Wednesday, May 30, 2018

25 Signals: A Girl Has A Crush On You

There are some solid signals which reveal that a girl has a crush on you. From time to time they give some signals either knowingly or unknowingly. Unless someone is able to interpret those signals, it becomes tough to make it sure that she has a crush for you.

These signals can be very confusing but it’s worth to know about them and to notice them. Here are some of the top signals one should notice to know about her crush.

 5 Signals To Know If A Girl Has A Crush On You:

 Signal 1@ She Enjoys Talking To You

If a girl makes herself available and is engaged with whatever you are saying or doing, you have got a good solid signal she has all eyes on you.

Think about it for a minute. If she didn’t like you, she would be nowhere to be found.

Signal 2@ She Is The First To Crack A Smile

If she is actually belly laughing instead of giggling, that is even better. And if you are both laughing together, that is just bonus.

When a girl makes a point of making sure you know she thinks you are funny, whether you are or not, that is just magical.

Signal 3@ She Is Shy Of Your Eyes

Sometimes you may notice that she gets a little sheepish when you are staring directly at her.

This isn’t about a lack of confidence. It’s about caring about what you think and not yet comfortable with your gaze. Give it a little time and who knows where it will lead.

Signal 4@ She Makes A Point Of Noticing You

This one comes in all different shapes and sizes but when a girl makes sure you know she is wary of your presence. This is an excellent sign she wants to know you better.

Signal 5@ She Licks Her Lips

This one is for you to ponder. When a girl is licking her lips, it has got to be all good.

Signal 6@ Your Smile Lights Her Up

This should be one of the first rock solid indicators you see shouting out to you and the world that she really likes you. It needs to be one of those real smiles that make her eyes crinkle.

Signal 7@ Flirting With Other Girls Is A No No

This is a tough one to read but if you notice her demeanor changing when you are around other potential candidates. This is a good sign. She might leave, slink off into a corner, or act busy with her friends.

If you can tell she doesn’t like you around other girls, the ball is in your court.

Signal 8@ She Loves The Touchy Feely Stuff

If she is making a clear point of touching your clothing; your shoulder, back or whatever, this is a clear cut signal she really likes you.

Signal 9@ Her Friends Are On The Bandwagon

Girls are very different than boys in this instance. When a girl has a crush on a guy, her friends are the first to know. The good news for you is they will give you hints she likes you.

Perhaps they will giggle when you walk by. Or they might start causally asking you questions. No worries. This is all good.

Signal 10@ She Lingers Around To Find You

If she lingers around to see you after everyone else has left or she randomly shows up where she knows you will be, that is an absolute indicator this girl has a crush on you.

Signal 11@ She Likes What You Like

This one may sound a little weird but it’s for all the right reasons.

When a girl is willing to step outside of her comfort zone to learn what you love and what has meaning to you, then you are on the right track thinking she has a major crush on you.

Signal 12@ She Lights Up Around You

This is something she really has no control over. But if she is blushing sheepishly when you are around, there’s no doubt she has a crush on you.

Further, if she loses her words around you or fidgets with nervousness, this girl is totally into you.

Signal 13@ She Twirls Her Hair

This is a simplistic unconscious sign that a girl really likes you. If she is twirling her hair in her fingers, it means she is thinking about you playing with her hair.

If she is smiling when she does it, you are one lucky guy.

Signal 14@ Infrequent Bumping Is Present

If she suddenly seems to bumping into you left, right and center, that is an excellent signal that she has a crush on you. If she didn’t want anything to do with you, then she would make herself scarce.

Signal 15@ She Halts Talking With Her Friends To Talk With You

This is absolutely amazing. When a girl shuts off her girl talk to give her undivided attention to you whenever you appear, that is just fantastic. No doubt she has a crush on you if this is the case.

Signal 16@ She Tells You That You Look Amazing

When a girl makes a point of letting you know when she notices you, is a great sign. It simply means that she has put effort into your look.

Signal 17@ Her Arms Are Not Crossed

While talking, if a girl’s arms are crossed, she is closed to any sort of connection. So, if her arms are relaxed by her side, she is telling you that she wants to get closer to you.

Signal 18@ Her Single Status Is Clear

She comes to you and makes it clear that she is single or even better yet, she asks you about your status.

Signal 19@ She Is Ready To Hang Out With you

This is a tough step for some girls. But if a girl suggests that you hang out or opens the door to that, then you have got a winner.

Signal 20@ She Talks About Future

If this girl is talking about anything in the future, it is another sweet signal she has a crush on you.

Read between the lines and figure this one out.

Signal 21@ She Ignores Her Phone When She Is With You

When a girl ignores her phone when you are around, knowingly or unknowingly she wants to say that she wants some undivided attention from you.

Signal 22@ She Is Trying To Make Room For You

Perhaps you think this is basic but if a girl is making space for you in any form, you be sure and take it as a signal that she is into you.

Experts say that if a woman is inviting you into her space she likes you.

Signal 23@ She Is Not Afraid To Use The Word ‘WE’

This is just a daring step. If a girl is willing to use the word ‘we’, you are on the right track. There is zero doubt she has a crush on you.

It takes time for a girl to get comfortable with another man. And if she is unconsciously using the term ‘we’, you can take that as a solidified signal she wants you badly. If she is talking about ‘we’ then she certainly is into you.

Signal 24@ Her Body Position Matters

When a girl is showing you with her body that she is into you, then you need to take it as it is. If a girl has a crush on you, a sincere one and she is not too nervous, she will show you with her body language she wants a little more.

If this girls is pushing away from you or has her arms and legs crossed, sadly she has no interest in you.

However, if she is leaning in toward you, wants your shoulder to lean on, or is openly touching any part of you, you have struck gold.

If this is the case there is zero doubt this girl has a crush on you.

Signal 25@ She Loves Showing Off Her Curves

If a girl is dressing nicely and trying to get your attention, it definitely means she has a keen interest in you.

Most women are very self-conscious of their bodies and when they are willing to put them on display for you, it really does mean something. Treat it with respect.

I hope talking about these 25 signals can be useful for you. They can help you judge if a girl has a crush on you.

Friday, May 25, 2018

10 Eye Contact Flirting Moves That Definitely Work

Have you ever wondered about how to make eye contact flirting moves to catch someone’s attention and make them interested in you? Here are some of the best eye contact flirting moves that definitely work.

Eye contact flirting is the easiest and safest way to get the message across and get a sign back in no time. It’s simple, instinctive and something that all of us indulge in.

Eye contact flirting is exciting, no matter where you are. It doesn’t matter if you like someone or not.

If someone stares at you now and then, it instantly catches your attention and rouses your interest.

You could stare at someone and exchange a few stolen glances. Or you could try to strike up a conversation.

Flirting by eye contact is safe, fun and an easy way to find out if someone is interested in knowing you better, without the pressure of making the first move.

The Happy Side of Eye Contact Flirting:

Let us face it, eye contact flirting is harmless. You could exchange a glance on the street or while having coffee at a restaurant.

As long as it’s mutual, it’s a fun and flirty experience that can bring a smile at the end of the day.

Who doesn’t love a few stolen glances now and then, even if you don’t intend to date that person?

The best part of eye contact flirting is the fact that it can help you gauge someone’s interest in you without even asking them out. And secondly, you can let someone know you are interested in them and warm them up to a first date without even saying ‘hello’.

10 Eye Contact Flirting Moves to Get Someone Interested:

What do you do when you see someone you like at a coffee shop or at a party? If you are not sure what to do, eye contact flirting may be the best thing in the world to help you get their attention and make an impression in no time.

By using these 10 subtle eye contact flirting moves, you will be able to get the right message across.

@1# Casually Stare Now And Then.

See someone you like? Casually stare at the person now and then. Soon enough, the one you like will notice you back.

@2# Exchange A Fleeting Glimpse.

Don’t be hasty or you will end up looking like an annoying stalker. When the person you like catches you staring and stares back at you with curiosity, lock eyes for a second and look away immediately.

@3# Repeat The Glances.

Look at the person you like again. Stare at him or her, but look away immediately as soon as they look back at you. Don’t linger and stare back for more than a second.

@4# Let Them Know What Is On Your Mind.

At first, the person you like may assume it’s a passing glance. But as they catch you sneaking a few glances now and then, they would understand that you are interested in them. Don’t stare for more than a second because you will kill the excitement. Instead, build the excitement.

@5# Build The Excitement.

Now that you have got the one you like looking back at you now and then to see if you are still staring, it’s time to build the excitement. Stop staring for a couple of minutes. Wait for them to stare at you now and then.

The person you like will wonder why you are not staring anymore and may start to stare at you more often, to check if you are still staring. By doing this, you are actually making the one you like as interested as you are in building the staring game.

@6# Reverse The Eye Contact Flirting.

Notice the one you like from the corner of your eye. Don’t stare directly, but keep an eye on the person you like. Wait for that person to look at you. And just as the one you like looks at you, stare back at that person. By doing that, you are now discreetly making it appear like they are the one interested in looking at you, and not the other way around.

@7# Stare For A Longer Duration.

You have been exchanging fleeting glances until now, but now that you have got the one you like excitedly waiting for you to stare back, lock eyes for more than a second before looking away.

@8# Smile And Blush.

Talk to your friends or appear busy, and stare for a second or two. And each time, look away smiling or blushing in an obvious manner. Don’t smile while staring just yet. Always smile only while looking away.

@9# Watch Their Response.

Is this person looking at you as often as you are looking at them? If they are, it’s working and you are on your way to a fun evening. If the one you like is not reciprocating your glances no matter what you do, they are not interested, so give up and move on. You can’t win all your eye contact flirting games.

@10# Smile While You Stare.

Now that you are certain that the one you like is equally interested in staring at you and exchanging stolen glances, it’s time to take the plunge. During one of your longer glances, look straight into their eyes and stretch a little smile. There is no turning back here. If the person smiles back, you have struck jackpot.

If the one you are staring at looks shocked or looks away hastily, they just need a little more time to warm up.

If the smile has worked in your favor, here is what you need to do. If you are the girl, give the guy an opportunity to talk to you. If you are the guy, what are you waiting for, make a move.

Eye Contact Flirting When You Are Talking:

If you already know the person and want them to know you like them, stare deeply into their eyes when you are having a conversation. Think about how much you like them, and your eyes will glaze over and let them know exactly what is on your mind. And don’t forget to smile, it sends the right message across.

Eye Contact Flirting For Flirty Stares:

If you are partying or just want someone to know you’re interested in some flirty fun, follow the same 10 steps as mentioned above, but instead of just staring for a few seconds into their eyes, stare into their eyes and look them up and down once with an appreciative smile. It lets them know you’re checking them out and find them attractive.

Eye contact flirting can be fun and extremely exciting if you indulge in it the right way. Overdo it or under do it and you may end up losing the connection.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

8 Simple Ways To Get A Girl Notice You

Have you ever thought about making a perfect impression on a girl without even talking to her? You can use these 8 tips and tricks to get a girl to notice you without talking to her.

If you have the time and the patience, there are some pretty easy ways to get any girl to notice you and make a great impression upon her.

Have you bumped into a girl you find attractive in a place you visit frequently? It may be at work, in the corridors of college or even in a café.

When you like a girl who frequents the same place as you, it’s not always the best idea to walk up to her and use a pick up line.

After all, both of you are going to bump in often, and if she turns you down, you will always feel like a loser when she walks past you the next time around.

But if it’s a one off opportunity you have to talk to a girl you like, use these tips to talk to her and impress her.

How to Get a Girl to Notice You?

If you like a girl who bumps into you now and then, it’s always better to get her to notice you first before you walk up to her and charm her.

By doing that, you would be playing it safer, she would be more familiar with you and your presence and with any luck and a few tricks, you could probably make her like you without even saying hello!

8 Simple Ways To Get A Girl Notice You:

Sometimes, the girl you like may never even notice you or realize you exist. Well, it can hurt your ego, but this does happen at times and you just have to get out of that slump.

If you want to get a girl to notice you and like you, you need to look for ways to catch her attention.

By properly using these tips and tricks, you will definitely be able to get her notice you and even like you even before you talk to her.

@1# Be The Center of Attention.

You walk into her often. But if you want her attention, you need to be the center of everyone’s attention. Be fun and have your friends around you, especially when the girl you like walks by. Groups of people always get more attention than a single you skulking in a corner.

You may assume that you would get lost in the group, but even when you are with your friends, your infectious attitude and fun persona can make you stand apart from the rest.

@2# Dress Properly.

Dress smart. When you dress like a million bucks in clothes that fit you and look great on you while accentuating your assets at the same time, you are bound to get the attention you want.

Don’t be afraid to look unique or different, just as long as what you wear looks good on you. But don’t dress up just to get attention. There is a thin line between looking good and looking for attention. It’s a good start to let the girl you like know that you are a guy who can groom himself and take care of himself.

@3# Make Eye Contact With Her Now And Then.

At first, getting her to notice you may take a while, especially if you have been the shy guy who avoids any kind of attention.

But whenever you get a window of opportunity, lock eyes with her just for a second. Stare at her for too long and she will think you are creepy. Exchange a brief glance for a second now and then. It will make her wonder if you have got something on your mind. But don’t ever overdo it, not at least for the first week or so.

@4# Be Bold.

The guys who are bold and ready to take chances are the guys who always have a lot of fun and create interesting memories all the time. And girls always love a guy who is bold enough to do something that many may consider embarrassing or awkward. Participate in something when she is around, be it karaoke or a friendly competition between friends. Get her attention while doing something that catches attention and she will definitely be in awe of you.

@5# Get To Know One of Her Friends.

If you don’t want to risk taking a chance on talking to her directly, it’s always safe to get friendly with one of her friends, be it a guy or a girl. Sometimes, this approach can be the safest and the best way to make an impression.

@6# Be Confident.

Confidence is everything when it comes to looking good and attracting a girl’s attention. It’s a trait that reveals a lot about you even if you are doing nothing at all. Be confident no matter where you are. Stand upright, walk with confidence and speak with confidence.

Ever thought twice to speak to some guy at your workplace because he looked so cool, confident and inhibiting? Be that guy.

@7# Hang Out in The Same Place.

If you occasionally bump into this girl at the same place now and then, be it in the office cafeteria or in the parking lot, make sure you spend a while in the same place with your own friends. The easiest way to make a girl notice you and feel comfortable around you is by being seen in her favorite hangouts.

@8# Bump Into Her Outside Work.

Once you have created enough opportunities to bump into her around your workplace, it’s time to talk to her. Use your common friends or her online activities and get to know when she is going to some new place, be it a party or somewhere else with her friends. Make sure you get there with your own friends or by yourself, making sure she has no idea that the whole thing was planned ahead.

When you see her at the same place and catch her eye, just look at her for a second and appear confused like you don’t know whether to say hi or not. And then, just smile at her or use a half smile laced with surprise. If she has seen you enough times already and is familiar with you, she will definitely notice you and smile back at you too.

Monday, May 21, 2018

10 Signs: Your Wife Is Not Satisfied

If your wife has turned into goddess of the frozen tundra, the problem may be emotional rather than physical. A recent study suggests that in any given month, nearly one quarter of women will report some sexual distress.

Here are some clues which suggest that she is not happy.

@1# She Pulls Away from Your Children.

She may resist caring for the kids because she’s hoping you might notice that her needs aren’t being met. What she’s doing is asking you to talk.

@2# The Credit Card Bill Goes Higher.

Some women resort to shop therapy to fulfill themselves. As a result the credit card bill goes higher.

@3# She Has Gained Weight.

Women will over compensate for the lack of sex and intimacy by eating more to feed their sexual hunger.

@4# She is Working or Drinking More.

It may be an attempt to disconnect from you.

@5# She Lets Snide Comments Slip Out in Conversations with Friends.

@6# You Catch Her Masturbating.

This simply means her sexual needs are not met

@7# She has Turned into a Vixen.

@8# She has Turned into a Cold Fish.

The only way to know what is up is to talk.

@9# She is Looking Hotter Lately.

She is sending the message that she is a sexual being, because she thinks you are missing it.

@10# She is More Critical of You.

It could mean you are not paying attention to her outside the bedroom. Satisfaction comes from being respected, loved, appreciated, and desired; emotionally and physically.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

4 Common Signs of Infidelity in Wives

You married her for better or for worse but you probably didn't imagine that ‘worse’ could mean infidelity. Women cheat almost as much as men do. Asking your wife outright if she is having an affair might be the best way to find out for sure but only, if she answers truthfully. In the meantime, changes in her behavior and appearance may indicate that she is being unfaithful.

4 Most Common Signs of Infidelity in Wives: 

Sign 1: She Withdraws Emotionally

Women usually cheat for emotional reasons. This is different from why many men cheat. A woman who is having an affair may pull back from her husband emotionally. She may no longer want to talk about her day, share her feelings or discuss her problems with you. If you try to ask her what is wrong, she may reply with a vague answer or simply say ‘nothing’. At first, some husbands may enjoy their less-talkative wives, but it could be a sign of infidelity. 

Sign 2: She Improves Her Appearance

Let us face it. As time goes by, a woman might let herself go a bit between the demands of work and child rearing. But a woman who is having an affair may suddenly start to pay attention to her appearance again. If your wife usually heads to the gym in her old sweats and a ponytail but suddenly starts wearing snazzy, matching athletic clothes and doing her hair before she works out, take notice. She could be trying to impress a guy at the gym or somewhere else. 

Sign 3: She Pulls Away Physically

Suddenly, your wife isn’t there as much as she used to be. She goes out for girl's night more often, stays late at work and makes plans to be away from home on the weekends. She may make excuses for not spending as much time with you and may even say that she needs ‘space’. She also makes excuses for not being intimate with you. All of these are red flags for infidelity. 

Sign 4: She Becomes Secretive

She used to leave her laptop open but now it’s always closed, and she has changed her email password, too. So has the password on her phone, and if a text comes in, she makes sure you don’t see it. She takes calls in the other room and is vague when you ask her who called, or even who she was with last night. You catch her lying about which friend she was with or why she had to work late. Secrets and lies are a sign that your wife could be cheating on you, especially if she has never been secretive in the past.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Why Do Married Women Cheat?

While married women have affairs in much lower numbers than men, make no mistake: married women do have extramarital relationships. And quite often, the reasons that some married women give when explaining their decision to cheat on their spouses and partners are very similar to the reasons that men give.

Statistics on affairs involving married people are not generally thought of as accurate, given the very nature of the subject and the reluctance of many people to give truthful information, even anonymously. But they do provide some level of reliable insight into the potential total of married individuals who cheat on their spouses.

According to the most recent statistics, 14 percent of married women have at least one affair during their marriage (as compared to approximately 22 percent of men). In addition, the same statistics show that younger people are more likely to have an affair than older married individuals and younger women are as likely to have an extramarital affair.

Just as their numbers are very similar to those of men, so are the reasons married women have affairs. Below are a few of the most common reasons why married women have affairs and cheat on their spouse:

@1# Level of Desire

While men and women are both having sex late into their lives, the numbers of men and the level of desire of men overall declines sharply when compared to that of women. This means there are probably a lot of sexually unfulfilled women out there. But rather than turn off their sexual desires to meet the demand of their husbands’ many women are opting for discreet sexual affairs to fulfill their needs. Rather than pressure their husbands, who are often indifferent to their requests, the women have turned to discreet adult dating sites to meet partners to help them meet the needs their husbands or partners can’t or won’t attempt to meet.

@2# Need to Feel Wanted

For many women, the longer their marriage has gone on, the less attractive they feel. Their husbands, who may have showered them with compliments and affection when they first married, may now treat them indifferently or, worse, criticize their appearance (weight, overall looks, etc.).

Many women begin to accept this assessment as fact and begin to believe, indeed, that they are unattractive and undesirable. But many others have discovered adult dating websites and with it, scores of men who find them attractive and sexually desirable. They have gone on to have discreet affairs with partners who remind them of how beautiful and sexually exciting they are, giving them a ‘second life’ as a sensual human being.

@3# Variety

Variety is the spice of life, it’s been said, and that variety includes sexual variety as well. When it comes to sex, women are no different from men in that they sometimes crave a bit of a change in their routine.

If their spouse or partner can give them that spice, that is great. But quite often, their partner is unwilling or unable to give them the type of variety they seek. It may be a situation where the sex has become routine and predictable, a situation where their partner is only concerned with their own needs and the woman is left unsatisfied. In these situations, a discreet affair may be the outlet the woman needs to find someone who is willing to participate in new adventures or who may even bring something new to her sex life.

@4# Boredom

It may seem like mundane reason to have an affair. After all, we all get bored with life sometime but the day-in, day-out routine of life is a major reason why some married women cheat on their husband or partner. The ritual of going to the office (if they work outside of the home), taking care of kids, paying bills, cooking dinner, washing dishes, cleaning the house, shopping, etc. can put anyone in a rut and a married woman is no different.

An affair can give a twist to that routine and take them, even momentarily, away from the boredom of everyday life. The discreet conversations, the flirty text messages, planning the rendezvous, finally getting together for a night or afternoon of passion, all of it can give her a renewed sense of vigor and help her make it through another week of the everyday routine.

@5# Incompatibility with Significant Other

Sometimes, the reason women have an affair is simple unhappiness with their marriage or spouse. It may not be a specific, legitimate reason, but simply these two people have grown apart, at least sexually. They may continue to live together for financial reasons, or may still actually like each other but just not in that way.

In those situations, an affair may be a way to fill in the missing piece of the puzzle, to enjoy that one aspect that is missing from their dominant relationship. Sometimes, the affair is discreet because while the partner accepts the idea that their wife or girlfriend still desires a sexual relationship, they would rather not know about it. Other times, it’s agreed that they can both see other people as a way to fulfill their desires. Every other aspect of their lives may function perfectly, but an affair with someone else is necessary.

@6# Just because They Can Do It

In less open times, women were taught not be sexual creatures. Sex for women was something that was done only as a means to procreate. Modern women have learned that expressing a healthy interest in sex doesn’t mean the end of the world or a scarlet letter. And because of this fact, married women are discovering the enjoyment of a discreet affair. And equally as significant, they are discovering that having an affair doesn’t have to mean displeasure with their marriage, their significant other or their life. Rather, an affair, they are finding, can enhance their life and give it a whole new dimension. In short, they do it because they can.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

How To Seduce A Woman With Touch?

It’s always true. At the time of seducing a woman, you should say the right thing at the right time. However, so many men focus on what to say or what not to say that they often forget to focus on what they should do.

Sometimes, seducing a woman isn’t about your words; it’s about your actions and how they make her feel.

How to Seduce a Woman with Touch?

Here are some basic steps which one can follow to seduce a woman.

@1# The Casual Touch

So you are talking and you guys are having fun. In fact, you are having so much fun that both of you are laughing. So the next time you throw your head back and laugh, try and very lightly touch her shoulder with one hand while wiping your tear away with the other. Immediately look away so that she thinks this first touch from your side to be subconscious or genuine instead of being fake or forced.

@2# Sit Smartly

When I say smartly, I mean in a manner that lets you touch her. So what is the easiest way to do that? Well, you sit right next to her. Never make the mistake of sitting opposite to her, because in this way you might get a good look at her face but seducing her with touches will become that much harder. This is one of the most important pointers to keep in mind when working on how to seduce a woman with touch.

@3# Play With Her Stuff

If you have never noticed a woman’s jewelry before, then now is the time. Earrings, bracelets or rings; they provide a perfect opportunity for you. Lightly touch them and compliment on her choice. Tell her how they suit her attire and how gorgeous she is looking. She spared no effort to look good for the date, so you better make her feel good.

@4# Go For Emotional Hand Holding

Be a gentleman and ask her to tell you more about herself. And then be a sly little fox and encourage her to talk about topics she is passionate or emotional about. She is sure to get emotional while discussing those topics, which it could be her pet dog who died or starving kids in Africa, doesn’t matter. And when she gets emotional, be there to comfort her.

No, don’t hug her. That’s too soon unless she starts crying. Hold her hand and tell her it’s going to be okay. She’s going to remember that one. If she is hesitant to share personal stories, then go ahead and share a story close to your heart. That will make her trust you enough to share one of her stories with you.

@5# Go For Phone Number Touch

This one is a genius hack for how to seduce a woman with touch. So now your date is about to finish and you are confident she wants to meet up for a second date. Instead of asking her to give you her number so that you can note it down, give her your phone and ask her to save her number there herself. When you hand over the phone, touch her hands ever so little, and do the same when she returns it to you.

@6# Walk Hand In Hand

So now the date has ended and it’s time to walk her home. Remember to always opt for walking her home, until and unless she lives really far away. This way you not only get to talk to her and know more about her, but you can hold her hands with her permission while doing so.

@7# Hugging Really Matters

Now that you have reached her apartment, tell her, “We should do this again” and then lean forward to hug her. And the “hello again” hug. Do hug her when you meet her again for the second date.

@8# Never Forget The Kiss

And now that she has responded positively to all your physical moves, it’s obvious she is comfortable being in close proximity to you. So go ahead, and kiss her. No tongue, please. Be a gentle man. And don’t linger on her lips for too long. You don’t want to come off as a desperate person. This is a very obvious thing that most men often forget, and thus need to be told when working on how to seduce a woman with touch.

@9# Use Your Arm

This step should be applied in the second or third date. So when you are on your next date with her and are sitting beside, casually slid your arm around her shoulder, resting it on the head of the sofa you guys are sitting on, and let it stay there. She is sure to notice it and in all probability she is going to let it stay there, because if you people are on your second date, then she obviously is attracted to you.

@10# Gently Touch Her Leg

Well, come on. You guys have kissed, you have hugged, and you have hugged again. She’s obviously into you so why not make a move? But first, create an emotional connection with her and win her trust. Bear in mind that the more she opens up to you, the more she will trust you. The more her brain tells her to trust you, the easier it will be to seduce her with your touches.

So go ahead, and ever so gently rub your hand on her thigh. But be a little careful; some women assess this move to be too intimate and it may backfire. So if you are not confident of her reaction, then keep this aside for the third date.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

How To Influence With Touch?

Several research studies have found that touching is influential and persuasive. In other words, when you touch other people, they are more likely to agree to your request.

Touch is certainly persuasive and influential. People who are touched end up being more agreeable, in better moods, and see requests in a more pleasant light. Touching others makes them want to help, agree, or do as you ask.

How to Influence with Touch?

By proper touching, you can influence and persuade your lover. If you want your date or mate to do something for you, touch them before you ask. Here are some examples:

(a) Touch the hand or upper arm of a potential date as you tell them about a great place you would like them to go with you for dinner.

(b) Touch a lover’s shoulder or back as you ask them to buy you a drink, dinner, or a present.

(c) Give your mate a quick snuggle and a kiss before you ask them to take the trash out or tackle those dirty dishes.

(d) Rub a partner's back before making a gesture to get more intimate.

In any case, find an excuse to touch and increase your chances of hearing a ‘yes’. Touch while you suggest that second date. Touch when you offer them a drink back at your place. Touch when you want them to make dinner tonight. Touch them at proper time and place and get what you want.


Touching is influential and persuasive. If you don't touch a date, lover, or mate, then they might not be as attentive or agreeable as you would like. So, make sure to rub your lover the right way. Find excuses, opportunities, and ways to touch as often as possible. Get comfortable with touch and increase your ability to persuade your lover.

Friday, May 11, 2018

How To Turn Her ON Without Making Her Realize It?

A point that often gets missed when people sit down to try and categorize attraction is that: “attraction always happens first; the reasons for the attraction get attached later.” We literally feel attracted to those whom we are in synchronization with. We initially experience this being in synchronization as a feeling, not as a thought. We can certainly come up with reasons as to why we may be attracted to someone once we do start thinking about it but that doesn’t detract from the fact that we felt the attraction first.

If you realize that all initial attraction happens below the threshold of consciousness (i.e. it is subliminal) then you are forearmed with knowledge that will allow you to see if a woman is attracted to you before she is even consciously realizing it. She will initially communicate her attraction via non-verbal channels. The master seducer is always tuned into these channels and uses the signals he receives here as his cues to action.

In fact, when it comes to gauging how any particular seduction is going the master seducer will place much more stock in how a woman moves when she is near him and the way in which she speaks to him, than he will in the actual content of her conversation. This is not to say that he is not interested in what she is saying but it that he knows where he should concentrate his attention in terms of ascertaining her current level of interest.

So, that is one side of the equation: pay attention to the non-verbal signals that a female gives in order to work out her current level of interest. The other side of the equation is to give off your own non-verbal signals to indicate your intent to her.

There are 3 methods that will allow you to achieve this aim. Each of which will do the trick without her being conscious about it. Let us discuss each in turn.

@1# Body Language

Some simple starting components of the body language would be following:

(a) Move into her personal space.

You don’t want to be doing this until she has given you some initial sign of interest but once she has done so you be sure to start subliminally warming her up by getting inside her personal space. The safest way to start is by touching one of her personal extensions such as her cell phone or handbag and seeing how she reacts. If there is no adverse reaction on her part then the coast is clear to move physically closer.

(b) Create a dissonant dynamic.

Fancy term but all it means is to physically move in close and then pull away. It’s the not being constantly one thing or the other (i.e near or far) that creates the dissonance and makes you as the seducer harder to categorize and therefore more intriguing .

@2# Tone of Voice

Regardless of the content of your conversation it is your tone of voice that will convey what you are really thinking. Use your tone of voice as a tool to indicate sexual intent. Keep it warm and at times cheeky but above all make sure that it is playful. This all goes to create a vibe that is conducive to sexual congress.

@3# Make Her Feel Good

This is the number one rule of seduction and the ultimate subliminal tool. Help people feel good about themselves and it automatically follows that they will feel good about you. You could be discussing anything but if at the same time you are allowing her to feel more at ease with herself then it follows she will be more favorably disposed towards you.

So there you have it. When you know that attraction is a thing that first happens below the threshold of consciousness, you have within your grasp a very powerful tool because you can consciously apply methods that will affect her in a positive way without her being consciously aware of it. This really puts you in the driver’s seat in any seduction scenario.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

15 Signs: A Girl Is Flirting With You

The art of flirting is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Women are known all over the world as innovators of subtlety, so it’s up to the man to remain keenly aware of every gesture, every word and every glance she throws your way.

Here are 15 most identifiable signs that a woman is flirting with you. This means when these behaviors are not exhibited, you can reasonably deduce that she is not interested.

Sign 1: Sexy Eye Contact

It all starts with the eyes, doesn’t it? If you notice her ogling you from head to toe, that’s a sure sign that she’s is interested in you.

Sign 2: Smile

The smile is one of the universal signs that you are feeling positive towards someone. Provided it is genuine, then the man should be able to deduce that his presence is appreciated.

Sign 3: Initiates Conversation

If a girl initiates the conversation, this is a major sign that she is into you. Typically, most women usually wait for the guy to come over to her. So this is a really good sign for the man if she has taken the first step.

Sign 4: Playful Touches

Personal space is mostly about 18 inches, but if a woman gets into your area code, or even finds excuses to playfully touch you, you can always guarantee that she is interested.

Sign 5: Sexual Innuendos

Once the conversation starts going strong, and she begins to lob those R-rated jokes your way, it’s a healthy indicator that she wants to know how ‘with it’ you really are.

Sign 6: Stepping Into Private Space

A woman who stays inside a ‘safe distance’ from you is probably nervous, especially if she is not particularly touchy-feely. But if she happens to do any lingering touches where she doesn’t quickly remove her hand, then realize she is trying to get your vibe.

Sign 7: Hair Twirling

The unconscious habit of a woman playing with her hair means that she is curious or open to a man’s advances. Men normally keep watch if she begins wrapping her fingers around her hair and know to keep the conversation flowing.

Sign 8: Laughing At Your Jokes

A big part of flirting involves humor and the reactions shared between two interested people. A man is able to judge if she is really trying to bust up your funny bone. If you’re a woman who’s unable to have good comedic timing, don’t worry, a good guy will be able to offer you an opportunity to laugh in full.

Sign 9: Lively Banter

Women are great listeners and interject comments to keep the conversation lively. If she is interested, a man will notice that she will expostulate endlessly about anything that you too find fascinating.

Sign 10: Lack of Inhibition

If you’re lucky to strike a great conversation with a woman and the chat is as if you’ve been friends for years, it’s because she is comfortable with you. That comfort is a genuine flirt maneuver that only works if both parties are game.

Sign 11: Flared Nostrils

Similar to eyes in the manner that they are expressive, a woman’s flared nostrils convince that she is interested in knowing the scent of your cologne, but doesn’t want to make it obvious. This is one of the most overlooked signs of body language that a keen man can only appreciate after being equally interested in a woman.

Sign 12: Touching or Caring Erogenous Zones

When a woman intentionally breaks the contact barrier during any point of a conversation, it is a sure sign that she’s interested. Whether it is as obvious as touching your knee while making a point, or as slight as brushing her cheek against yours to tell you a secret, she means a lot. Her touching of such erogenous zones mean that she is on her way of showing you that she is in synchronization with you.

Sign 13: Extra Primping

Whether a woman strokes your hair, tilts her hip, or licks her lips, it is all done with the intention of calling attention to her attractiveness.

Sign 14: She Faces You

When a woman is focusing her energy or body towards yours, she is giving you the signal that she is open to your advances. A man should be receptive to how a woman positions her feet to acknowledge whether or not she wants to kick it with him.

Sign 15: Well Placed Double Entendres

A man is able to pick up on a woman who is flirting with him especially if it involves subtle double meaning that holds an erotic undercurrent. Even an unremarkable phrase like, “You can look, but don’t touch,” can be alluring when said by a beautiful woman and a man will play tit-for-tat however she likes.

Monday, May 7, 2018

21 Cheating Signs of Husbands: Must Know For Women

With infidelity reaching epidemic proportions, every woman should learn how to recognize the telltale signs of infidelity. The future of her relationship could depend on her ability to spot the telltale signs in time.

21 Cheating Signs of Husbands: Must Know For Women

Every woman must be aware of these cheating signs which their respective husbands leave unknowingly.

Sign 1: Physical Appearance

A man having an affair or even thinking about having an affair will want to make himself look more attractive. He will begin to enhance his appearance in some way. Be alert for changes in his wardrobe, his grooming, his body, and his personal hygiene. These are usually the most visible signs of infidelity. If he embarks on a drastic self-induced makeover, it’s probably not for you. More than likely he’s trying to attract or impress someone else.

Sign 2: How He Relates To You

The way your husband relates to you can provide many telltale signs. His involvement with another woman will cause him to treat you differently, even on a subconscious level. This is one of those areas where a wife can pick up signs of infidelity that a private investigator might otherwise overlook.

Sign 3: Conversational Clues

What your husband chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you to his involvement in an extramarital affair. He may mention new people, places and things, while the people, places and things he normally talks about are no longer a part of his conversation. Even his tone of voice can be an important telltale sign.

Sign 4: Work Habits

Work is commonly used as an excuse to account for large blocks of time away from home. Men often use their jobs as a cover for their extramarital affairs. Your husband’s work habits will undoubtedly change as his affair unfolds. Be on the lookout work-related telltale signs.

Sign 5: Everyday Behavior

We are all creatures of habit. We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A man who is cheating will display changes of some kind in his normal patterns of behavior. Pay close attention to any deviations in your husband’s daily routine. These deviations are telltale signs.

Sign 6: Financial Affairs

Affairs cost money. If your husband has a lover, he will want to wine her, dine her, entertain her and buy her occasional gifts. No matter how carefully he tries to cover his tracks, sooner or later this will be reflected in the family finances. Stay alert for financial signs of infidelity.

Sign 7: Travel Schedules

Your husband may not always be traveling for legitimate reasons. Even if he is, he may decide to combine business with a little pleasure. Travel affords a cheating unfaithful husband a unique opportunity to cheat away from prying eyes.

Sign 8: Personality Changes

Be alert for changes in your husband’s attitude, personality or behavior. Whether they are drastic or subtle, these changes are often an indication of infidelity.

Sign 9: Absences

Affairs generally require a considerable amount of time. Since there are only 24 hours in a day, your husband’s absences will become increasingly more frequent as he tries to steal time from other activities so he can be with his lover.

Sign 10: Telephone Clues

Illicit affairs depend on repeated contact; many of which take place by phone. These telltale signs of infidelity are relatively easy to find. Many men take the risk of calling their lovers from home or having their lovers call them at home. Many wives discover their husband’s infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.

Sign 11: Car Clues

Your husband’s or the family car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the tire well, the underside of the visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information.

Sign 12: Sex Life

Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your husband of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk for HIV/AIDS, herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Sign 13: Eating Habits

This is an area that wives usually overlook when checking for telltale signs. But your husband’s eating habits can be influenced or affected by his lover. Without even realizing it, he may develop a preference for the type of food she eats, the way she likes her food prepared or the kind of restaurants in which she likes to eat. These are the types of telltale signs it would never occur to him to conceal.

Sign 14: Smells And Tastes

Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. You may be oblivious to it until it becomes replaced with something else. Pay close attention if your husband smells or tastes different, or if something in your home or car just doesn’t smell right. It may warrant closer investigation.

Sign 15: Invasion of Your Home

It's not uncommon for a man who is cheating to invite his lover to his home. When this happens, it’s not unheard of for lovers to leave personal items behind; sometimes deliberately, for an unsuspecting wife to find. You will usually find evidence in your bedroom or bathroom if another woman has been in your home while you were away. But telltale signs of infidelity may turn up in other areas of your home, as well.

Sign 16: Gifts

Be especially vigilant around the times of the year when gifts are usually exchanged. During the holidays and various other times throughout the year, you may find gifts or cards hidden around your home or in the car. Receipts or credit card bills for gifts may turn up shortly before or after Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

Sign 17: Computer Use

It’s common these days for a cheating husband to use e-mail to communicate with his lover. Some of the telltale signs in this category may also be an indication of his involvement in an online or cyber affair. Don’t take this lightly. These affairs can be as harmful to your marriage as the real thing. Though they may not involve sexual contact, the emotional attachment can be extremely strong and can quickly progress from cyberspace to physical reality.

Sign 18: Cell Phones

Today’s technological advances make it easier for a husband to cheat on his wife. But it’s also easier for a husband to get caught while trying to make contact or stay in touch with his lover. Keep checking his cell phones from time to time.

Sign 19: Physical Evidence

Many times there’s physical evidence just waiting to be found. Check your husband’s wallet, his pants or jacket pockets, his desk or dresser drawers, the wastepaper basket, his closet shelves, the floor in the back of his closet, the garage, his study, filing cabinets, his workshop, his toolbox or any place else you can think of. Keep your eyes open. You will be surprised at the kinds of physical evidence of infidelity you can find.

Sign 20: His Behavior Around Other Women

Studies show that a man is most likely to have an affair with someone he already knows. She could be a woman he comes in contact with on a regular basis, a neighbor, a coworker, a family friend or business associate. If you are observant, you may be able to determine the identity of your husband’s lover by the way he behaves in her presence, or by how she behaves around him.

Sign 21: Accidental Disclosures

Sometimes you get lucky and find out what your husband has been up to by accident, or through some strange quirk of fate. An accidental slip-up on his part or on the part of someone else can clue you in to what has been happening behind your back.

In this age of rampant infidelity, no woman, married or single, can risk missing or misinterpreting the telltale signs of an affair. The survival of her relationship may one day depend on her ability to recognize the warning signs in time.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

How To Make Your Proposal Memorable?

Make it memorable for her by taking care of a few things that will not just make the love of your life happy but will also help you get yes from her.

The most common things a girl looks for in a proposal are following:

@1# Ask for her parents blessing.

This is the most common request and as daunting as it might seem, make sure you do it if she wants you to. Asking for her parents blessing helps her to know you have put a lot of thought into the proposal and gone that extra mile to feel welcomed into the family.

@2# Make it a complete surprise.

Not everyone likes surprises but having a surprise proposal is a must. That isn’t to say it should be completely out of the blue because of course you should test the waters first. But you can do that by dropping little hints, while still keeping the whole thing a surprise. You will appreciate that you did when you see the unsuspecting smile on her face.

@3# Use her full name.

Not every girl will appreciate this - it depends whether or not she likes to be called by her full name, but most will. Calling her by her full name reinforces how much you actually care about her, and if you usually don’t use her full name it can seem really be romantic when you do at that special time.

@4# Get down on one knee.

This is a common demand from girls. A man getting down on one knee seems traditional, and that is something girls need these days with all the unconventional proposals around.

@5# Make sure her nails are done.

This isn’t always possible but it is a major factor in the proposal for some girls. Get in her good books a couple of days before and maybe book her an appointment to get her nails done. Then you are in her good books and she will have gorgeous nails ready for you to put that ring on her finger.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

7 Simple Steps To Propose A Girl

Are you in love with some girl and find it difficult to tell her? Are you confused how to propose to her? Do not worry.

You are not alone because almost every boy feels the same kind of nervousness. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you in proposing to a girl. You have to remember one thing that girls are different from you and they differ from each other too. At the same time they are very sensitive also.

So, the first thing that you have to keep in mind is you need to propose to the girl according to her temperament and nature. It should be completely unique way of proposing. You should not copy anyone’s style or ask suggestions from your friends.

7 Things to Remember When You Propose to A Girl:

@1# Be Yourself

The first thing is to be yourself and never try to overdo anything. You can make it special and sweet even while keeping it simple. If you behave in your natural way, you will find that everything will get along smoothly and comfortably.

@2# Know Your Girl And Propose Accordingly

There are some girls who still want their beloved to propose her in traditional way. If your girl is of that type you can bow down on your knees and tell those three golden words that she wants to hear from you, just to impress her.

@3# Make Special Plans

Plan for a romantic dinner and make her feel special about her. Order her favorite dish and you can propose her either before dinner or during the time of dessert. You can play her favorite music as well.

Or, you can take her to that place where you met her for the first time and recreate the same environment and scene. This will make her recall everything and when you will propose her, she will definitely get moved and will say ‘yes’ to you.

@4# Create A Romantic Moment

Drive her to the beach and when the Sun is just going to set, you can propose her. Girls like romantic moments and special occasions. You can play soft music while driving and make her feel that something special is going to happen with her that day.

@5# Take Her To A Favorite Spot

You can go to the spot where both of you wanted to go and the place both of you like. With the much loved environment around you, you can propose her.

@6# Buy Her A Special Gift

You can buy a special gift for her like a charm bracelet or a ring and ask her ‘Will you marry me?’ while presenting it to her. Presenting a ring to her will help you convey your message with an ease. Go near her with a bunch of red roses or take her somewhere out and then propose her.

@7# Propose In A Unique Way

You can also propose her in your unique way and for this you should plan and prepare for the moment. For this purpose, you can talk to her parents and can propose to her in front of them.

These tips and tricks will definitely help you while proposing a girl and chances are you will be able to win her heart.

However, before proposing you should also be sure that the girl also loves you. So, do not hurry in presenting your proposal, analyze your relationship and you will get indications from the girl you have chosen to propose.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5 Reasons Why Married Women Have Affairs

Many a time we wonder why do married women have affairs and cheat their respective husbands. The very first thing which comes to mind is that they must be having affairs for the sake of lust. But when analyzed properly, the reasons suggest that it’s not all about lust.

Here are Top 5 Reasons why married women have affairs:

@1# Loneliness: This is the very first reason which compels a married woman to go for having an affair. You are at home with your husband and he’s watching TV and you’re trying desperately to make conversation. On a weekend you want to go on a date and he takes you to the movies. All the while he is on the phone checking his emails and chatting with someone else.

And if half the time he is travelling or comes home late at night, a woman is bound to feel lonely. She feels there is no connection. She will reach for the closest man in her life. He could be a childhood friend, a colleague or her brother’s best friend.

It all starts with the thought, "I’m so lonely. I just want to be appreciated."

Husbands need to engage with their wives, not just fulfill their duty. They need to bring back some romance and not take their wives for granted.

@2# Lust: All women have body issues. No one is completely happy with who they are. So if a woman has gone to a party and a man has paid her a compliment sincerely and had a great conversation with her engaging her mind, you can be sure she will be lusting for him.

He may not be very handsome or ideal for the long term but he is great for a good conversation. It starts with the thought, "I need someone to be attracted to me."

Husbands need to have a passionate weekend or evening with their wives occasionally where the focus is on her and trying new things in bed to show how much they lust after her.

@3# Nurturing And Caring: All women need attention and if there is a man who is giving her some attention and cares about her feelings, the affair is bound to happen.

All it takes is for a man to ask her, "Have you eaten? Are you all right?"

Women are born nurturers and do a lot in the day that husbands take for granted. If a man takes control of looking after her, he will have her heart.

Husbands can truly care for their wives by helping with taking care of children and taking them out for dinners when she doesn’t feel like cooking, checking if she is okay intermittently through the day.

@4# Intellectual High: There are so many women who have affairs within their office colleague or with men in creative fields. It’s because they are attracted to intelligence, wit and creativity.

Most husbands refuse to share what is happening at their work place, or talk about how they are feeling at home saying they are ‘tired.’

It becomes boring for the woman who ultimately will seek out interesting new men. And if this man finds her interesting too, then she feels she is matched to his creative energy and an affair happens.

No matter how dull the day was, it’s important for a husband to share it with his wife and always listen to her positively about her day as well.

@5# Money And Power: Several men like being in middle management. They are comfortable with going to work, earning enough and coming back on time.

Without any hobbies, interests or ambition, a man can wither away and take his relationship down the drain as well. A woman is attracted to a man who has planning for future, who wants to earn more, who is driven and wants to go further in his life.

She is even more excited when this man asks her for her opinion and follows through with it. If he is already in a position of power, she feels an adrenaline rush if an important man thinks she is attractive.

Husbands should remember why their wives chose them in the first place and bring back the drive and ambition.