool to indicate sexual intent. Keep it warm and at times cheeky but above all make sure that it is playful. This all goes to create a vibe that is conducive to sexual congress.

@3# Make Her Feel Good

This is the number one rule of seduction and the ultimate subliminal tool. Help people feel good about themselves and it automatically follows that they will feel good about you. You could be discussing anything but if at the same time you are allowing her to feel more at ease with herself then it follows she will be more favorably disposed towards you.

So there you have it. When you know that attraction is a thing that first happens below the threshold of consciousness, you have within your grasp a very powerful tool because you can consciously apply methods that will affect her in a positive way without her being consciously aware of it. This really puts you in the driver’s seat in any seduction scenario.