When you are dating someone or having a relationship with someone or married to someone, you probably want it to be forever. After all, you love the person.
The truth is that many couples out there really do not belong together. They have too many differences and there is just not the same spark and love that there might have once been. So, how do you know if you are with the wrong person?
The following are five of the most common clues.
Sign 1# You Do Not Have Emotional Attachments
Being “into” another person is not the same as a real emotional attachment or investment. Real emotion translates to the long-term, not just the honeymoon phase of a relationship. Being emotionally committed means actually caring about what happens to the other person and being able to forgive one another when you fight and argue. Those who don’t feel real emotion for one another will simply not last for very long.
Sign 2# You Could See Your Life Without Him/Her
If you can imagine your life without the other person in it, then it is very clear. You are with the wrong person. Those who are supposed to be with one another and who are truly in love can’t imagine life without the other. Stop and think about your future. Does it matter if the other person is there or not? If you don’t care, you aren’t with the right partner.
Sign 3# You Don’t Have the Same Values
This one is quite a big problem, and it should be something that a couple talks about long before the dating gets too serious. However, too few people really think about this – lust takes over and a relationship develops even though it will not last. You have to be able to be friends with the person you are with if you hope to have a good relationship. This means that you have to have values that align with one another. You don’t have to agree on everything, but you should have a lot in common.
For example, if you are a meat eater and she’s a vegetarian, just imagine the conflicts that could occur down the road. This is just one simple example. Think about all of the other ways you are different.
Sign 4# Your Activities Do Not Include Him/Her
If you find that you would rather do things with just your friends, or even on your own, rather than including your partner, it could be a sign of trouble. Sure, you need to have time of your own to do the things that you want. But if you never want to do things with your partner, he or she might not be the right person.
Sign 5# The Sex Stops
While sex isn’t everything, it is an important part of relationships. It’s intimacy that humans needs, and a form of communicating love for one another. When that stops, it is clear that there is some type of problem that you need to address.