Friday, March 30, 2018

Top 8 Female Infidelity Signs

You don’t mean to be jealous, but is there something going on behind your back with your wife or girlfriend? If something in your gut says your relationship feels off, you should start keeping your eyes open for female infidelity signs so that you can decide what your next step should be.

When something isn’t going right in your relationship, sometimes you just know it even if you don’t have solid proof. So, how can you bring it up to your girlfriend without seeming like you’re just being jealous? Female infidelity signs are easier to spot than you think.

Here are 8 signs to know if she is cheating with you:

@1# She Has Stopped Doing The Little Things.

The little things may actually be the healthiest part of any relationship. Maintaining the little things, such as making one another coffee in the morning, kissing goodbye before work, giving compliments, and Showing appreciation are key to a long lasting, happy relationship. Holding hands and telling your partner how much you value them on a regular basis makes both parties feel loved, needed, and never taken for granted.

It is a definite sign of trouble when your wife or girlfriend has stopped doing the little things she used to do. Even if she’s not cheating yet, it is a red flag that she is unhappy in the relationship.

@2# She Has Changed Her Appearance.

When starting something new with a crush, a woman likes to look her best. This means dressing up, hair and makeup. She wants her crush to think she’s beautiful. But, just as you probably took her out every date during the puppy love phase of your relationship, over the course of a long term relationship her desire to impress with her appearance may have faded. Where she once wore heels and tights, now she’s more comfortable curling up with you on the couch. This is a natural transition with long term relationships.

When your wife starts paying close attention to her appearance it may get your attention. If your girlfriend or wife is having an affair she may start dressing up more often, going to the gym, and paying more than the usual attention to how she looks she may be trying to impress somebody else.

@3# Increased Level of Privacy.

One of the more obvious female infidelity signs is an increased need for privacy. Is she being more secretive with her technology? People take their phones everywhere with them. It’s great for staying in contact with friends, a partner, and work. However, it can also be the best aid she’ll ever have for cheating. She can easily add a new contact under by a false name, or hide dating apps from sight.

Female infidelity signs include leaving the room when taking a phone call, being overly possessive of her phone, and frequently deleting history on her phone or laptop or tablet. If your partner is not open with her devices the way that she used to be, it may be because she is hiding something from you.

@4# Spends Less Time Together.

Spending time together as a couple is what helps you form a bond. Whether you’re lounging around at home together, headed out for date night, or spending time with a group of mutual friends, spending time together is an assured expectation of fun. That being said, one sign she’s cheating is if you are spending significantly less time together than you used to out of the blue. At the very least, this is a sign she’s no longer interested in you and may be chasing after someone else.

@5# She Spends a Lot of Time at Work.

Staying late at the office is either a sign she’s extremely committed to her job or that she’s extremely committed to someone else. If staying late at work is out of the norm for her, you may take this as a sign there is a bigger problem in your relationship. Especially, if her work seems to be taking her away for the weekends or overnight for work activities when it never did before.

@6# She Has Got New Friends.

Is your wife or girlfriend now spending an inordinate amount of time with new people? Making new friends is by no means a sign that your girlfriend is cheating, but her behavior about them does carry telltale signs. For example, is she spending time with new friends but doesn’t want to introduce you to them? Do these ‘new friends’ take her out until all hours of the night in a way that is out of character? Has she frequently put off hanging out with you in order to spend time with new friends?

If you’ve been together for some time now you probably know your partner’s closest friends. If your girl has stopped spending time with her family, your family, or your mutual friends and is now itching to be a part of a new group she may be interested in someone else.

@7# She Is Busy Always.

It is never a good sign when your wife or girlfriend won’t seem to give you the time of day. Unlike cheating men, women who cheat typically aren’t interested in stringing along two partners. Instead, they will lose interest in the one and focus all their time and attention on the other.

If your girlfriend is cheating, you may notice a sudden change in her schedule. If you find that you can no longer take her out without giving advanced notice this may be a sign she’s cheating.

@8# Seems Not Interested In Intimacy Anymore.

One of the main ways couples connect emotionally is by bonding through intimacy. When a woman orgasms during sex, her brain releases a jolt of Oxytocin, which lowers barriers of trust and creates a strong bond between the two of you. This attachment is essential for strong relationships. It also lowers stress which can make partners more peaceable with one another.

When it comes to female infidelity signs, not wanting to have sex and intimacy is a big one. So, when your girlfriend starts showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm in your sex life there is a chance she may be creating a bond elsewhere.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Common Signs of Infidelity in Wives

You married her for better or for worse but you probably didn't imagine that ‘worse’ could mean infidelity. According to a study, women cheat almost as much as men do. Asking your wife outright if she is having an affair might be the best way to find out for sure but only, if she answers truthfully. In the meantime, changes in her behavior and appearance may indicate that she is being unfaithful.

Here are the most common noticeable signs which indicate her infidelity:

@1# She Withdraws Emotionally.

Women usually cheat for emotional reasons. This is different from why many men cheat. A woman who is having an affair may pull back from her husband emotionally. She may no longer want to talk about her day, share her feelings or discuss her problems with you. If you try to ask her what is wrong, she may reply with a vague answer or simply say ‘nothing’. At first, some husbands may enjoy their less-talkative wives, but it could be a sign of infidelity.

@2# She Improves Her Appearance.

Let us face it: As time goes by, a woman might let herself go a bit between the demands of work and child-rearing. But a woman who is having an affair may suddenly start to pay attention to her appearance again. If your wife usually heads to the gym in her old sweats and a ponytail but suddenly starts wearing snazzy, matching athletic clothes and doing her hair before she works out, take notice: She could be trying to impress a guy at the gym.

@3# She Pulls Away Physically.

Suddenly, your wife isn't there as much as she used to be. She goes out for “girl's night” more often, stays late and work and makes plans to be away from home on the weekends. She may make excuses for not spending as much time with you and may even say that she needs ‘space’. She also makes excuses for not being intimate with you. All of these are red flags for infidelity.

@4# She Becomes Secretive.

She used to leave her laptop open but now it's always closed, and she has changed her email password, too. So has the password on her phone, and if a text comes in, she makes sure you don't see it. She takes calls in the other room and is vague when you ask her who called, or even who she was with last night. You catch her lying about which friend she was with or why she had to work late.

Secrets and lies are a sign that your wife could be cheating on you, especially if she has never been secretive in the past.

Monday, March 26, 2018

37 Text Messages To Make Her Smile

When you like someone, it’s normal to want them to think about you all the time. I mean, that’s what you’re doing anyway. So, it’s always good when it’s reciprocated. If you want to be the only thing on her mind, it’s really not as hard as you may think it is.

First of all, there has to be some chemistry or connection. Once you have the spark between you two, when there’s some sexual tension then the rest of it is easy. Of course, you’ll want to talk to her, that way, you do your part in continuing the sexual tension and building the chemistry, which is very important.

But remember, you don’t have to send a sexual text message in order to build the chemistry between you two, but you do have to send something genuine. A genuine text message of how you feel in that moment will last much longer.

Here is a list of text messages which can be used to make her smile and think about you:

@1# Your smile makes my day.

@2# I’m having problems falling asleep, you’re the only thing on my mind.

@3# Every time I see you smile, I melt inside.

@4# Sorry if I staring at you, I just can’t believe you’re with me.

@5# I just want to see that beautiful smile again.

@6# When you come home from work, you’ll be in for a big surprise.

@7# Waking up beside you is my favorite feeling.

@8# I’m lying in bed, thinking about you.

@9# I’m wearing those shorts you bought me for Christmas, what are you wearing right now?

@10# I know you had a long day at work, so when you come home you’re getting a back massage.

@11# I saw my friends checking you out, they know how lucky I am.

@12# I didn’t think I could feel this way about somebody until I met you.

@13# Everything in my life is chaos, but you’re the one thing in my life that makes sense.

@14# I woke up with the sun shining in my bedroom, the only thing that was missing was you in my arms.

@15# We can’t be just friends.

@16# There are people that look for their soul-mate their entire life and never find it. And here I am with you.

@17# I still get butterflies for you every time I see you.

@18# Without you by my side, I’m nothing. But together, we’re something really special.

@19# I’m used to having to try to be happy, but with you, I don’t have to try, I just am.

@20# I don’t know how I found you, but I’m happy I did.

@21# I’ve been thinking about you all day long, I can’t wait to show you how much I’ve missed you.

@22# What do you think if we skipped the movie and went to bed early tonight?

@23# Hey sexy, have any plans for tonight?

@24# Okay, so pay attention, I will need these things from you tonight: a hug and a kiss.

@25# I feel like whatever I do is not enough to show you how much I care about you.

@26# I just love who you are.

@27# Do you like bubbles? 

@28# I’m staring at the clock, times going so slowly. I can’t wait to see you.

@29# Your laugh is like my dose of medicine for the day.

@30# Hey beautiful, I hope you have a good day. I’m thinking about you.

@31# Oh my god, did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?

@32# I was just thinking that me and you going on a date. What you say? 

@33# I didn’t think I could feel this way about someone until I met you.

@34# I feel like you just understand me. No one else gets me like you do.

@35# Don’t exhaust yourself at work, take it easy. You will need that energy for tonight.

@36# In my humble opinion, I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.

@37# I don’t usually think about a lot of things and usually not for a long time, but when I do, it’s always about you.

They are just good examples of messages which one should text to her. They’ll put a smile on her face and have you stuck in her mind. These messages will make her smile and have her heart warm.

You want her to see you as someone who cares about her and has genuine feelings for her. So, go through the list and pick one that you like. When she reads the message, she’ll have a smile on her face.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

18 Signs: She Is Flirting With You

Honestly speaking identifying flirting behavior is a difficult endeavor for straight men everywhere. How can you possibly tell the difference between a woman who’s making an effort to flirt and one who’s simply being nice?

The following indicators will give you some promising signs to look out for in a potential female admirer. 

@1# She Angles Her Body Towards You.

Body language is the key when it comes to discerning if a woman is into you. Crossed arms indicate that she is guarded, while tilting forward with her legs angled towards yours communicates that she’s fine with the idea of getting close. 

@2# She Covers Her Mouth When She Laughs.

This means she’s a little bit self-conscious about talking to you, which often indicates that she cares how she looks and sounds, which further indicates that she might be romantically interested in you. 

@3# She Maintains Eye Contact.

If she can focus on your eyes throughout your initial meeting, she’s either a great trained listener or you’ve piqued her attention. 

@4# She Lets You Buy Her A Drink.

However, don’t be fooled with this gesture. It may shock you to hear, but many women will chat up a guy just in time for their drink to appear as if by magic at the bar before they quickly turn and walk the other way. 

@5# She Buys You A Drink.

This is a much more surefire indicator that she’s prepared to flirt with you for the long haul. 

@6# She Isn’t Obviously Searching Around For An Escape.

If her eyes wander back behind her head, it means she’s looking for the nearest exit. 

@7# She Brings Up A Potential Date Idea.

She may not frame it so obviously as such, but if she ponders aloud about how seeing that movie you’ve been discussing would be fun to do with someone sometime, don’t hesitate to take that as a hint. 

@8# She Asks Lots Of Questions.

While some women are just plain inquisitive, lots of inquiries are also play a great way to prolong conversations you don’t want to end. 

@9# You Seem To Run Into Each Other A Lot.

It’s now been three times that you’ve seen this woman around 1 pm at the same lunch spot. You both either have the same favorite place to get sandwiches, or she’s made a mental note that you’ll come in around that time everyday and you should check whether or not you’ve made that note yourself. 

@10# She Laughs At Your Stupid Jokes.

No one else you know laughed at that knock-knock joke about the talking muffin. It’s kind of suspicious that she burst into giggles before you even got to the punch line, isn’t it? 

@11# She Adjusts Her Hair And Clothes While You’re Talking.

Being fidgety or bored can account for a certain amount of these behaviors, but constant hair smoothing may mean she’s hoping the strands are all in place so she impresses you with her good looks. 

@12# She Touches You.

Reaching out to lightly shove your arm isn’t how just anybody would react to your sarcastic remark. You and your co-workers aren’t going around being touchy-feely with each other, are you? 

@13# She Asks You For A Favor.

This gives her an excuse to hang out with you again or for a longer period of time. 

@14# She Is Ignoring You, But You Catch Her Staring.

Lots of ladies are shy, so always consider that the woman giving you lots of furtive glances from the corner might be doing her best to flirt with you. 

@15# She Blushes.

She wouldn’t be embarrassed if she had nothing to lose by looking kind of silly around you. 

@16# She Acts Noticeably Different Around You.

If you have the opportunity, pay attention to how she behaves when she’s with other guys. If her behavior really alters, it could be that she’s in flirt mode when you’re by her side. 

@17# She Is Straightforward.

Instead of making vague comments about how she’d like to see you in the future or providing cloudy answers to your personal questions, a woman who’s actually flirting with you will be more honest and concrete. If she’s flirting because she wants to see you again, she’ll make an effort to actually put that in motion. 

@18# She Is Grinning Even After She Walks Away.

If you happen to be in a position where you can catch of a glimpse of her face after you guys have parted ways, check to see if she’s still smiling. If a grin lingers on her face, you’re in luck.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

10 Signs of An Unhappy Married Woman

One of the most common concepts about marriage is that people are happy in their marriages. Marriage isn't a joy ride one hundred percent of the time. Couples bicker every now and then; that's perfectly normal. The trick is to figure out when the bickering is symptomatic of an unhappy wife.

Here are 10 signs a woman is unhappy in her marriage: 

@1# She Doesn't Talk.

Women love to talk, so when your wife suddenly clams up around you, something is very wrong. If she only answers your questions with a curt and short reply, she's not communicating with you.

@2# She Gets Mad at You Easily.

Your wife may not talk to you much if she's unhappy, but when she does talk, she yells, snaps, or berates you. If your wife only talks to you to ridicule or nit-pick, you have a major problem.

@3# She Is Always Tired.

If your wife is unhappy, it might manifest in an inability to sleep normally. A study on unhappy married women discovered that women in unhappy marriages had higher cortisol levels, leading to a number of symptoms: chronic fatigue being one of them.

@4# She Turns Down Any Intimacy.

When, your wife repeatedly turns down for any intimacy; that's a big hint that she is not happy. Women unhappy in marriage generally don't like to be touched at all. If she won't hold your hand or ducks out of a hug, it's her little way of saying, "I'm miserable with you."

@5# She Becomes Secretive.

Another surefire sign that a wife is unhappy is ‘she suddenly becomes secretive’. You casually approach her while she is animatedly typing on the computer to kiss her. She slams the laptop shut so you won't see. She is being secretive and that means, she is not a happy camper.

@6# She Doesn't Trust You.

Every little thing you do is scrutinized by her; she checks your phone, spies on your email and grills you every time you go out or come back home. She doesn't trust you to pay the bills on time or take a piss without standing in the doorway watching you.

@7# Little Interest In Your Hobbies.

Your wife couldn't care less about your bowling night. She doesn't care about the fact that your score won it for the team.

@8# She Takes Up New Hobbies That Don't Include You.

She may not care about your hobbies, but she will start a new one just to get out of the house and away from you. Spending less and less time with you means she is looking for a way out.

@9# She Becomes Increasingly Selfish.

This falls in line with the new hobby and her disinterest in yours. A wife unhappy in her marriage becomes selfish; with her time, with her money and with her emotions. She won't share with you any more than she absolutely has to.

@10# She Changes Her Appearance.

If one day a stranger appears in your kitchen and you don't recognize her, it could be a sign she's not happy and wants to make a bigger change.

A cheating woman most often means two things: it's a last-ditch cry for help that she's not happy, or it's a final step toward leaving you. Either way, if you notice any of these signs on a daily basis, it's time to talk, and maybe get some counseling.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

15 Signs: She Is Flirting With You

Girls are notorious for saying one thing and meaning another. So how do you know if she’s really flirting or just being nice? Read these tips to find out.

Ah, girls. They are such curious, confusing creatures. One moment they’ll melt your heart with kindness, and the next, they’ll leave you slumped on the floor in embarrassment. Just what is it with them? They smile at you and you saw them just bat their eyelashes at you or were they really? Are they flirting or are they just being nice?

How girls flirt and make it clear?

We know, it can be hard to decode a woman’s words, much less her body language. But if you can pay attention to her subtle clues, you might find that she’s actually not all that tedious to read after all.

Here are 15 common signs which show that she’s flirting with you.

@1# Flirty Smile

Smiles can be confusing. A smile can just be a simple form of greeting or acknowledging you, so be careful not to always interpret this as flirting. However, there is that flirty smile - a slow smile that reaches the eyes that gives you a ‘come hither’ look. This kind of smile is an open invitation for you to come over and get to know her.

@2# Hair Flip

A hair flip is a highly instinctual move that dates back to the earliest humans, and even animals themselves have their own version of this classic move. Whether women are touching their hair, twirling it or even flipping it, it’s their way of making you notice them.

#3# Lip Touch

There’s something about the way women touch their bodies that can really attract stares from the opposite sex. One of the most tempting body parts for men can be the lips, so if a woman looks at you and touches her lips or even bites her puckers, it’s a surefire way to know that she means business.

@4# Powder Room

If you’re out with a girl, even just a friend or colleague, the way she presents herself to you, however superficial it may seem, is one indicator that she’s into you and wants you to notice. She’ll excuse herself to the ladies’ room and come back looking fresher than ever, makeup all retouched, smelling great, and maybe even one less button done to show off her best assets.

@5# Damsel in Distress
Another surefire way a woman can show that she wants you to notice her is the good old damsel in distress move. From asking you for directions to needing help carrying something, this is one way she can try to show you that she wants you to let out your inner knight to save her. This is especially true when she asks you for help, even though she’s obviously very capable of doing it herself.

@6# Touchy Feely

When you’re out together with a girl, or even if you’ve just met her in a bar, if she can’t keep her hands off you, then you’ve got her in the cross-hairs. Even a small and light touch on your arm while she listens intently to you is a huge sign. She might even graze her hands up your biceps to gauge just how fit you are. And when she likes what she’s touching, you know what to do.

@7# Fidget Bridget

When a girl likes you, she’ll be much more self-conscious than normal. She’ll be fidgeting and might even exhibit signs of being uneasy when you’re around. Another fidgety behavior is when she looks at you and then looks away immediately when you catch her gaze.

@8# Close Up

A girl who likes you and wants to be noticed will want to be near you. She may be fighting for your attention among other girls, and she’ll try her best to draw closer to you. Even if you’re alone with her, she might lean in closer to you or even whisper in your ear. This is one way of flirting, even if she may not be aware of it herself.

@9# Lively Banter

So you guys strike a conversation. She’s all uppity and cheerful - a great sign that she’s happy you two are talking. A woman who likes you and is flirting with you will keep a conversation going as long as it takes, and will be interested in what you have to say. This is also one of those times when she’ll put her best foot forward with witty retorts and lively banter.

@10# Laugh Out Loud

A woman who likes you and wants you to know it might laugh out loud at your jokes, even the ones that aren’t really that funny. It’s probably that they just enjoy your company and they want to compliment you with attention and laughter. After all, if she weren’t interested, she wouldn’t be wasting her time listening to your jokes and pick-up lines.

@11# Digging You

It’s one thing to be nice and just say ‘hi’ to you nonchalantly. It’s another, however, when she says ‘hi’ and then starts a conversation with some questions about what you do or how you are. If she’s flirting with you, she’ll show interest, or even just feign it. She’s stroking your ego while trying to learn just how compatible you are with each other.

@12# Raves and Compliments

You’ll know she’s flirting when she compliments you with even the simplest things. From your hairstyle to your tailored suits and down to the socks she just had a quick peek of, she’ll be gushing about every detail she can find.

@13# Questions and Answers

If she’s asking you a whole host of questions, she’s most likely trying to flirt with you. And not just that, she’s trying to see just how much you have in common. If she asks you if you play sports, for example, she might be trying to show interest in something you like, but she may also be trying to find out if the two of you would likely enjoy going to baseball games together.

@14# Trying To Impress

Men and women, of course, try to impress the apples of their eyes, whether by grooming, showing off some talents or skills, or just catching their attention. So as for you, you’ll know she’s flirting with you when she’s trying extra hard to look great, show off her assets ‘physically or not’, brag about her accomplishments, and just catch your attention in a good way.

@15# Futuristic

She’s definitely flirting with you when she’s coming up with plans for the future. It may not be an off-the-bat plan for the two of you, but she’ll subtly suggest the possibility of you two going together. For example, after her Q&A, she might mention this band that she knows you like and how there’s going to be a concert. She might even bluntly ask you what you’re up to over the weekend, or dare you to try something new with her, anything, just to initiate something that is actually a date.

Girls don’t generally make the first move, probably because of how we are conditioned to feel that it’s the guy’s job to initiate flirting. However, girls have this subtle way of letting you know they are into you and want you to come over and get things started.

Catching your attention and letting you know they’re interested are women’s ways of actually manipulating you into making that darn move. So when you spot her doing any of the things mentioned above, then it’s your cue to brush up on your moves and go get the girl.

There are many ways to know that a girl is flirting with you rather than just plain being nice. By being keen and perceptive enough, you’ll easily spot the difference. The pointers above are also great indicators of whether they are likely to want to spark some romance with you or just put you in the friend zone.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Top Signs of Female Attraction

Attraction comes in a lot of subtle forms. As a man, it’s your job to recognize these attraction signs so that you enjoy them for their own sake and you can also celebrate and escalate. Men who miss out on attraction signs will miss a lot of opportunities to connect with women they’re interested in.

It sounds silly, but guys usually spend lots of time and energy getting a girl interested and then miss every sign that she’s interested back. He walks away frustrated, because he doesn’t know she’s been hanging on his every word.

The Female Perception of Flirtation:

If you walked up to a woman, started talking to her by raising your pitch, batting your eyelashes and twirling your hair, she might think you were a little strange to say the least. And while there’s absolutely nothing threatening about a woman touching you, but you touching her in a wrong way can get you slapped or worse. That’s because men and women, each have distinct ways they flirt. What works for women doesn’t work for men and vice versa.

Basically, men have evolved to be hyper-perceptive of sexual interest so you don’t miss any opportunities. Women, however, have evolved to be less perceptive of sexual interest because hopping on every caveman they run across means they end up stuck with less than ideal mates and more offspring than they can take care of.

Because women are less perceptive, they tend to have more subtle ways of flirting. Men will hit on a woman, going out of their way to express and cultivate interest at the same time. In contrast, women don’t want to make it super obvious that they’re flirting. This means you have to pay more attention to catch those signs at first. But once you learn how to recognize them, you’ll start having a lot more fun when you go out.

Here are some of the most common and top signs of female attraction:

@1# Preening

Preening is basically any of the ‘fixing herself’ stuff that women do when they’re around a guy they’re interested in. Part of it is nerves. Part of it is that she actually wants to look better for you. Part of it is that there’s just something kind of hot about a woman putting herself together and women subconsciously know this.

According to a psychological study, preening, primping and pouting are all things women do when they’re attracted to men. In fact, the study found that these behaviors aren’t just something women do when they’re vaguely physically interested. Preening behaviors are what women do when they’re zeroing in on their man. She’s no longer checking you out. She’s screaming to you, in her own way, that she’s attractive.

@2# Laughing At Your Jokes

While it’s true that women like a man who can make them laugh, it’s worth noting that she might not be laughing because you’re the funniest guy at the bar. She might be laughing just because she likes you. They just think guys they like are funny. It’s a subtle difference but an important one.

For your purpose, it doesn’t much matter. She either really thinks you’re funny, which is good, or she wants you to think she thinks you’re funny, which might even be better. Pay attention to laughter from women. It’s a dead giveaway that she’s enjoying your company, whether she actually thinks you’re funny or not.

@3# Eye Contact 

Eye contact isn’t necessarily a sign that a woman is attracted to you. After all, good eye contact is just good social behavior. Behavioral study shows that prolonged eye contact from a woman - anything beyond what’s normal and conversational - is a sign of attraction.

Think about it. When you’re out at a bar, if a girl is trying to get away from you, one of the easiest ways to do that is to start flitting her eyes around the room, looking for absolutely anything else she can be doing but talking to you. On the other hand, the eyes aren’t just windows of the soul. They’re kind of tractor beams of the soul. When she gazes back at you, she’s trying to pull you in further and prolong the interaction. Don’t ignore the simple act of eye contact as a sign of attraction.

Keep your eyes on her. Not only will it help you to build attraction, it will also help you to recognize the attraction she’s throwing at you. Particularly with shy or reserved girls, this might be the only attraction sign you’re going to get. So be on the attentive mode.

@4# Personal Questions

Personal questions are a common sign of attraction many men miss. I’m talking about questions that go beyond the simple ‘getting to know you’ types of formalities people feel like they have to go through when meeting someone new. Look for questions that you only really ask someone for when you’re trying to get a sense of who they really are. Alternately, she might be asking you questions of a more emotional bent to establish more of a bond and rapport with you.

Asking questions specifically tailored to who you are, the conversation the two of you are having that help her to get at who you really are deep down, that’s a sign of attraction.

When she’s asking you a lot of questions, she’s probably not just looking for information. She’s trying to keep you talking to her.

@5# Touch

I’m always amazed at how many guys overlook touch when it comes to attraction. Women don’t touch guys they’re not interested in. That includes a lot of accidental touching. For a variety of complex evolutionary reasons, men tend to initiate while women tend to put on the brakes. What this means is that while you might initiate an overt touch, she probably won’t. What she’ll do instead is accidentally touch you.

Don’t read every accidental touch as a sign of attraction. What you’re looking for isn’t one isolated example. What you’re looking for is a repeated pattern. If she keeps banging her elbow against yours in a totally empty room, she’s attracted to you. If she brushes her arm up against yours once in a room full of people, she might very well be into you, but she’s not signaling anything other than being in a crowded room.

When she’s touching you, think about why she’s doing it. If there’s no real reason other than attraction, escalate that touch. Start with something small like touching her hands, arms or upper back and see where it goes from there.

@6# Context Is The King

When evaluating signs of female attraction, you need to pay attention not just to what she’s doing, but also the context in which she does it. Her signs of attraction aren’t a statement or even a paragraph. They’re a whole story and you have to look at everything before making your final determination.

Eye contact by itself might not mean much, but eye contact and a torrent of personal questions probably do. Fixing herself might just mean she’s self-conscious, but preening while laughing at everything that you say is a dead giveaway. Standing close to you might mean the room is crowded, but standing on top of you while gazing up is another sure sign of attraction.

Next time you go out, try and pay more attention for signs of female attraction. Knowing how to see signs of female attraction can do a lot to boost your confidence when it comes to talking to woman. Once you know the signs, you won’t ever have to guess again.

Friday, March 16, 2018

12 Body Language Signs That Show She Is Into You

Your words may fake it, but your heart can’t. When you are attracted to someone, your eyes always give away the truth. It’s not very hard to tell when someone likes you. But if you are still confused, here are 12 body language signs that show she likes you.

@1# She is always fidgeting while talking to you; fiddling with her phone or jewellery or her drink. It’s a sign that your presence makes her nervous, in a good way, of course.

@2# She stands with her arms on the side. This body posture shows her willingness to be approached. However, if she stands with her arms crossed, she might not be interested at all.

@3# She maintains a prolonged eye contact. No, not ‘looking into your eyes’, we are talking about that steely gaze stares deep into your eyes and holds on for a little longer than 3 seconds, making your heart race even faster. And if she smiles while she makes eye contact, you have hit the jackpot.

@4# Watch out for her gaze. If she occasionally shifts her eyes to your lips when you are talking, she is definitely attracted to you.

@5# You see her playing with her hair a lot when you are around, whether it is running her fingers through her hair or tucking them behind her ear or just twirling a strand around her finger.

@6# She involuntarily draws attention to her lips, either by laughing a lot or licking them lightly, almost in an involuntary move when you are looking at her.

@7# She turns her head to one side, exposing her neck. It’s a sign of vulnerability. She may be doing this without knowing but it’s a clear sign of attraction.

@8# She smiles a lot. She smiles every time she looks at you. And it’s not the usual smile. You can see her eyes light up every time. That glint is the biggest giveaway.

@9# She tries to draw your attention to her face by touching her lips or collarbone.

@10# There are a lot of accidental brushes when she is around. She tends to graze her hand against your arm slightly or touches your wrist. It’s different from a causal touch. That subtle, electrifying touch reveals all that is going on in her mind.

@11# Her legs always point towards you whether she’s sitting or standing. Science says if we are attracted to someone, we always point our feet in their direction.

@12# Women tend to stand really close to guys they are attracted to. So, if the physical proximity seems to be diminishing, it might be time to make a move on her.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

6 Reasons Why Women Have Extramarital Affairs

Being in a marriage and seeking pleasure or companionship outside is not something a woman does just for fun.

Going astray for a woman is much bigger a deal than a man cheating on his wife. A woman is very invested in her relationships.

Though times are changing and women have done extremely well for themselves on the economic front, she still remains rooted in her belief system and values. So to have flings is one thing, but being in a marriage and seeking pleasure or companionship outside is not something a woman does just for fun. It is a big deal now, that she is seeking solace in another person.

Why another man?

Women as creatures are intuitive. When things don’t work out, she knows it’s coming well in advance. Here are some reasons she could step out.

@1# Technology

How many times do men put down their phones and other gadgets, make eye contact, and talk to you about your day in particular? How many times do they notice a particular effort you took in re-arranging his desk or his study?

@2# Can’t Forget Her Past
Even though she is someone’s wife, she has feelings for her past lover. Although that affair didn’t lead to marriage, she starts leaning backward again, if she gets disillusioned with her marriage. Sometimes women may still be in love with someone else.

@3# Boredom of The Drill

Wake up, clean potties, cook breakfast, get the home cleaned, get to work, shop for groceries, come back, cook dinner, and then crash. How many women get trapped in the usual and get bored to death?

An interesting new fresher walks in with the possibility of friendship and an affair follows. Men need to pull up their socks and get interesting sooner.

@4# Feeling Neglected

Men forget to invest in a wife. It’s usually while she is the girlfriend that it’s all about her. Once the battle is won, she may start feeling neglected and not cared for enough. Good enough reason to go looking?

@5# To Be Seen

It’s easy for men these days to overlook what they have, with so much distraction everywhere, from magazines to the internet, to real-life attractions. A woman craves to be seen by her loved one, and she may go where she feels seen.

@6# Libido Mismatch

Women could want sex too, why is it presumed that men are more interested? Men tend to take it easy in a few years while the woman may still be actively lusty and sexy. When she doesn’t find a match, then her mind and heart may start wandering.

Men, pay attention, now!

Monday, March 12, 2018

5 Reasons Why Married Women Have Affairs

It's not all about lust.

Why do so many married women have affairs? Here are 5 of the most common reasons:

@1# Loneliness: You are at home with your husband and he is watching TV and you are trying desperately to make conversation. On a weekend you want to go on a date and he takes you to the movies. All the while he is on the phone checking his emails and chatting with someone else.

And if half the time he is travelling or comes home late at night, a woman is bound to feel lonely. She feels there’s no connection! She will reach for the closest man in her life – a childhood friend, the funny colleague, her brother’s best friend.

It all starts with the thought, "I’m so lonely. I just want to be appreciated."

Husbands need to engage with their wives, not just fulfill their duty. They need to bring back some romance and not take their wives for granted.

@2# Lust: All women have body issues. No one is completely happy with who they are. So if a woman has gone to a party and a man has paid her a compliment sincerely and had a great conversation with her engaging her mind, you can be sure she will be lusting for him.

He may not be very handsome or ideal for the long term but he is great for a good conversation and a shag maybe. It starts with the thought, "I need someone to be attracted to me."

Husbands need to have a passionate weekend or evening with their wives occasionally where the focus is on her and trying new things in bed to show how much they lust after her.

@3# Care And Nurture: All women need attention and if there is a man who is giving her some attention and cares about her feelings, the affair is bound to happen.

All it takes is for a man to ask her, "Have you eaten? Are you ok?"

Women are born nurturers and do a lot in the day that husbands take for granted. If a man takes control of looking after her, he will have her heart.

Husbands can truly care for their wives by helping with children, taking them out for dinner when she doesn’t feel like cooking, checking if she is okay intermittently through the day.

@4# Intellectual High: There are so many women who have affairs within their office or with men in creative fields. It’s because they are attracted to intelligence, wit and creativity.

Most husbands refuse to share what is happening at their work place, or talk about how they are feeling and choose to let themselves lounge around at home saying they are "tired."

It becomes boring for the woman who ultimately will seek out interesting new men. And if this man finds her interesting too, then she feels she is matched to his creative energy and an affair happens.

No matter how dull the day was, it’s important for a husband to share it with his wife and always listen to her positively about her day as well.

@5# Money And Power: Several men like being in middle management. They are comfortable with going to work, earning enough and coming back on time.

Without any hobbies, interests or ambition, a man can wither away and take his relationship down the drain as well. A woman is attracted to a man with plans, who wants to earn more, who is driven and wants to go further with his life.

She is even more exciting when this man asks her for her opinion and follows through with it. If he is already in a position of power, she feels an adrenaline rush if an important man thinks she is attractive!

Husbands should remember why their wives chose them in the first place and bring back that drive and ambition.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You?

Depending on the girl you have your sights set on you may find that making her fall in love with you could be a bit of a chore. Of course there are some situations in which you won’t have to do a thing but flash your gorgeous smile in order to melt her heart. Each and every situation is different but there are some key elements that remain the same no matter who the girl is.

There are many things you must know about women in order to understand the way their hearts work. Men are wired differently than women are and for this reason you will want to understand what it is a woman usually looks for in a man.

Love is a tricky business and when you compare your ideas if what love is that that of a girl’s ideas you may be a bit shocked to find out the extent of the difference. Girls are very emotional creatures whereas men are usually a bit more focused on outward appearances in the beginning of relationships.

What Do Girls Fall in Love With?
This is the very first question you’ll need to find the answer to. Girls fall in love with a totally different thing than guys do. A guy can see a beautiful girl with a gorgeous figure and automatically tell himself that he is in love.

However, it takes much more than this to make a girl fall in love. Girl needs to feel as if she is being cared for emotionally, physically and mentally in order to fall in love. Most girls will model the men they fall in love with after their own fathers provided they had a nurturing father growing up. This means that girls are looking for men who are tentative and caring to spend their lives with. Most girls like a man who will put her needs first.

In addition, girls enjoy being with a man who makes her feel beautiful at all times. Girls also tend to fall in love with men who make them feel secure.

How To Earn Respect From A Girl?

A very big part of making a girl fall in love with you is arming her respect and trust. In order to do this you must show her that she is the only girl in the world for you and that you cannot and will not be tempted to stray. This may be very difficult for you at first, especially if you have been single for quite a while and are used to seeing a number of different girls.

However, if you meet that special girl and your goal is to make her your one and only, then you must show her that she is your one and only. Do not turn your head to watch the girls go by when you are with this girl. This sends the message that you are still looking at the menu. This is something you do not want to do. Get rid of other girls’ phone numbers as well as pictures that serve to remind your new girl of your romantic history.

The key to earning respect from a girl and trust is to show her that she has nothing to worry about and that her heart is safe with you.

Small Gestures Go A Long Way:

Bringing a single rose for her can make a huge difference. Girls love when you show them displays of affection, no matter how small they are. Just a simple card to say that you have been thinking of her will surely put a smile on her face. Girls are usually very good at loving and it typically does not take a lot to prompt them to do so.

However, men are often a little bit less adept when it comes to matters of the heart. Most of this is social conditioning and learned behavior as a result of the society we live in. Men are taught to be tough and not to wear their emotions on their sleeves. When it comes to making a girl fall in love with you, you will want to do your best to show her exactly how you feel.

Always Show Her That She Comes First:

While it is important to retain a sense of individuality by keeping some time to hang around with your friends and do guy things, it is also important to show your girl that she comes first no matter what. This means if she tells you that this weekend there is a show she really wants you to take her to it would be a good idea to cancel poker night with the guys and take her to the show.

Remember right now you are simply trying to get the girl to fall in love with you and for this reason you will need to take steps in order to achieve this. This does not mean that once she falls in love with you it is okay to start treating her like dirt but it does mean that in the beginning you will need to take extra steps. This will also mean defending her honor openly.

In the beginning you may want to pay special attention to any of your friends they get on her nerves and annoy her. She will want you to show her that if it were a choice between your friends or her, you would pick her.

Basically, getting a girl to fall in love with you is easy if you take the steps mentioned above properly and remember that it is all about her. The key to winning a girl’s heart is to make her feel like a princess and that the sun rises and sets in her eyes. This is usually not a very difficult time to achieve as just the smallest efforts on your part will go a long way.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

30 Added Signs Which Shows She Likes You

Here are 30 more signs to look for in a girl if she likes you: 

1. She Looks Back and Glances at You Repeatedly Every Minute or So. 

2. She Turns Her Body Towards You. 

3. She Holds Eye Contact for Longer Periods of Time When She Speaks With You. 

4. She Asks You for Your Name. 

5. She Asks You a Lot of Questions. 

6. She Stands Nearby. 

7. She Asks You for a Light or the Time or in Any Way Initiates a Conversation. 

8. She Plays with Her Hair While Talking to You. 

9. She Compliments You. 

10. She Punches Your Arm While Laughing. 

11. She Laughs at Your Jokes, Even When They Aren’t Funny. 

12. If It Comes Up That You Like Something, She Mentions That She Likes It Too. 

13. She Re-initiates Conversations When You Stop Talking. 

14. She Asks if You Have a Girlfriend. 

15. She Mentions Your Girlfriend Without Knowing If You Actually Have One. 

16. She turns Playful and Tries to Challenge You. 

17. She Touches You. 

18. When She Says or Does Something, She Looks at You to See Your Reaction. 

19. She Tries to Build Rapport. 

20. She Introduces You to Friends. 

21. Her Friends Go (to the Bathroom or Bar or Dancing) But She Stays. 

22. While You are Talking to Her Group, She Is Particularly Talkative to Get Your Attention. 

23. She Calls You a Player or a Heart-breaker. 

24. She Invents Reasons to Be Near You, Interact with You, or Be Alone with You. 

25. She Avoids Mentioning Her Boyfriend. 

26. On Her Way Out, She Re-approaches You to Tell You That She is Leaving. 

27. On Your Way Out, She Asks You Where You Are Going. 

28. She Doesn’t Flinch or Pull Back if You Happen to Get Too Close. 

29. If You Move, She Follows You or Waits for You. 

30. She Doesn’t Resist When Things Get Sexual.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

8 Sure Signs That A Girl Likes You

You all know the saying: “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars.” Dudes and chicks simply communicate in different ways, and this leaves a lot of room for error in communication. How to know if a girl likes you? There are some VITAL signs which one must be able to read.

Girls have a vast array of emotional and physical tells when they are attracted to a boy. These are there to show interest without actually giving too much away.

Here are the 8 most common signs one should look for to discover if she is attracted or not. 

Sign 1# Her Pupils Dilate When Looking At You

At the time when she is looking at you, paying attention to her pupils can tell you everything about her potential romantic interest in you.

A girl can say a lot with her look, she can reflect sadness, excitement, fear, joy and even attraction.

If the last one is the case, you will be able to notice, that:

· Her pupils may be dilated.

· She will attempt to make eye contact often, even if she averts her gaze every time you return it.

· She will often smile, and this will be reflected in her eyes as well.

If you think she is attracted to you, try complimenting her look. Telling any chick how beautiful her eyes are is always a win.

Dilation of pupils is said to be the perfect sign of attraction.

According to a new study, pupil dilation is an accurate indicator of sexual orientation. When people look at erotic images and become aroused, their pupils open up in an unconscious reaction that could be used to study orientation and arousal without invasive genital measurements.

Keep in mind:

A kind compliment now and then will not only make other people feel good about themselves but will make your mood better as well.

Just keep in mind that dilated pupils are something she can’t control. So if you notice it, take it as a bulletproof sign that she is unconsciously exhibiting interest and excitement. 

Sign 2# She Plays With Her Hair

While it may sound strange to men, ladies use their hair to say a lot of things. Unfortunately, it’s simply not a language we speak.

A girl who is interested in you will often touch her hair (either to correct it or to play with it) while near you. This is a subconscious thing women do when attracted to a man, wanting to be perfect by correcting a flyaway or replacing a fallen curl.

Touching her hair is a sign that she likes you.

“The age old trick of playing with the hair is a way for woman to not only let a man know she is interested, but to market herself to an entire audience as a flirtatious person. The twisting, twirling, flicking motions all send signals that she is single and ready to have fun.

When in a private discussion, however, pay attention if she begins to stroke her hair or pushes it off of her shoulders to expose her face; both indicate an attempt to quickly clean up her appearance.”

So the next time, look for these signs:

· She is running her fingers through her hair.

· She is twirling a lock around her finger.

· She is flipping her hair back.

She may even tilt her head to her side to reveal her neck and flip her hair around to release pheromones.

If she does mess with her hair a great deal while in your company, especially when there is no reason for her to do it, it certainly means that she is attracted to you. 

Sign 3# She Touches And Bites Her Lips

To communicate with your lips, you do not need to be speaking! Keep in mind that women are well versed at sharing interest wordlessly.

If she likes you she will check out your lips often as she is evaluating their thickness and ability to kiss. Not only that, she will try to focus your attention on her lips as well during flirt.

Take note of seemingly mindless moves like:

· Reapplying her lipstick.

· Biting her bottom lip.

· Running her fingers across her lips.

· She is teasingly licking her lips.

If she touches or bites her lips, and you notice it, your mind may very often go back to thoughts of kissing them. Provoking your mind is exactly what a chick who is flirting with you is trying to do.

Biting lips is terrific sign of attraction.

“One major physical sign of attraction from a woman is licking or a slight biting of her lips. This is a subtle sign of desire Do not ignore it. During intimacy the lips play an important role.

Imagine her lips kissing your neck softly, or other areas of your body for that matter. When she licks her lips while staring at you she is telling you she is thinking these thoughts.”

If you see this type of behavior, you can be almost sure she likes you and think you are attractive. 

Sign 4# Her Body Is Facing You

Observing her body language is a bulletproof way to know if she likes you or not. Facing someone with your body is a subconscious sign that you are listening to them and signaling that they are your current attention holder.

In a general conversation, it’s just polite, but with a woman, it can indicate an attraction; especially, if she is creeping into your personal space.

Therefore, check out these things the next time you are around her:

1. Does she face you when you are talking?

2. If just standing around, is her body facing towards you?

3. Are her arms by her sides?

4. Does she lean into you?

5. Does she push her chest out?

6. Pay particular focus to her feet, are her toes pointing at you or away?

If yes, it could mean that she is trying to convey an interest in you. She subconsciously wants you to know that she isn’t ignoring you or wanting to be somewhere else.

Her attention is just on you.

Sign 5# She Seeks Out Your Presence

Every time she walks into a room full of people, her eyes seek you out first. Pay attention as this may even be a quick, simple thing such as this: “She walks in, views you, gives you a quick smile and then turns to find her friends.”

You were first, and that means a lot. Want to know why? Because it says that she was thinking of you before she even walked into that room.

You were on her mind, and she had to check to make sure you were already there before she moves on to enjoy the crowd. What is more, she will seek out and use every opportunity to be in your presence and communicate.

That is why you should look for these signs as well:

· She looks forward to hang out with you without any hesitation and reason.

· She calls or texts you first.

· She is down to hang out.

· She always enjoy talking to you.

· She follows you online and likes your posts.

· She breaks away from conversations with her friends to talk to you

All these are perfect signs she is interested in you and she thinks you are attractive. She simply can’t resist talking to you. 

Sign 6# She Touches You Accidentally

Physical contact is by far the most common way a woman will express her interest in you. An occasional playful punch or quick touch means a big deal when coming from a girl.


Because it means she was seeking out a reason to touch you or bump into you. That is why you need to pay close attention to how she is behaving in your presence.

Just look for these signs the next time you see her:

ü Does she touch you, rub you or push you?

ü Does she lay her hand on your shoulder in greeting?

ü Does she stand close to you?

ü Does she squeeze your arm gently when you make her laugh or when telling a story?

ü Does she invade your personal space so she can “accidentally” graze her arms with you?

If she just takes advantage of each and every situation to touch you then you can be sure she finds you attractive.

If your answers to above questions are YES, then she is definitely into you as all of these are all standard flirting techniques.

Try touching her in ‘safe’ places such as hand, arm or her upper back and see how she responds. If she seems to like it then that’s a clear sign of attraction.

Sign 7# She Laughs Even At Your Poor Jokes

Joking is one of those times where everyone is trying to say the same thing, just using a different language. Boys who are interested will often want to make their ‘target’ girl smile while chicks who are attracted to a guy will also want to do so.

If she laughs at all of your jokes, even bad ones, she may be trying to show her interest in you.

A person telling a joke, even a bad one, often just wants to make their audience smile. Smiling at someone’s jokes affirms their self-esteem. It lets them know that their goal to amuse you has succeeded.

Just remember that if she is smiling a lot in your presence, especially when she is talking to you then there is a high chance she finds you attractive and interesting.

The sign she laughs is really important:

“If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she has plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she is not really listening. If she is planning to fuck you, she will laugh. And if she is not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here is what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold.”

If you want to know if a girl likes you, try saying a stupid joke and watch her reaction. How does she act? Does she laugh a lot? 

Sign 8# She Talks About You With Her Friends

A girl who feels attraction to a boy will want to talk about him to all of her female friends. What do they think about him? Do they think he is interested in her? Wouldn’t they make such a cute couple? What do you think his favorite color is?

If you want to know how to tell if a girl likes you, this is one of those VITAL signs you should look for. Every girl wants a social affirmation on her attraction from the people who are close to her.

If you see her with her friends, just look for these signs:

· Whenever you are around her friends, they start laughing or giggling.

· When you come to her circle of friends, she stops talking suddenly (this may mean that you were the topic of that conversation).

· Look out for the moments when her friends are teasing her whenever you are around and she is like “Just stop it”.

When you catch her talking about you, that is one of the best signs that she feels a strong attraction towards you.

Yes, if a girl likes you, she will shout it out to the world or at least to her best friends. In case she is an introvert, try finding if her best friend knows about you and if she does, that is an excellent sign.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

8 Ways To Make A Woman Chase You

Women love it when their man is not so easy to get and they have to chase him. Here are some simple ways to make a woman chase you.

8 Simple Ways To Make A Woman Chase You:

@1# Make Your First Impression Count

Do not fumble. The fact that most guys act nervous on the very first date itself kills the entire essence of the purpose. There can be nothing worse than not having to say anything to each other the first time you come across a woman. Act confident and don't say anything stupid to show that you are braving a storm inside your head. Let her take cues, guess answers to your questions and call it a night leaving her wanting to know more.

@2# Be A Challenge

Instead of doing the hard work, create situations where she has to do the chasing instead. Don't be the desperate, needy, and always-eager-to-please guy. Come across as a powerful guy, who has a lot going on his life and wouldn't go after a woman. Instead, build the mystery factor and draw them towards you.

@3# Ask The Right Questions

You are doomed forever if your opening statement is ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’. Women generally think of us with a one-track mind, and this is your chance to prove them wrong. Never get into silly questions or details. Instead, ask her what is her equation with pets? Or what is her favorite genre of music and that you could play the song once she agrees.

@4# Don't Linger

Too much of anything is bad. Women don't like men hovering around them all the time. Give them the chance to yearn for you. Stay close, but stay away. Let them come after you when you make yourself scarce. In other words, use absence to make her heart grow fonder.

@5# Pay Attention To Small Details

Buying her a bouquet of rose everyday or dropping obvious compliments aren't going to earn you any brownie points. Women are suckers for details. Tell her how her dress reminded you of your favorite love story writer, or drop her a text about how she is in your thoughts even when you are not around. She will definitely come back for more of those.

@6# Know Where To Draw The Line

You like her, she likes you back. Next thing: You ask her out on a date, again and again. Stop doing that right away. Give her the chance to miss you. If she asks you out for dinner one night, play around a bit. Tell her you are not sure, you might have to check. Of course, don't keep refusing her every time; else you might lose the bird in hand. Figure out the real way and you could be the real boss.

@7# Test Her

In an interview, the balance strikes when both parties have doubts and both their doubts are clarified. Do not go on blurting out everything about yourself without asking her a single thing. Find out what her likes and dislikes are, and whether she fits the bill too or not. It's crucial to do so, as this gives women an assurance that you are equally interested to take matters forward. Add a pinch of humor to the questions and you are on the right path.

@6# Know The Difference Between 'Cocky' And 'Funny'

If you can make a woman laugh, she will be yours. And we don't doubt this fact one bit. But there is a huge difference between being funny and being cocky. Don't ever try to demean her, especially in front of others by trying to prove how sarcastic you can be, or she would never be yours. Crack her up with good humor and that will keep her thinking more about you.

@7# Hold On To Your Cards

Transparency is good. But mystery is better. At least in when it comes to wooing women and let them follow up on that front. Don't be an open book. Build some suspense and create some mystery. These are foolproof ways of creating strong that she can't resist chasing you.

@8# Stop Chasing

There are only few ways that you can be different. Don't go chasing her like any other guy out there. Let her take the first step, for a change. Use the above tips and make sure you are not the one standing outside her balcony every night like Romeo. It's time for some role reversal.

By the sincere use of these tips and techniques, you can make a woman chase you.

Friday, March 2, 2018

How To Have An Affair?

To be honest, having an affair is very easy. You can always have an affair with ease. If you are a married man and you are looking you will eventually find a woman more than happy to have an affair with you. For some ladies a man that can’t actually commit to a relationship is irresistible or the fact that it’s naughty to sleep with a married man is what gets them going in a wild kind of way. What is challenging is to have an affair that is not going to destroy your relationship.

The internet is here to save you and make it simple to find an affair and have it discreetly so that you preserve your marriage. The first step is to sign up for an email account you know your wife won’t discover. Gmail is the best way to go. Also, make sure you use the incognito feature of the Chrome browser or clear your history after every session and ensure that you don’t stay logged in to that email account. Affairs are discovered when you get sloppy so always be vigilant.

Once you have a hidden email account you need to sign up for the adult dating or affair site of your choice. To create the highest chance of a successful affair you should sign up for multiple sites, but it’s not a necessity. Your profile must be excellent; most guys on these dating sites don’t put in enough effort and see a lower response percentage than they would like as a result. If you make an effort you’ will get the payoff you crave.

Since you are having an affair, you probably don’t want to include a face picture but you will have to upload something or no one will respond to you. You could blur your face or try just a body picture. If that doesn’t work then you will have to take the plunge and assume that your wife isn’t also browsing the site looking to find an affair.

Send messages to the women you are attracted to on the affairs site. Don’t be too pushy about a first meeting or conversation but don’t lollygag either. Exude confidence to those you contact and be assertive in your desires. It’s very important that you purchase a burner cell phone so your wife can’t check your bill for the numbers you have been calling and receiving calls from. Remember, when you get sloppy or assume your wife isn’t going to investigate is when you get in trouble. When you get someone to agree to a conversation you should have it in a private place and never at home. The car driving home is a decent place.

Your first meeting should be somewhere you are certain not to run into anyone you know. If that means out of town then so be it. A dark bar or restaurant is also a decent choice and if you can make it look like a business meeting in case anyone stumbles upon you that is a smart idea. The vast majority of women will respond better if you suggest a meeting somewhere public and safe before you have an affair for real.

Despite the naughtiness and arousing nature of it, you should never become intimate in your house. Even if your wife is gone for the weekend or on a month long vacation you should never bring your new lover home. It’s terribly disrespectful, but more importantly it’s a really good way to get caught.

You might make the bed the wrong way or she might leave the scent of her perfume on something. All it takes is something to be a little off and you are busted, which is the last thing you want.