Sunday, April 29, 2018

17 Signals: A Girl Is Flirting With You

If you want to know what a woman really wants, you are going to have to invest some time figuring out her language.

Yes, women speak a different language of love when compared to a man’s version and the more you know, the better off you will be. Particularly, when you are looking to figure out whether or not a girl has the interest for you.

Here are clear cut signals that she isn’t interested in you and on the flip side, some super hot signs that this girl really enjoys flirting with you.

Signs She Doesn’t Want Your Attention: 

Not looking at you at all.

@2# Not paying attention to you at all while you are trying to strike up a conversation with her.

@3# Arms crossed rigidly across her chest.

@4# Only one or two word replies.

@5# Touching you too much - means she just wants to be friends.

@6# Leaning away from you.

@7# Not contributing at all to the conversation.

Now let’s take a look at the pointers to figure out if a girl is flirting with you.

How To Tell If A Girl Is Flirting With You?

17 Signs Which Suggest That A Girl Is Flirting With You:

Signal 01: She’s Got Her Smile On 

This move is one of the toughest to figure out because women smile for all different reasons. She might be nervous or shy, just trying to be friendly, or she might really be trying to flirt with you.

A good rule of thumb to follow is if a girl smiles at you from a far and the smile is slow and deliberate, then she wants to connect with you. This means she’s flirting with you and you better take action and flirt back.

Signal 02: Touching The Chin or Twirling The Hair 

When a girl wants to flirt with a man or wants him to notice her, she is going to show him with her body language. So she might bashfully twirl her hair or maybe bat her eyelashes at you.

Touching her lips, chin and face are also proven body language signals that a girl likes you and is trying to flirt.

These are all feminine flirty signs a girl is trying to turn a man on.

Signal 03: Cleaning Herself Up

If a woman heads to the bathroom and comes back with her hair brushed, lip gloss on, and perhaps she’s wearing her shirt a little lower. These are all clear signs that a girl is flirting with you.

What you do with this information is of course up to you.

Signal 04: Damsel In Distress

If a girl is looking for you to help her, she could very well be flirting with you.

For instance, if she happens to ask you to help her lift something heavy or maybe help her figure out something on her phone, she is seriously trying to get your attention.

All of which she is usually totally capable of handing on her own but she’s just looking to grab your attention. This is a straight in your face flirting technique.

Signal 05: Reaches Out And Touches You

If a girl reaches out to touch you when you’re talking, this is a sure fire sign she likes you. This is telling you that she is totally into you but doesn’t want to be too obvious about it just yet.

Beware: If she is constantly touching you and just doesn’t stop, that’s not good news for you. This means she is crazy comfy with you and just wants to be friends. So just be careful to pinpoint the difference between “flirting” and “just friends.”

Signal 06: Simple Body Language

This signal can be a little confusing. If a cute girl is talking with you but alternates between facing you and twisting away from you, then she’s flirting. Girls like to be mysterious too.

This also helps a woman stay relaxed and calm. Pay attention to this one and make sure you interpret it accordingly.

Signal 07: Twitching And Fidgeting

If a girl is fidgeting around you and acting a little twitchy-jumpy, chances are pretty good she’s trying to flirt with you. Remember, not all girls are skilled flirters off the hop.

She might play with her hair-band, twist her watch and maybe fiddle with her necklace. As long as she is making eye contact with you and not looking like she is so uncomfortable she wants to bolt, then she’s telling you with her body that she’s into you.

Signal 08: Getting Closer

When a woman is obviously trying to get close to you, she’s flirting. If on the other hand she is repeatedly trying to move away from you, then she’s not looking to be anything more than friends.

A girl that likes a man is going to invade his private space as much as she safely can. This may even get a little claustrophobic for you but it’s all with good intention. She just wants you to pay attention and notice her that’s all.

Why is she doing this?

Well, most girls believe the guy should be making the first move so this is all she’s going to give you so that you will make your move.

Better act fast if you like her.

Signal 09: Attentive Laughter

If a girl is laughing at all your jokes, even the lame ones, then she’s trying to tell you she likes you. This one is a little hard to understand but when a girl likes a guy, she is fascinated with him.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t last long. So you better take action fast if you like the idea of this girl flirting with you.

Signal 10: Puts You On The Spot

When a girl flirts with a guy, she might signal this by asking you lots of questions about you. Don’t think of these questions as interrogation, just that she is genuinely interested in you.

And don’t forget to give her good answers because unlike most boys, she is paying attention.

Signal 11: Makes Complements

If a girl is giving you compliments and taking stabs at you, she is probably flirting. Pay attention to this one or you just might miss out.

Signal 12: Future Talk 

This one sends many boys running but when a girl starts talking about the future, what’s down the road, then she is flirting with you.

She might talk about a band that is coming to town next month that she wants to see or maybe a party in a few weeks that you might like to come to.

When a girl is flirting with a man, she wants him to know that she would like to see him more than in the now and when you talk about things down the road, you are sealing the deal.

It’s important for you to semi-commit to events down the road if you want the flirting to continue. Otherwise she will just shut the door and move on fast.

Signal 13: Proving Herself

When a girl tries to validate herself to you with things she has accomplished, she is playfully flirting with you. Essentially, she is trying to show you she has value and deserves your attention.

Some girls go overboard and actually start to brag. Keep it in a positive light and understand it’s just her way of flirting with you.

Too bad girls never seem to be straight up when it comes to flirting. They like to send off signals but none of them are concrete.

Signal 14: Higher Voice And Faster Talk 

Experts say one of the easiest routes to figure out if a girl is flirting with you is to listen to how fast she is talking and the tone of her voice.

Girls seem to talk faster to the men they are interested in. So the next time you are with a group of girls, test the theory out.

Often when a girl likes a guy, her pitch will start to rise. This is all happening subconsciously so don’t hold it against her please.

Signal 15: Body Language

Understanding body language is very important when you are trying to figure out whether or not a girl likes you.

(a) Mimicking: If she is unconsciously following your movements, she is flirting. So when you cross your arms, scratch your head or yawn, pay attention to see if she follows suit.

Psychologists say people who like each other will try and mimic their behaviors. This one is derived from evolution and the need to find your place or fit in.

(b) Shoulders Pointed Toward You: When a girl is flirting with a man, she will keep her shoulders pointed in or toward him. This shows that she is trying to get your attention and she is paying attention to what you are saying and doing.

(c) Toes Pointed Toward You: If a girl is interested in a man, her feet will be pointed toward him. This is another unconscious move that people do when they like someone.

Signal 16: Showing Hands

When you are talking with this girl, pay close attention to what her hands are doing. Her hands will tell you a lot about what she is thinking and feeling.

If she is flirting with you, she will use her hands to tell you this by ‘talking’ with her hands. She might gesture with her hands when she is explaining things to you and use her hands to reach out and touch you.

Beware: If she is sitting on her hands, hiding them or sticking them in her pockets, she might be telling you she doesn’t want your attention.

Signal 17: Smooth Verbal Communication

Yes, it’s important that you pay attention to her body language, but you also need to listen to what she is saying.

If your conversation is easy, quick and smooth, seemingly effortless, then she’s into you.

On the flip side, If you happen to be the only one talking and she’s pretty much keeping to herself, with her mouth shut, then she might not be interested in you at all.

Beware: There are women that are just natural flirts with everyone and likely have no romantic interest in you whatsoever.

She is likely skilled in most everything we’ve talked about thus far, but just likes the thrill of the flirt.

Don’t get mixed up with this one or you will get shot down.

So how do you tell if she’s just a natural flirt?

Pay attention to how she is acting around everyone else. Is she giving all the signs and signals to every other man in the room?

When you are trying to figure out whether or not a girl is flirting with you or genuinely not interested, it becomes sort of a puzzle.

You need to pay attention to the signals, the body language, words, and overall vibe.

And make sure you don’t get stuck on a natural flirter that just enjoys flirting for the sake of flirting and nothing more.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Who Is A True Alpha Male?

The concept of the ‘alpha male’ is one that you frequently hear in modern pop culture. Unfortunately, very little of this demonstrates understanding of what an alpha male truly is and what he represents.

One substrata of the Internet is especially fond of the ‘alpha male’ concept. Read through any community of self-proclaimed ‘pick up artists’, and you will learn plenty about the topic. In their view, attaining ‘alpha male’ status is the apex of winning the attention and admiration of females.

In many ways, this is correct; men and women alike are drawn to the so called ‘alpha’ in any group. The term is an appropriation from animal psychology meaning the ‘leader’ in any pack of animals. It is most commonly applied to dogs, and the ‘alpha dog’ is looked to by the other pack members for guidance, security and structure.

More often than not, attempts to transfer the ‘alpha’ concept to human culture get it completely wrong. That’s why there is a misconception that associates ‘alpha male’ status with loud, boorish behavior or a desire to be the center of attention at all times to the point of obnoxiousness. In reality, this type of behavior is the precise antithesis of ‘alpha’.

So, what are some legitimate traits of a true alpha male?

Major Traits of A True Alpha Male:

@1# If You Have To Ask, You Are Not An Alpha Male.

There’s a great line about poker that goes, “If you can’t spot the sucker at the table, it’s you.”

A similar concept applies to being an alpha male: if you have to ask if you are an alpha male, you are not.

If you read books or pour through ‘pick up forums’ for validation of your ‘alpha male’ status, you’re not one. A true alpha male doesn’t need external validation of his status.

@2# A True Alpha Male Doesn’t Sweat While “Picking Up” Girls.

An alpha male’s attraction to women is not a ‘cause’ but an ‘effect’. In other words, women are attracted to the alpha male but learning pick up ‘routines’ to ‘pull chicks’ doesn’t make you one.

In fact, being too desperate and needy about your desire for women automatically disqualifies you. Women are attracted to the alpha male for the cause who he is and not because he is ‘smooth’ or has strong ‘game’.

@3# A True Alpha Male Is Comfortable And Confident Around Women.

The true alpha male isn’t intimidated by women. He’s comfortable and confident around them.

Unfortunately, the misguided tactic of so called “pick up gurus” that involves taking away a woman’s confidence by “insulting” her with a snide remark so she works to earn your approval is about as ‘non alpha’ as it comes.

You can’t build yourself up by knocking others down. And you certainly can’t ‘fake’ alpha male status, especially by being a jerk.

The true alpha male is just the opposite; his self-confidence allows him to be kind and empathetic to others.

@4# A True Alpha Male Takes Care Of Others.

In much of today’s pop culture, the ‘alpha male’ is conflated with thugs and other egocentrics. The true alpha male doesn’t have a ‘win at all cost’ attitude. Instead, his confidence derives from strength of character and a desire to be a leader.

In no way, shape, or form is he a ‘bully’ nor does he try to intimidate those who are weaker. The ‘true alpha’ looks out for others. He doesn’t take advantage of them.

@5# A True Alpha Male Doesn’t Care About His Persona.

Another mistake you will find in pick up forums suggests that an ‘alpha male’ has a ‘bad boy’ personality. In fact, a true alpha male doesn’t worry about superficialities like ‘image’ or ‘persona’.

Clothes, tattoos, or whatever current styles are supposed to be the hallmark of ‘bad boys’ have no ability to convey ‘alpha status’. A true alpha male might be an ‘outlaw’ but he doesn’t have to be. He knows who he is and is comfortable with it.

He doesn’t need to follow trends; he sets them through his actions.

Alpha male status can’t be ‘faked’. In fact, the last thing that a ‘true’ alpha male is concerned with is convincing others of his status.

The more you worry about being an alpha male, the less chance you have at attaining the status. The only way to become a legitimate alpha male is to ‘earn’ the status by developing your character, confidence, and intellect.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5 Things That A Woman Wants In Her Date

Most men and women are still trying to crack what works and what doesn't, for the opposite sex. Despite the grand assortment of tips and advice being offered by the Internet, magazines and best friends, we follow our hearts and make our own mistakes. Dating is not for those having a faint heart, but when you find 'the one', it's all well worth the madness.

In the meantime, it helps to know what the opposite sex is thinking, sitting across the table, on a date.

So here are the top 5 things that a lady wants in her date:
@1# Dress For The Date

It's the first opportunity to get to know each other and since both of you have been courageous enough to call it a date, it's definitely a special occasion. A guy who knows what looks good on him and carries it off with modesty and charm, is a huge turn on for any girl.

What a man wears should enhance his personality, not distract from it. It's great if you have biceps worth showing off, but a date is hardly the occasion to flaunt them from under a body hugging t-shirt.

Needless to say, body odor of the slightest kind is a total deal breaker.

@2# Be A Little Chivalrous

Getting her a drink, holding that door open and dropping her home; have absolutely nothing to do with a girl's independence. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Of course she can do all that herself! But the charm of being on a date, or even in a relationship for that matter, is to feel cared for. The expectation for chivalry is hard wired into every girl's psyche and it's a great turn on if done moderately and effortlessly. Every door doesn't need to be held open and every chair doesn't need to be pulled out for her. But on a date; absolutely!

@3# Mind Your Words

A guy with an intellect and humility is a sure shot, guaranteed turn on for any girl. And usually, it takes a girl less than 10 minutes to figure out if the guy across the table has these qualities working in his favor or otherwise.

Men who brag about their achievements or the net worth of their father's business, don't stand a chance against those who share their thoughts and are genuinely interested in hearing about their date's. What really helps is if you stick to a language you're comfortable with. Grammatical mistakes and SMS abbreviations in spoken language are hilarious not endearing.

@4# Never Be Shy

Be generous with compliments and praise. In fact, most women appreciate that quality in men. But the key is to be genuine. That's what makes a man stand out. An honest “I really enjoyed this and would love to see you more” or a “You have a gorgeous smile” is a zillion times better than any pick up line in the world. A guy who speaks his mind and spells out how he wants to take things forward wins hands down, as long as he doesn't enter the creepy zone. Additional brownies for a guy who manages to steer clear of the “Let’s be friends” zone and goes straight for the “I want to date you” target.

@5# Be Yourself 

Because when you try to be someone you're not, you're being a clown. Everyone has flaws. Everyone has had moments they're not proud of and most of us don't have smashing looks. Wait a minute...doesn't that put us all in the same boat? It's a big turn on for a girl to see a guy who is confident, sincere and unpretentious. If you don't put on a fake accent, assert yourself unnecessarily over restaurant staff and come dipped in cologne sporting a fake Rado, chances are you will actually get a smile from the girl across the table. It's not so hard to just be your normal self. Try it.

Monday, April 23, 2018

12 Reasons Why People Go For Extramarital Affairs

People all around the world are having extramarital affairs, regardless of their socioeconomic background or location. Some instances come as a shock because when things seem to be going well in the marriage. You can't help but wonder- Why?

Something obviously went wrong somewhere. Here are some possible reasons as to why people indulge in an extramarital affair.

12 Possible Reasons Why People Have Extramarital Affairs:
@1# Early Marriage

People who marry in their early 20s would most likely have achieved some level of stability and social standing by their mid-30s. At that point, they feel that they did not really enjoy life in their 20s, and find it exciting to indulge in an extramarital affair. It is their way of experiencing the thrill and excitement of dating.

@2# Married For The Wrong Reasons

Many people enter into marriage for the wrong reasons. Pressures from family and society top the list in the country. After a point, many people agree to marriage without even getting to know their life partner. Once the deed is done, they realize the mistake they have made in terms of the choice of their life partner. If they meet someone who is in any way a better match than their current spouse, they are immediately attracted to him/her. And what starts as a simple friendship usually ends up in an affair.

@3# Inability To Deal With Changes

Life throws changes at us almost every day. Most of us are able to deal with the small changes. But the bigger ones are tougher to deal with - a serious illness in the family, death, loss of employment, financial loss, etc. Many turn to people, apart from their spouses to deal with such changes. They find more comfort in the arms of someone new, perhaps someone not connected to their tough circumstances in any way.

@4# Becoming Parents

Becoming a parent changes everything about a husband-wife relationship. Priorities change, the time you can give each other reduces and your immediate living environment alters drastically. While most women give their 200% to being mothers, there are several men who suddenly feel lost and unimportant at home, and indulge in extramarital affairs. And since most women are usually so busy being mothers, they probably don't even realize this for a long time.

@5# Physical Dissatisfaction

This is probably one of the most common reasons for people to get involved in an extramarital affair.

@6# Emotional Disconnection

Sometimes a couple grows emotionally disconnected from each other, the top reasons being lack of time and lack of communication with each other. To be emotionally connected, you need to share, you need to talk, you need to express, you need to listen, you need to laugh, you need to care and show that you care.

If you don't do this, over a period of time, chances are you will get emotionally disconnected from each other as a couple and start getting emotionally connected with someone else. What starts out as an emotional bond with someone can eventually leads to an extramarital affair.

@7# Disagreements On Core Values

Sometimes when you experience a tough situation in life, your core values are tested. And you have to make decisions which may not be palatable to your family, especially to your spouse. Sometimes this could be the cause for irreconcilable differences, which triggers an extramarital affair.

@8# Differing Life Priorities

When a couple gets married, often they don't speak about life priorities; simply because it is not so important or people are not so clear. With time, the priorities start getting clearer and more pronounced, and increasingly divergent. Over time, these become so different that it becomes tough to live together and agree on even basic things on a daily basis.

This can be a catalyst for an extramarital affair. Some people get into a relationship simply because they believe it can advance their career.

@9# No Common Interests

If you have nothing in common with each other, you will eventually get absorbed in pursuing your own divergent interests. You will end up not spending enough time together. As you spend time away from each other, you get opportunities to interact with others. And gradually start building a bond with those who share your interests. Many times this leads to an extramarital affair.

@10# Need For Excitement

Sometimes it is sheer boredom or a need to break the monotony and drudgery of everyday life that is the reason for an extramarital affair. Just for fun, for a change or for some excitement.

@11# Personal Finances

Difficulties in personal finances (excess debts and liabilities), or lack of agreement on personal financial management can sometimes be the trigger for constant bickering within the four walls. And at such a vulnerable time, anyone who gives a hearing to your woes or some financial support is welcome. And this can lead to an extramarital affair.

@12# Career Advancement

It’s sad but true. Some people get into a relationship simply because they believe it can advance their career.

While these are the broad reasons, usually it is a combination of many of these which drives people into an extramarital affair. All said and done, it is tough to see a couple go through the stress of an extramarital affair. Relationships are broken, children are affected. There could be lifelong issues with guilt and trust. It's not an easy situation for anyone.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

10 Steps To Seduce A Girl

As a guy, you must know how to seduce a girl with full enjoyment and amusement.

Here are the rules and steps to seduce a woman. Whether she is your girlfriend or wife, these tricks will definitely support you to achieve the goal.

Seducing a Girl: The Preparation Stage

@1# Being Romantic

Being romantic is the first and foremost weapon to seduce a girl. Generally, the girls expect their boy would be romantic. Talk with romanticism and behave romantically. You can easily seduce her if you follow some romantic strategies. For example: you must use some romantic words or phrases when you want to seduce a girl. Also, learn how to be creative with the approach with romance and love.

@2# Doing Romantic Things

Doing romantic things means that you are romantic and it is the second step that you want to seduce her after you have turned yourself as a romantic guy. Don’t forget to be insane for your girl. Being mad and insane sometimes boosts the relationship.

@3# Inviting Her For A Date

Inviting her for a date can open the door that can make her seductive. Choose the place that she enjoys to spent time in. It will show your loyalty to her and at the same time you will seduce her and make her prepare for the sexy time.

@4# Knowing Her Well

Knowing her well will ease your way to achieve her consent to you. There are many guys who don’t know the girls, even with whom they are having a relationship. It is true that whatever way you approach, you must know her well to make it effective. It will let you know how to stand in front of her, how to behave, how to dress and all the things. For example, an introvert girl likes a man with less talk while an extrovert and ultra-modern girl likes her guy would be Yo! Yo!

@5# Dressing Well

Dressing well helps you win almost any girl. Be careful how you will dress and what you will wear. Prefer the things that she likes to find you in. To make this step successfully, you can carefully notice her behavior or attitude with some special feelings. ‘You look fresh in this color’ or ‘This attire makes you adorable’ type sentences denote that she likes you in this approach. So, pay her your highest concern to seduce your girl easily.

@6# Touching

Touching a girl is the first step that shows that you are in the process to charm your girl. You have planned many things and it is the real chance to make that true. Don’t touch here and there and as you wish. Rather be thankful and creative to touch a girl. Remember that it is the stage when you must have to win her to get her.

@7# Playing Nasty Games

Playing nasty games leads you to attract her to you. Flirt! Use slang a little bit. Choose words that evoke her body and sensual part. For example: invite her to play a hide and seek game with you. Ask her to close eyes. Now, pretend to touch or have your hands on a particular body part of her. Now, invite her to guess. If she can, let her chance to play such with you. If she cannot, ask her for a gift like a kiss or a warm hug.

@8# Wording Sexy And Hot

Use some words that can make her sexy. Compliment her. Ask her different questions that can make her hot and seduced. For example: ask about her sizes (if you are not married), or the favorite underwear color. Compliment her that she has big and alluring assets. These types of sexy and hot questions are bound to make her seduced.

Seducing a Girl: The Final Stage

Now you are done with the process part and it is the final stage to let her know that you love her or you want to spend tonight together or such. Don’t jump all of a sudden. Rather, you can follow these steps:

@9# Making Commitment

Making commitment is the best way to seduce a girl. But, remember that, both of you are in a romantic mood and don’t say any strict thing that can break all your effort to make her seduced. Rather, say the soft but warm things that can raise her feelings. ‘I love you’ or ‘don’t leave me’ type words can help you out here. These will bring her more close to you.

@10# Forming A Habit of Happy Couple Formula

Forming a habit of happy couple formula can make her closer to you. There are many things that the happy couples do to be happy in life. Let your lips whisper. This will instantly work to make your girl seduced. This not only works to seduce her but also works to strengthen the relationship between you.

Attracting or seducing a girl is the easiest thing if you go with the right approach. If you are not, it will seem as more difficult than climbing up the Everest.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

5 Types of Men Every Woman Needs

All women claim to have their set of dependable male friends. Be it for a liberal dosage of honest advice, shopping tips or some harmless flirting, these are 5 guys every gal needs:

@1# Mr Charmer: This guy is the ultimate feel good dude. Being his pal ensures you feel happy even on days when everything else in your life is falling apart. The best part about hanging out with a charmer is that he helps you feel more beautiful from within.

@2# Mr Frankness: Most women when brutally honest with each other end up in an alpha-female battle. But guys can often get away with calling a spade a spade and not have us feel offended. Most women dig cerebral men who force them to think because in a way these discussions and heart-to-heart chats highlight how men see women.

@3# Mr Geeky: While women are hugely turned off by bespectacled geeky dudes, geeks are not all risky business. This guy's linear outlook to life is often a breather for women. Geeks may be socially awkward but his technical prowess is a great high, especially if you don't even know how to fix your own laptop. Plus, chances are he's highly qualified and thus he's likely to be a great counterpoint to your social butterfly image.

@4# Mr Platonic Guy: Men can make great friends. If there is no hidden sexual agenda, a man and woman can share a strong and authentic relationship. Guy buddies such as these should be on your speed dial - he will be the one to restore your confidence in the male species after your heart is shattered.
@5# Mr Adventurer: With him, you will never get bored. This guy will push you out of your comfort zone and show you there's always opportunity for wild escapes. But the flip-side to such free spirited guys is that you can never tie this guy down, as he needs lots of space.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

6 Major Reasons Why Women Have Extramarital Affairs

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.” - Martin Luther

Unfortunately, the situation in the Indian household is quite the contrary. The husband dreads coming back home, and the wife is more than glad to see him leave.

Let us talk about the major reasons why women have extramarital affairs.

6 Major Reasons Why Women Have Extramarital Affairs:

Gone are the days when women used to hide under a five inch veil and obediently play the various roles of a chaste wife, a devout daughter in law and a libido less mother.

This is the 21st century and women are successfully playing the new role called infidels. But this is not what is infuriating the patriarchy - the audacity of an ‘Indian’ woman to commit an extramarital affair. What is more shocking to the patriarchy is the infiltrated morality of today’s Indian women who no longer consider an extramarital affair as taboo and are openly articulating their emotional and sexual needs.

Reason 1 @ Desire

Desire is the mother of all sins. It is not a new fact that in all marriages, sooner or later, the charm of the youthful days fades. Women desire to rekindle something new and passionate in their relationship.

Reason 2 @ Faulty Partner

Not everyone is blessed with a beautiful and loving partner. Halfway in their marriage, women realize that they are not being given the love, respect and companionship they deserve in a marriage. So, they simply start looking for it elsewhere.

However, it is not necessary for the relationship to be at fault in order to justify the person’s infidelity. Sometimes, it’s just the person’s personality type.

Reason 3 @ Suppressed Sexuality

If a man couldn’t suppress his sexual passions or was dissatisfied with his wife, he could easily spend a night in a brothel. No one asked him any questions because he was the head and the caretaker of the family.

But a woman’s sexual needs have always been suppressed. She was and still is taught to preserve her chastity and virginity. And women did so because they were uneducated and were not capable of standing up on their feet.

But times have changed. As the woman of today rises, she is willing to take a look at her own needs and, if necessary, honor them, be it inside or outside the house.

And sexual gratification rules a woman’s needs. Perhaps that is the reason why they have no qualms in accepting an extramarital relation for satiating the urge of physical intimacy.

Reason 4 @ The Modern Attitude Towards Marriage

There is a fundamental flaw in the very nature of married Indian couples. Everyone hungers for quick satiation. Everyone wishes to speak but no one is willing to listen. Intolerance is on the rise and hypocrisy is ruling marriages. People are more into flaunting their love lives on social media than having a heart to heart conversation.

Moreover, like with objects, couples are getting bored with their partners too. If one relationship doesn’t work, they plan and plot to develop another. The values of commitment, sacrifice, love, companionship, forgiveness and moreover the attitude of ‘fixing a broken thing’ have been lost. So instead of making a marriage work, women as well as men look for a new dalliance.

Reason 5 @ The Bane Called The Internet

The Internet has always been a boon and a bane. A lot of affairs owe their existence to electronic communications. The sheer ease and secrecy of mobile communication is an enabling factor.

To aid women, extramarital affair websites are making it easier to have clandestine online affairs.

Reason 6 @ The Working Lady

Chances of extramarital affairs increase when both the partners are working. Women don’t find that time to nurture their marital relationship with their husbands at home.

Rather, the same bonding happens with their colleague at the workplace. Both men and women work the same number of hours and often travel together for business trips. As a result, there are more instances of extramarital affairs in the corporate sector.

Whatever might be the reason, extramarital affairs are never healthy for a relationship. At times, they leave irreparable scars on both the offenders and their partners.

Therefore, as adults, it is the duty of every married woman to take conscious and informed decisions, especially in the Indian society, where a marriage is not just a union of two individuals, but two families.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

How To Propose To An Indian Girl?

Flirting, being friends or very good friends and going out on a special date with a girl; all are very different situations from proposing a girl.

Men who are going to propose an Indian girl should do this with utmost care. It hurts very much to get denial after proposing a girl. When it comes to proposing an Indian girl, men need to take several factors into account.

Here are some key pointers which can be helpful to know the ways to propose an Indian girl. 

@1# Duration of Your Relationship.

If you are friends with an Indian girl for just 1 or 2 weeks, do not propose her. Give time to your relationship so that it can grow. When a man, who knows a girl for a very short period of time; proposes her; the girl gets to know that the person is just fooling around. However, if you know a girl very well for many months then proposing seems acceptable.

@2# The Quality of Your Relationship.

If you know a girl for a year but have spent only a few lonely moments with her then you should not propose her. Before proposing a girl, think yourself that how it will appear to propose a girl whom you just don’t know very well. On the other hand, if you share a very enjoyable relationship with a girl then it will not appear abnormal to propose on your part. You need to understand that there should be strong reasons for your proposal. Only then the girl would trust you. It is very difficult for an Indian girl to understand that a man who does not know her well really has honest feeling for her.

@3# Timing.

Choose a day when you are on a date with your girl. Observe the mood of the girl whom you are going to propose. If the girl is in a bad mood then don’t propose her. You will suffer without any reason just because of wrong timing. Also, keep on giving hints about your proposal before really proposing a girl. This helps in creating a good platform before you really propose her.

@4# The Style For Proposal.

This is the most important part of proposing an Indian girl. Men should understand that there is no rigid style of proposing a girl. Every girl wishes to get proposed in a unique manner. Keep this in mind and propose her in your own unique style. Be creative and avoid copying someone else. Propose her in such a manner that she feels like a princess or the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. Assure her that you will always take care of her and do anything for her happiness. Avoid proposing in a direct manner. It sounds boring and Indian girls would not like it. If they ask for some time to give response then give it to her. Remember that patience always pays.

@5# Getting Prepared.

Doing Your Homework could be the Difference Maker. So, you are sure about getting your timing right and you have decided upon the style of proposing your Indian girlfriend. However, an important question remains to be asked ‘have you done your homework?’

Yes, this might sound a bit strange, but when proposing to a girl, it is vital that you come across as somebody who is seriously interested in her. This means having observed her closely and taking the initiative to find out more about her. If she is your colleague at the office, digging information about her likes and dislikes isn't that difficult. If she is within your extended circle of friends, the task becomes even easier. When you propose to her, it should seem that you know about her preferences and her personality type.

Is she the upfront type who has only dated bold, macho guys in the past? If yes, your style of proposing would be better-off being quick and blunt about it.

If she is the sporty types, it would be better if you propose going out on a small adventure trip as a part of the proposal or initiate the conversation with how you have always wanted to try rock climbing.

This combination of asking her out and mentioning something that she really likes will make her think that yes, you do understand her and there is something common to build upon.

If she is the shy type, ensure that it doesn’t seem like you are hitting upon her. Before you actually propose, do some homework. Identify her closest friends. Send her some subtle reminders and teasers about the fact that you really like her. In this manner, you would have taken out the sting of shock or awe at the time of actually proposing to her. Think of this as establishing a reasonable base when proposing an Indian girl.

@6# Your Choice of Words.

Even after the best of preparations, if you end up saying the wrong things at moment of proposing, you are bound to make things difficult for yourself. Rather than leaving it all to spontaneity, it is better to being a bit prepared about how you are going to put forth your proposal. The fact is that unless she is a total stranger to you, you don’t need to explain yourself to her.

All you need to do is directly ask her out without using the words ‘date’. There is nothing wrong with using this word but it may give things a rather typical perception.

You are better off proposing in a manner that is both direct and a bit subtle. Your lines should include phrases like ‘I have been observing you for a long time’ or ‘I have a gut feeling that you wouldn’t mind going out with me’. Don’t bombard her with flowers or gifts before actually saying something. That just seems like a lame attempt to melt her a bit before hitting her with proposal.

Being a bit apprehensive, anxious or even stammering a bit is not an issue as you say it. Don’t try to act too cool or someone you are not. Don’t behave like some overconfident schmuck who couldn’t care less.

@7# Your Body Language Should Be Confident.

When you propose to a girl or a lady from any part of the world for that matter, your body language makes a huge difference. If you are naturally confident, most issues are resolved and you don’t need much help.

If you are a bit apprehensive or unsure about her reaction, ensure you follow some basics. This includes, looking her in the eye when you propose. You should be facing her, without your hands in your pockets or waving around too much in the air. If you seem a bit vulnerable or emotional, it works towards your favor as it lends an emotional depth to your actions.

If you tend to get tense when approaching such situations, just take some time to do some last minute preparations to keep yourself calm. This can include deep breathing and doing some neck rotations.
How To Tackle The Post Proposal Period?

Let us assume the positive outcome of your proposal. Even then, it is not necessary that she out rightly says, yes. Most Indian women still carry a bit of coyness that makes them so unique. Her approval might be in the form of blinking her eyes and smiling. If she is the waiting type or wants to play the hard-to-get sort of games, she might tell you to wait for her phone call. The ideal way to handle the outcome of your proposal is to give her time and not force the issue.

Don’t seek immediate answers. Don’t pressurize her into being very clear about her response. You need to understand that she might need a few moments to recollect herself. Yes, being spontaneous about the entire thing would be ideal but it isn't bound to happen with every girl.

So, allow her the liberty to handle things the way she wants. Don’t call her and ask for her impending answer. After having proposed to her, take a back step and allow fate to take its own course.

Don’t approach the proposal with any fixed notions in your head, it is better to be prepared for the worst-case scenario and hope for her immediate acceptance.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Tips And Tricks To Date Married Women

Most of the men are attracted towards married women and find them more attractive compared to younger girls. Practicing monogamy has reduced and couples due to lack of control and pure love are getting into extra marital affairs. Dating married women is an ideal idea for majority of men regardless of the age gap.

If the woman is attractive, pretty and matured, the man will likely fall for her and would like to date that married woman. The experiences of married women make men love them and the wish to get along with them increases. Even women want a change in their lives if they are bored of their existing ones. Women love to be adored, loved and cared, so if a man fulfills her needs then she falls for him.

If you are thinking about dating a married woman, then here are some tips and tricks to apply for.

Tips And Tricks To Date Married Women:

@1# Give Her Time.

The new and close relationship needs time to develop. Many women are not ready to ditch her husband and go for another man. If the man likes a married woman, he should gradually try to develop the relationship between them and make her feel that she is doing the right thing.

@2# Build Comfort.

It is very important to make her feel comfortable in your company. Try to become close to her by knowing her likes and dislikes. If she needs time to get close to you then give her the required time and space. She will come to you.

@3# Become Her Support.

A married woman generally gets into an extra marital affair if she is not happy with her life and husband. Try to become her support and stand by her side when she wants you.

@4# Never Befriend Her Husband.

Try not to be friends with her husband. In some cases, husband's close friend are involved in relationship with the wife. If you are really thinking about dating a married woman, then it’s best to avoid being friends with her man.

@5# Know What She Expects.

A man should know that ‘the married woman is dating him to fulfill her expectations’ which were not catered to by her husband. Get to know what she wants and expects and try to fulfill them.

You can use these tips and tricks to date married women and be prepared to share your love as the woman you like or love is already married to someone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

3 Common Ways To Seduce Your Woman

What do all great lovers have in common? They are masters of seduction and they know it. Confidence may be key to seduce your lover, but you can also pick up a few tips and tricks along the way to keep her coming back for more.

Here are most common 3 ways to seduce a woman:

@1# Compliment Her.

You want to be intimate with her, right? Then tell her. Let her know that she is the object of your desire and ply her with compliments. Telling her that she looks good won’t suffice. You need to seduce her by describing in detail everything you like about her. Think about all five senses and compliment glow of her skin, the scent of her hair, the taste of her lips, the beauty of her curves and the sweet sound of her breath. Be an animal and let her know just how badly you want to get between her legs.

@2# Be Aggressive.

Sometimes a poke in the backside just won’t cut it for a woman who craves seduction.

The anticipation of being seduced is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs, but all that sexual energy comes to a grinding halt if your lover lacks enthusiasm and confidence. Initiating intimacy and sex should be a shared responsibly. If tonight is your night then embrace it with passion!

Be aggressive by holding her by the hair as you kiss her or pull out a few silk ties to strap her wrists to the bedposts. Give her a chance to be submissive and play up your role as the aggressor.

@3# Touch Slowly.

If being aggressive isn’t your style or you simply want to switch it up for a change, then slowing things down may be the perfect addition or complement to your sexual repertoire.

When we are excited we have a tendency to rush into things. We start grabbing and kneading and sucking and fingering without giving our bodies a chance to ease into the natural sexual response. By slowing things down, you allow the tension to build as the blood rushes to her most sensitive regions and they start yearning for more of what you’ve got to offer.

Delayed gratification is a compelling tool of seduction, so never underestimate the power of teasing her body and slowing down the things.

Monday, April 9, 2018

How To Touch A Girl?

During the initial part of the relationship while you are still flirting with the girl, it’s important to start touching. Not only does it help you feel good, but if done right it can arouse a lot of attraction in her to the extent of charging her with intimacy desire. But it’s also important to understand that going overboard with touching during this phase of the relationship can be detrimental. Remember the thumb rule ‘less is more’. Be subtle and be patient; there are rich dividends to be reaped later.

Now is the time for the ‘passing touch’. Girls are intensely aware of the skin to skin feel and they love to be touched. Guys on the other hand love touching. It’s usual for guys to feel attracted to the soft areas on the girl’s body. Whenever a guy sees a pretty girl it’s common for him to imagine her without clothes; most of the time he would think about how it would feel to touch her. This initiates a craving inside for him to have sex with that girl. This entire act of imagination is so unconscious that many guys, who are not very comfortable with their sexuality, actually feel embarrassed about thinking that way.

You need to remember that your mind is wired for sex; it is a very biological thing and hence is unconsciously triggered. It’s natural and of course it’s fun. But you also need to realize that this need or craving can interfere and lead to disastrous consequences if you lose self control; you risk coming across as a needy weirdo.

Girls love sex as much as guys do, even more, but the approach has to be right, else it spoils everything. 

The Passing Touch:

During the initial part of the flirting process, even as soon as the second time of your meeting, you can start with the process of touching very subtlety. The passing touch refers to touching her almost imperceptibly, a touch which lasts only for a second. She will feel it, either consciously or unconsciously, so don’t worry it will have its effect.

The best areas to touch initially would be her hands and shoulders. Girls take a lot of care to ensure that their hands look good. There is a lot of pain endured in waxing their hands and arms to keep them looking sexy.

As mentioned earlier, initially you should touch her without conscious intention; you need to act as if you did not touch her consciously. For example, when you are standing and talking with her, just touch her upper arm slightly as if you are trying to look beyond her on the floor. When she looks back just say something like ‘I think I saw a rat pass by or something’, that will have her squealing and coming close to you. I am sure you can come up with a lot of similar excuses to touch her. Just ensure that the touch does not last for more than a second. Touching her skin is more effective than touching her clothes of course. 

Tricks For Touching For The Newbie:

If you are new to the game it’s natural to feel very conscious while touching the girl. She might even sense that and feel a weirdo alarm going up in her head. It’s important to do this in a subtle manner. Unconscious touching is always okay, remember that. So get started with pulling off ‘unconscious touching’ while being very conscious.

Don’t be intimated at the prospect of touching her, no matter how much in awe you are of her. That’s a mistake to start with though; don’t be in awe of her, just think of her as another girl. Know that there are plenty to choose from if this does not work out. Keep it cool and keep it relaxed. Be subtle and everything will look natural.

Here are a few touching tips, all these touches should be a passing touch.

@1# Touch her shoulder from behind whenever you approach her.

@2# Touch her clothing while remarking on how nice the fabric feels, say something like ‘nice dress’ and touch it. The upper arm would be the best place for this act.

@3# Ask her for a high five in a casual manner. This works wonders, because now she will have to touch you consciously. It should be a bland ‘give me five’, no flowery expressions allowed on your part else you might end up in the ‘friends zone’ with her.

@4# If you have big hands you can try this ruse. Tell her how small her hands look, ask her to place it on your hand to compare the sizes. Say something like ‘you got small hands, just see how small they are, keep them on mine’. Any girl would follow up on it. Once she places her hand on yours, just laugh and leave it at that. Don’t prolong the touch for more than two seconds. If done right this is highly sexual.

@5# While crossing the road or in a crowded mall, you can extend your arm for her to hold. It should have a very unconscious gesture on your side. It should show that as a guy you are worried about her safety. If she holds your arm or hand, well you have it made. If she doesn’t there is no sweat because you can always pretend that it was unconscious on your part and go about it casually. Don’t ever look sheepish if your attempt fails, always keep a straight face as if you are not aware of what happened. You get the lay of it right?

@6# You can even dare to touch her waist, the area slightly above her butt, on the pretext of guiding her through a crowded mall or a pub. It works as long as you do it very subtly. She can feel it of course, don’t apply any pressure, just a feather touch.

@7# The whisper technique is much abused, but it looks better on girls than on guys. So if you wish you can try it but be cautious, it might get you in an awkward position if done wrong. The best tip while doing this is to avoid getting too close to her ear, just lean towards her shoulder and whisper something pretty bland like ‘this class sucks’.

@8# The reading her palm technique is very common and known to most girls. Almost every guy on the block has tried it. So if you want to stand apart don’t try it. Of course it’s your wish, if you are genuinely good at reading palms you can give it a try. Don’t blame me if she gives you a wry ‘I know this trick’ look.

Given a situation, just use your ingenuity to come up with excuses to touch her. While touching, remember that ‘less is more’. Each touch has the capacity to raise attraction in her, mostly physical attraction. You can even sense the sexual tension in her eyes at times, when you get it just right. Just make sure the touching feels as if it was unconscious on your part, this will have her more attracted. 

She will Get Close:

If you are playing your cards right, she will feel sexually attracted to you. All girls have the tendency to lean towards guys they find attractive. On some pretext or the other she will try to come close to you, may be with an excuse of showing you something or telling you something secretive. She might even whisper in your ears especially with that soft sensual voice. When she does all this make sure you keep a straight face and look disinterested for the most part. Any excitement on your part can be a turn off.

Remember the golden rule ‘Girls love guys who seem to care for nothing’. Be relaxed and don’t get carried away, one mistake can reduce attraction and you don’t want that to happen. Each bit of attraction built leads to a high sexual charge inside her to the point where she is craving for your physical closeness.

If you see her touching you a lot for one reason or the other then you know that she is feeling the heat. 

Taking It To The Next Level:

Remember that less is more initially. Don’t keep touching her every now and then. This reduces the intensity of each touch. Keep it less and far in between. Once she feels attracted she will start doing her bit of the touching. So relax. Let her touch you, but don’t follow it up by touching her. Keep it real and don’t ever get excited while touching.

If you work it right it won’t be long before you will get signs of her closeness. She will let you know that you have the permission to touch on the other areas of her body. Just sense the subtle signals, sometimes they won’t even be subtle, she will try to lean across to you, she will find every reason to whisper something, she will find a reason to touch your hand, pat your shoulder, give you a childish tap on your cheek, get close to you while sitting or standing. When she starts doing all this you are ready to start the second level, touching the more intimate areas.

@1# Touch her hair and feel its texture. Tell her that it feels like silk or something. Less is more; don’t go overboard with flowery compliments. Something like ‘your hair feels soft to touch’ or ‘your hair is silky’ is cool enough.

@2# Touch her cheek on the pretext of removing a speck of something. The girl wouldn’t care if there was a speck in the first place, as long as you do it right. Do it almost unconsciously without being too involved. She will feel great.

@3# Touch her waist more, on the pretext of guiding her through busy roads or malls. She wouldn’t mind you touching her waist, now.

Hold hands while walking through crowded places. If done right she will like you for being protective, girls love it.

@5# Let your hand rest on her thighs when she is wearing something over it of course, while watching a movie or on the pretext of being tired.

Touching is the intimate exchange between a guy and a girl. It has a great capacity to generate sexual desires in the girl. Getting her charged up sexually will increase her attraction for you a hundred fold. If you are doing it right, the girl will continue wanting more. Remember the thumb rule, in your case ‘less is more’. So don’t get too generous with the touching. When you touch following these rules, it will be highly intense.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

How To Attract Women Without Saying A Single Word?

In order to attract women without saying a single word, you need to master the four key areas of non-verbal game.

These areas are all tied into each other and once combined will create a magnetic gut level attraction that most women just won’t be able to resist.

They will sense you when you walk into a room, feel the urge to look over and grab a glimpse of you, maybe even send one of their friends over to talk to you because they’re too damn shy to do it themselves.

Once you pull this stuff off correctly, you can have your pick whilst other guys will just look at you in amazement, thinking to themselves, “Why is every girl in here looking at that guy?”

Now, let us talk about the 4 techniques which help to attract women without saying a single word.

Step 1# The First Impression #

First impressions are everything, not just with women but with everything in life so you need to treat it with top priority.

(a) Have fun with your friends: When you’re in the moment and having fun with your friends, nothing else matters. You’re not seeking approval from anyone, you’re just having fun. This is very attractive to women, so do this more.

(b) Smile and banter casually: Most guys will stand at a bar and use fake smiles or talk about crap, just so they can look like they’re talking about something interesting. Never do this, you should always be genuine and banter about real things, smile and focus on your friends primarily. This is your reality and you’re inviting others to be a part of it if they wish, you’re not pandering to anyone else.

(c) Creating a positive vibe: Let’s say you’re in a bar with one friend, you’re both laughing and joking, feeling great and just chilling… however to your right, there are two other guys just standing there, not saying a word to each other and looking all uncomfortable. Who do you think looks more attractive to a woman? Of course it’s you, because you’re creating an enticing energy that women want to be involved in.

Step 2# Attractive Body Language #

There is some terrible advice out there on body language, so avoid any of the over hyped stuff and just focus on the following:

(a) Alpha male stance: Remove your hands from your pockets and leave them by your sides, with your thumb and forefinger together so you don’t feel the need to move your hands. Then widen your feet so they are shoulder width apart, this is a very alpha stance.

(b) Don’t sway side to side: It’s natural to sway when you’re nervous and self-conscious. Fight the urge to do this, because it shows that you’re uncomfortable.

(c) Don’t fidget: Fidgeting is the number one way to scream to women that you’re not confident with yourself. You look like a lost child who needs his mummy.

(d) Don’t make jerky movements: Making any swift jerky movement just projects a nervous energy which is not attractive, so stop it!

Step 3# Eye Contact #

Your eyes allow you to communicate everything you need to without saying a word, so use them to your advantage.

(a) Don’t break downwards: If you look at a girl and then look downwards, you are subconciously saying that you’re a bitch. So never look downwards, if you’re not interested in her always look to the side.

(b) Hold eye contact until she breaks it: When you see an attractive girl and you both lock eyes, hold it until she looks away first. This shows that you’re a dominant character and the alpha male.

(c)Stop looking around nervously:
If you have shifty eyes it just says to others that you’re a shifty kind of person, so try your hardest to focus on your friend and slow down your eye movements in general.

Step 4# Reading Subtle Signals #

Women give off ridiculously subtle signals when they are interested in a guy and they wonder why we never go over to them. It actually becomes a bit of an art after a while, so you need to make sure you ask yourself these three questions the next time you have your eye on a girl.

(a) Is she close to you? The longer she stands close to you, the more interested she is in you. Say for example you’re in a bar and she’s been standing very close to you for well over 30 minutes, it means she’s attracted to you, so make a move.

(b) What does she do when you look at her? The moment you look at her and she looks at you, notice if she looks away instantly or gives you small smile, adjusts her hair, nudges her friend etc. These are all ways of her saying “I think you’re hot”.

(c)How did she react? If you get some positive reactions from her, then make a move; or if you get some obvious negative reactions from her, then move on.

So that’s pretty much exactly how to attract women without saying anything to them. Non-verbal game does take a few hours to master, so you must practice every time you’re out and stop yourself when you do something wrong.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

12 Steps To Deal With Your Girlfriend Ignoring You

Many times in a relationship, there comes a time when your girlfriend does not pay you much attention. Those times can be hard to deal with. Such time needs the patience to calm your mind and to stop turning it into a fight or break up. To live a long lasting relationship sometimes you need to ignore small fights which come your way.

There are many ways which you can be chosen to deal with your girlfriend ignoring you. Few such pointers are mentioned here:

Steps To Deal With Your Girlfriend Ignoring You: 

@1# Try To Talk It Out.

If your girlfriend is ignoring you, then there must be some reason for her to ignore you. When you notice that your girlfriend is not paying you attention like she used to, then instead of jumping to the conclusion first try to talk it out. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Ask her if there is something which is bothering her. From her reaction, you will get to know the reason of her being like that. It can be the case that she is angry with you and therefore she is behaving like that. 

@2# Do Not Ignore Her Back.

Human tendency is to take revenge and when someone ignores you without your fault then it becomes hard for you to deal with it. To deal with your girlfriend ignoring you try to deal it with ‘not ignoring her back’. When you will ignore your girlfriend then it might not do any good to your relationship.

Your relationship might get screwed up. It might be the case that your girlfriend is not having her good days or she is dealing with her bad days. There could be any reason which might make her gloomy and not attentive towards you. Therefore, as a good boyfriend, it is your responsibility to try to make her happy instead of making her sad. 

@3# Give Her Time And Space.

As you know there could be many reasons for her to ignore you. Thus, try to know her situation. Look from your girlfriend’s point of view to understand her situation in a better way. To deal with your girlfriend ignoring you give her some time to recover and let her be on her own. Look if she needs anything and be there for her whenever she needs you. 

@4# Control Your Anger.

When she is mad then it is the right time to have control over your anger. To deal with your girlfriend ignoring you, take care of your emotions and matter will be solved easily. When you will show your anger then it would make her lose her mind and you both can even reach to the wrong conclusion and may decide of breaking up. 

@5# Ask General Questions To Divert Her Mood.

Trying to divert her mood would be the best way to deal with an ignoring girlfriend. Ask her general questions and make her feel that you care for her. When you will try to divert her mind to cheer her up then she would feel good to see your efforts. You can ask any questions as it would keep the conversation going on between you two. 

@6# Be With Her.

If your girlfriend is not feeling good and she is sad then that is the time she needs you the most. May be she is not expressing it but she wants you in her life and she doesn’t want to be alone. Give her assurance that she is not alone and you are with her at every moment. Even if she is not talking properly tell her that you are there with her forever and she will not have to suffer anything alone. 

@7# Express To Her How You Feel.

You are also not feeling well seeing her that way and when she is ignoring you it must have made you feel devastated. When she is not talking to you much then you must be feeling miserable and it is time to make her feel how you feel. It is not bad to show your weak side to her after all she is your girlfriend.

Keep your ego aside for a while and make her sit with you for a talk. Tell her that you are not feeling good seeing her that way. This might make her feel bad about her action and she might start sharing with you about her problems. 

@8# Discuss Her Problem.

If she has yet not shared any of her problems then it is time for you to take initiative and ask her friends what is going on with her. Her friends must know what is going on in her life. When you get to deal with your girlfriend ignoring you then it is better to work with a calm mind as she is already not in her presence of mind and someone has to be. You can even ask her directly about her problems and discuss it with her. Discussing problem even helps to make people feel good and positive. 

@9# Find The Solution To Her Problems.

Once you know what is bothering her then try to find the solution for her. Be a responsible boyfriend and watch out for every possible way to eliminate the problem to keep your girlfriend happy. That is the time she needs your support the most and you have to be with her. Assure her that everything will be okay and she will never have to be sad and on her own. You both together can work it out and find the solution for it. Nothing is impossible in the world and every problem can be solved. 

@10# Take Her Out.

When you see that she is suffering from a problem and you want her to be happy then you need to make efforts to get her happy. If you know that it will take her time to recover then try to help her to recover. Try to distract her mind and keep her soul happy. Take her out for a dinner or a long drive to make her feel good. This is probably one of the best ways to deal with your girlfriend ignoring you. 

@11# Check if She is Got Bored With You.

There also can be the case that she is not anymore interested in you but do not reach to this conclusion without trying anything. When you have tried a lot and you have tried all you can to keep up with her and still you find her ignoring you then it is time to spy her a bit. Maybe now she is not interested in you. Look if she spends out most of her time on her phone or if she stays happy when she is with someone else then it can be concluded that she does not want to stay with you, her behavior with others would help you to know if she is actually facing some bad times or if she is bored with you. 

@12# Let Her Go.

If you find it out that she is bored with you then it is better to let her go and do not disturb her. Talk to her once regarding all this and then tell her that if she is not interested then it is better to move apart. Even though you love her a lot, there is no point in living a dead relationship which cannot give you anything except pain.

You have tried your best and but you are not getting any positive response from your girlfriend. It might mean that she wants to move on and she is doing it all so that you would initiate the break up with her. When you are clearly seeing that she is not like before and there is no love from her side then let her go and let her be happy on her own. If your love is true, then one day she will realize what blunder she committed leaving you and may come back to you forever.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

How To Make A Girl Desire You Sexually?

Have you ever been attracted to a girl but don’t know how to get her interested in you?

Girls may get drawn to a guy for his personality. But even if you are a guy with a great personality, it’s easy to end up becoming just a friend instead of a lover.

If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, you must know the tricks how to flirt with a girl and to make a girl fall in love with you.

And if you want to make a girl want you and desire you sexually, just continue reading.

How To Make A Girl Want You?

Girls love great guys who are a lot of fun to be with. But then, there are a lot of great guys all around.

And when you’re attracted to a girl who is drop dead gorgeous and can get the attention of any guy she wants, it’s not easy to make her desire you sexually. But there are ways, really easy ways.

Most guys are too afraid to make a move on a girl who is very good looking because they are afraid to get spurned.

Don’t be one of those guys.

When you’re trying to impress a girl, don’t make it obvious that you like her too soon either.

If she doesn’t like you yet, she may end up distancing herself from you to avoid any awkward moments. So, in the beginning stages, just behave like a friend.

10 Steps To Make A Girl Desire You Romantically And Sexually:

If you find yourself getting really attracted to a friend who’s getting a lot of attention already, you can definitely make her desire you and want you. All you need to do is play it safe and slow to turn her on and make her want you.

@1# Be A Good Friend.

Sometimes, behaving like a friend can be the easiest way to a girl’s heart. But there’s a very thin line between being a friend that she’s attracted to and being a friend she considers a brother.

If you want her to want you, be a good friend who’s there for her, but don’t always be there for her. Speak to her when she’s around, but make sure she sees you flirting with other girls now and then too. Don’t be the friend who’s going to give a shoulder to lean on. Instead, be the friend who talks about current events and fun things.

She’s got to love your company to start with, but she should never feel like you’re an indispensible friend. If you go wrong here, you may just end up getting into her friend zone and lose all hope of sleeping with her.

@2# Flirt With Her.

Try to spend time with her when she’s alone. If her other friends are with her, you can avoid her or just wave a hello and move on after a quick chat. The more you hang out with her as just a friend, the lesser the chances of you ever making her desire you.

Spend time with her only when she’s all by herself. That’ll give you enough time to date talk her and discreetly flirt with her. Flirt with her, make her feel warm and awkwardly nice while hanging out with you. And treat her just like you would treat your girlfriend, but don’t ever call her your girlfriend though.

@3# Don’t Be Possessive.

You may like her a lot and hate all the other guys that flirt with her. But you know what, you don’t own her and she’s not your girlfriend. So never behave possessively or prevent her from meeting or talking to other guys. You’ll end up losing her because you will become a creepy guy.

Instead, have your own life, but give her your time when you bump into her or have some alone time together. Don’t be stuck at her hip; otherwise, she will never fall for you and you will end up becoming her doormat.

@4# Be Her Secret Life.

As told earlier, spend a lot of time with her and flirt with her, but do that only when she is by herself. Create a secret relationship that no one knows about other than the both of you. By doing this, you will make the relationship more exciting and thrilling. Become a part of her life, text her often at night when you know she is alone, talk about personal issues, and indulge in everything a couple would do. But keep the relationship a secret.

@5# Make Her Miss You. 

This is tricky but also includes a lot of fun. Once both of you are closer and like spending time with each other, call her every night for a week or so. And then, don’t call her one day. If she meets you or texts you the next day asking why you didn’t call, she obviously missed you and wanted to speak with you.

Flirt with her and charmingly ask her if she missed you because you didn’t call. Use different ways to make her miss your company and constantly create scenarios where you force her to realize that she actually likes you and misses you when you aren’t around.

@6# The Confession Time.

Confessions are the best way to open a girl up. Of course, she won’t start confessing about her sexual escapades to you just yet. You need to warm her up to it. During one of your late night calls, tell her that you bumped into one of your exes who was a horny wild cat.

The girl you like will obviously be curious and would want to know more about your ex. Use this excuse to go into the details of your sex life. Be patient and start funny, and get more descriptive and add explicit horny details as the conversation goes on. If you play this game carefully, speak softly and make sure you describe the events like an erotic story, she can’t help but visualize you naked. And chances are, she’ll also be wet down there just listening to you.

@7# The Intimate Talks.

If you have pulled off your sexual confession without a hitch and she liked what you had to say, she is definitely turned on now. Ask her about a horny experience from her past. She may hesitate at first, but pester her just a bit. If she was horny, she definitely wouldn’t mind getting into details. And as she tells her stories, gasp and talk like you’re imagining the whole thing. It’s going to be a huge turn on for both of you.

@8# Initiate Dirty Talks.

You may wonder if all these steps are even possible, but you won’t believe how easy it is to get a girl talking dirty in a nighttime conversation until you’ve tried it. It’s easy, as long as you have warmed her up with your horny stories. Now that you’ve got her confessing all her dirty deeds to you, it’s time you get yourself into the picture.

Compliment her for being such a naughty girlfriend, and discreetly tell her how awesome it would have been if you were her boyfriend. Saying that will definitely spark a fire of lust because she’ll know exactly where you’re going with the conversation. Speak softly, don’t get overexcited and don’t stop with the dirty questions.

@9# Have Phone Sex.

If you’ve used dirty questions while talking to her, chances are, both of you are already really horny. Now start creating imaginary situations to turn her on even more. Tell her something like “I wish I was there right now, there’s so much I would want to do.” And when she whispers back softly and asks you ‘what you would do?’, you have hit jackpot.

Describe what you would do to her in detail, starting off from kissing her neck to taking her top off to whatever else you have in mind. Avoid talking about kissing her on the lips straight away, it’s too personal and straightforward for a few girls. And before you know it, both of you would be talking dirty and having phone sex with each other.

@10# Ask Her Out.

By now you have made her want you and crave for you sexually. But what’s next? You just had phone sex with her. You are on a high, but don’t end it right there. Ask her if she would like to meet you, or go out on a date with you the next day. She would be too horny to resist.

And when both of you meet up on a date, it will probably end with both of you having sex or falling in passionate love. Either ways, you have got the girl of your dreams wanting you and craving for you romantically as well as sexually.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

30 Body Language Signs Which Show Cheating

There are some obvious signs of cheating and infidelity. These signs of infidelity can be sensed through knowing the top body language signs of lying.

The following are 30 body language movements which show you signs of lying. No more being oblivious to behavioral signs of infidelity, here is how you can help yourself to learn the truth.

Body Language Signs Which Show Lies And Cheating:

@1# Limited physical movements and face expression. This is due to the fact that lying is stressful and a cheater would try to maintain control of the situation making sure you accept the lie.

@2# Tighter lips.

@3# Forehead tightens; often you can see wrinkles between the eyebrows.

@4# The cheater takes less space literally. Shoulder may be pulled back or elbows are pulled back to the side of body.

@5# Speaking in monotonous tone, leaving out lots of pronouns in sentences.

@6# Trailing off end of sentences, hesitation in the tone of voice.

@7# Talking a little faster than normal and the voice pitch is higher than normal.

@8# Answering questions a little slower than normal, especially if followed by excessive eye movements.

@9# Often a cheater will touch his face especially nose, mouth and chin area subconsciously. Earlobes and behind the ear are also areas to watch out for.

@10# Pale face and hands or extremely red face and hands.

@11# Breathing more heavily. You can even hear it at times.

@12# Avoiding eye contact, squinting or even closing eyes while talking to you.

@13# Increased heart rate. This is not easy to detect.

@14# Palms are not revealed. It’s in a closed position.

@15# Emotional gesture is longer than usual and it suddenly stops or changes.

@16# The expression of the lower part of face does not match the eyes.

@17# Emotional expression does not match words being said.

@18# Avoiding certain subjects by using humor or sarcasm.

@19# Placing objects between you and the cheater or standing far from you.

@20# Standing a little too close to you to imitate closeness.

@21# He may turn his body away when being asked something he is not comfortable to answer.

@22# He gets defensive rather than offensive.

@23# He will also be very happy if you change the subject rather than getting confused why you brought up the previous subject in the first place.

@24# His sentences are complex and seem to be perfect to convince you of his lies.

@25# He uses longer sentences to take time so that he can lie on the spot better.

@26# His answers are not direct.

@27# He is uncomfortable with silence as he is wondering whether or not he’s about to get caught lying.

@28# The cheater will make meaningless comments and statements to distract your attention.

@29# His words and facial expressions don’t seem synchronized.

@30# The cheater will use more words and reasons to explain actions he does that show signs of infidelity.