Tuesday, March 6, 2018

8 Sure Signs That A Girl Likes You

You all know the saying: “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars.” Dudes and chicks simply communicate in different ways, and this leaves a lot of room for error in communication. How to know if a girl likes you? There are some VITAL signs which one must be able to read.

Girls have a vast array of emotional and physical tells when they are attracted to a boy. These are there to show interest without actually giving too much away.

Here are the 8 most common signs one should look for to discover if she is attracted or not. 

Sign 1# Her Pupils Dilate When Looking At You

At the time when she is looking at you, paying attention to her pupils can tell you everything about her potential romantic interest in you.

A girl can say a lot with her look, she can reflect sadness, excitement, fear, joy and even attraction.

If the last one is the case, you will be able to notice, that:

· Her pupils may be dilated.

· She will attempt to make eye contact often, even if she averts her gaze every time you return it.

· She will often smile, and this will be reflected in her eyes as well.

If you think she is attracted to you, try complimenting her look. Telling any chick how beautiful her eyes are is always a win.

Dilation of pupils is said to be the perfect sign of attraction.

According to a new study, pupil dilation is an accurate indicator of sexual orientation. When people look at erotic images and become aroused, their pupils open up in an unconscious reaction that could be used to study orientation and arousal without invasive genital measurements.

Keep in mind:

A kind compliment now and then will not only make other people feel good about themselves but will make your mood better as well.

Just keep in mind that dilated pupils are something she can’t control. So if you notice it, take it as a bulletproof sign that she is unconsciously exhibiting interest and excitement. 

Sign 2# She Plays With Her Hair

While it may sound strange to men, ladies use their hair to say a lot of things. Unfortunately, it’s simply not a language we speak.

A girl who is interested in you will often touch her hair (either to correct it or to play with it) while near you. This is a subconscious thing women do when attracted to a man, wanting to be perfect by correcting a flyaway or replacing a fallen curl.

Touching her hair is a sign that she likes you.

“The age old trick of playing with the hair is a way for woman to not only let a man know she is interested, but to market herself to an entire audience as a flirtatious person. The twisting, twirling, flicking motions all send signals that she is single and ready to have fun.

When in a private discussion, however, pay attention if she begins to stroke her hair or pushes it off of her shoulders to expose her face; both indicate an attempt to quickly clean up her appearance.”

So the next time, look for these signs:

· She is running her fingers through her hair.

· She is twirling a lock around her finger.

· She is flipping her hair back.

She may even tilt her head to her side to reveal her neck and flip her hair around to release pheromones.

If she does mess with her hair a great deal while in your company, especially when there is no reason for her to do it, it certainly means that she is attracted to you. 

Sign 3# She Touches And Bites Her Lips

To communicate with your lips, you do not need to be speaking! Keep in mind that women are well versed at sharing interest wordlessly.

If she likes you she will check out your lips often as she is evaluating their thickness and ability to kiss. Not only that, she will try to focus your attention on her lips as well during flirt.

Take note of seemingly mindless moves like:

· Reapplying her lipstick.

· Biting her bottom lip.

· Running her fingers across her lips.

· She is teasingly licking her lips.

If she touches or bites her lips, and you notice it, your mind may very often go back to thoughts of kissing them. Provoking your mind is exactly what a chick who is flirting with you is trying to do.

Biting lips is terrific sign of attraction.

“One major physical sign of attraction from a woman is licking or a slight biting of her lips. This is a subtle sign of desire Do not ignore it. During intimacy the lips play an important role.

Imagine her lips kissing your neck softly, or other areas of your body for that matter. When she licks her lips while staring at you she is telling you she is thinking these thoughts.”

If you see this type of behavior, you can be almost sure she likes you and think you are attractive. 

Sign 4# Her Body Is Facing You

Observing her body language is a bulletproof way to know if she likes you or not. Facing someone with your body is a subconscious sign that you are listening to them and signaling that they are your current attention holder.

In a general conversation, it’s just polite, but with a woman, it can indicate an attraction; especially, if she is creeping into your personal space.

Therefore, check out these things the next time you are around her:

1. Does she face you when you are talking?

2. If just standing around, is her body facing towards you?

3. Are her arms by her sides?

4. Does she lean into you?

5. Does she push her chest out?

6. Pay particular focus to her feet, are her toes pointing at you or away?

If yes, it could mean that she is trying to convey an interest in you. She subconsciously wants you to know that she isn’t ignoring you or wanting to be somewhere else.

Her attention is just on you.

Sign 5# She Seeks Out Your Presence

Every time she walks into a room full of people, her eyes seek you out first. Pay attention as this may even be a quick, simple thing such as this: “She walks in, views you, gives you a quick smile and then turns to find her friends.”

You were first, and that means a lot. Want to know why? Because it says that she was thinking of you before she even walked into that room.

You were on her mind, and she had to check to make sure you were already there before she moves on to enjoy the crowd. What is more, she will seek out and use every opportunity to be in your presence and communicate.

That is why you should look for these signs as well:

· She looks forward to hang out with you without any hesitation and reason.

· She calls or texts you first.

· She is down to hang out.

· She always enjoy talking to you.

· She follows you online and likes your posts.

· She breaks away from conversations with her friends to talk to you

All these are perfect signs she is interested in you and she thinks you are attractive. She simply can’t resist talking to you. 

Sign 6# She Touches You Accidentally

Physical contact is by far the most common way a woman will express her interest in you. An occasional playful punch or quick touch means a big deal when coming from a girl.


Because it means she was seeking out a reason to touch you or bump into you. That is why you need to pay close attention to how she is behaving in your presence.

Just look for these signs the next time you see her:

ü Does she touch you, rub you or push you?

ü Does she lay her hand on your shoulder in greeting?

ü Does she stand close to you?

ü Does she squeeze your arm gently when you make her laugh or when telling a story?

ü Does she invade your personal space so she can “accidentally” graze her arms with you?

If she just takes advantage of each and every situation to touch you then you can be sure she finds you attractive.

If your answers to above questions are YES, then she is definitely into you as all of these are all standard flirting techniques.

Try touching her in ‘safe’ places such as hand, arm or her upper back and see how she responds. If she seems to like it then that’s a clear sign of attraction.

Sign 7# She Laughs Even At Your Poor Jokes

Joking is one of those times where everyone is trying to say the same thing, just using a different language. Boys who are interested will often want to make their ‘target’ girl smile while chicks who are attracted to a guy will also want to do so.

If she laughs at all of your jokes, even bad ones, she may be trying to show her interest in you.

A person telling a joke, even a bad one, often just wants to make their audience smile. Smiling at someone’s jokes affirms their self-esteem. It lets them know that their goal to amuse you has succeeded.

Just remember that if she is smiling a lot in your presence, especially when she is talking to you then there is a high chance she finds you attractive and interesting.

The sign she laughs is really important:

“If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she has plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she is not really listening. If she is planning to fuck you, she will laugh. And if she is not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here is what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold.”

If you want to know if a girl likes you, try saying a stupid joke and watch her reaction. How does she act? Does she laugh a lot? 

Sign 8# She Talks About You With Her Friends

A girl who feels attraction to a boy will want to talk about him to all of her female friends. What do they think about him? Do they think he is interested in her? Wouldn’t they make such a cute couple? What do you think his favorite color is?

If you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you, this is one of those VITAL signs you should look for. Every girl wants a social affirmation on her attraction from the people who are close to her.

If you see her with her friends, just look for these signs:

· Whenever you are around her friends, they start laughing or giggling.

· When you come to her circle of friends, she stops talking suddenly (this may mean that you were the topic of that conversation).

· Look out for the moments when her friends are teasing her whenever you are around and she is like “Just stop it”.

When you catch her talking about you, that is one of the best signs that she feels a strong attraction towards you.

Yes, if a girl likes you, she will shout it out to the world or at least to her best friends. In case she is an introvert, try finding if her best friend knows about you and if she does, that is an excellent sign.